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    邱检生 胡建 蒋少涌 王汝成 徐夕生

    邱检生, 胡建, 蒋少涌, 王汝成, 徐夕生, 2005. 鲁西中、新生代镁铁质岩浆作用与地幔化学演化. 地球科学, 30(6): 646-658.
    引用本文: 邱检生, 胡建, 蒋少涌, 王汝成, 徐夕生, 2005. 鲁西中、新生代镁铁质岩浆作用与地幔化学演化. 地球科学, 30(6): 646-658.
    QIU Jian-sheng, HU Jian, JIANG Shao-yong, WANG Ru-cheng, XU Xi-sheng, 2005. Mesozoic-Cenozoic Mafic Magmatism in Western Shandong Province and Its Implication for the Chemical Evolution of the Mantle. Earth Science, 30(6): 646-658.
    Citation: QIU Jian-sheng, HU Jian, JIANG Shao-yong, WANG Ru-cheng, XU Xi-sheng, 2005. Mesozoic-Cenozoic Mafic Magmatism in Western Shandong Province and Its Implication for the Chemical Evolution of the Mantle. Earth Science, 30(6): 646-658.



    国家自然科学基金项目 40272035

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    • 中图分类号: P588.12

    Mesozoic-Cenozoic Mafic Magmatism in Western Shandong Province and Its Implication for the Chemical Evolution of the Mantle

    • 摘要: 镁铁质火成岩作为分布最为广泛的典型幔源岩石, 已成为探索地幔化学性状及示踪岩石圈深部过程的主要研究对象.通过对典型样品元素-同位素组成的系统测定, 并结合前人已有资料, 综合研究了鲁西中生代和新生代镁铁质岩石的地质与地球化学特征.研究结果表明, 中生代镁铁质火成岩总体具有富轻稀土和大离子亲石元素、贫高场强元素、ISr值变化范围大(0.70396~0.71247)、εNd (t) 值显著偏低(-9.20~-21.21) 的地球化学特征, 但该区南部和北部的中生代镁铁质岩石在元素-同位素组成上仍存在一定差别, 主要表现在南部较之北部镁铁质岩石具有更高的稀土总量(ΣREE为325.52×10-6~555.75×10-6)和轻、重稀土比值(LREE/HREE=17.75~25.97), 以及更高的LILE/HFSE比值(如La/Nb=6.37~13.85, Th/Nb=0.52~1.53).南部镁铁质岩石较之北部镁铁质岩石也更富放射成因锶, ISr值分别为0.70844~0.71247和0.70396~0.70598.元素-同位素综合示踪指示鲁西中生代地幔总体具有因岩石圈大规模拆沉作用形成的EMⅠ型富集地幔特征, 但其南部叠加了因深俯冲而进入地幔的扬子陆壳的影响, 因而表现出EMⅠ和EMⅡ组分混合的富集地幔特征.新生代玄武岩具有类似于大洋玄武岩的地球化学特征, 其源区应为亏损的软流圈地幔, 但在部分熔融形成岩浆之前遭受了近期的交代作用.自中生代至新生代, 华北克拉通地幔具有由富集向亏损演变的趋势, 这一化学性状的演变最可能是中生代以来岩石圈大规模拆沉作用, 导致软流圈地幔上涌并对原有岩石圈地幔再改造所致.


    • 图  1  鲁西中、新生代镁铁质岩石分布

      1.新生代碱性玄武岩; 2.中生代火山岩; 3.辉长质杂岩体; 4.金伯利岩; 5.碳酸岩; 6.镁铁-超镁铁质煌斑岩; 7.断裂; Ⅰ.华北板块; Ⅱ.扬子板块

      Fig.  1.  Sketch map showing the distribution of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic igneous rocks in western Shandong Province

      图  2  鲁西中、新生代镁铁质岩石地球化学对比

      1.新生代玄武岩; 2.方城中生代玄武岩; 3.蒙阴中生代钾玄质火山岩; 4.济南辉长岩; 5.邹平辉长岩; 6.邹平中生代玄武质火山岩.C.新生代玄武岩; MS.鲁西地块南部中生代镁铁质火成岩; MN.鲁西地块北部中生代镁铁质火成岩.图中除本文资料外, 其余资料引自: 新生代玄武岩据金隆裕(1989)支霞臣(1990)陈道公(1992)牛漫兰等(2001); 中生代镁铁质岩石据邱检生等(1997)Guo et al. (2001)Zhang et al. (2002)Guo et al. (2003)裴福萍等(2004)

      Fig.  2.  Geochemical comparison diagrams of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic igneous rocks in western Shandong Province

      图  3  鲁西中、新生代镁铁质岩石稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分型式(球粒陨石值据Boynton, 1984)

      Fig.  3.  Chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic igneous rocks in western Shandong Province

      图  4  鲁西中、新生代镁铁质岩石微量元素相对于原始地幔标准化蛛网图(原始地幔值据Sun and McDonough, 1989)

      Fig.  4.  Primitive mantle-normalized spidergrams of trace elements for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic igneous rocks in western Shandong Province

      图  5  鲁西中、新生代镁铁质岩石La/Nb-Ba/Nb关系(图例及资料来源同图 2)

      Fig.  5.  La/Nb versus Ba/Nb diagram of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic igneous rocks in western Shandong Province

      图  6  鲁西中、新生代镁铁质岩石(87Sr/86Sr) i-εNd (t) 关系

      1.新生代玄武岩; 2.邹平玄武质火山岩; 3.邹平辉长岩; 4.济南辉长岩; 5.方城玄武岩; 6.蒙阴钾玄质火山岩; 7.鲁西地块南缘中生代镁铁-超镁铁质煌斑岩; 8.北淮阳富钾火山岩; 9.北大别镁铁-超镁铁岩; 10.胶莱盆地钾玄质火山-侵入岩; DM.亏损地幔; MORB.洋脊玄武岩; OIB.洋岛玄武岩; PM.原始地幔; EMⅠOIB.具EMⅠ型富集地幔特征的洋岛玄武岩; EMⅠ.Ⅰ型富集地幔; EMⅡ.Ⅱ型富集地幔; 其余代号同图 2.除本文资料外, 新生代玄武岩据陈道公(1992)支霞臣等(1994); 中生代镁铁质岩石据Guo et al. (2001)Qiu et al. (2002); Zhang et al. (2002)Guo et al. (2003); 北大别镁铁-超镁铁岩据Jahn et al. (1999); 北淮阳富钾火山岩据邱检生等(2002); 胶莱盆地钾玄质火山-侵入岩据邱检生和王德滋(1999)Fan et al. (2001)

      Fig.  6.  (87Sr/86Sr) i versus εNd (t) diagram for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic igneous rocks in western Shandong Province

      图  7  鲁西中、新生代镁铁质岩石ISr-Mg#、SiO2关系(a)和La/Nb-Ba/La关系(b)

      图 7a除本文资料外, 其余资料引自Guo et al. (2001)Zhang et al. (2002)Guo et al. (2003); 图 7b资料来源同图 2

      Fig.  7.  ISr versus Mg# and SiO2 diagrams (a) and La/Nb versus Ba/La diagram (b) for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic igneous rocks in western Shandong Province

      图  8  鲁西不同时代幔源岩石εNd (t) 值频率分布

      古生代金伯利岩据路凤香和郑建平(1996);中、新生代岩石同图 6

      Fig.  8.  Histogram of εNd (t) values for mantle-derived rocks of different ages in western Shandong Province

      图  9  鲁西中生代镁铁质火成岩ISr频率分布(资料来源同图 7a)

      Fig.  9.  Histogram of ISr values for the Mesozoic mafic igneous rocks in the north and south parts of western Shandong Province

      表  1  鲁西中、新生代镁铁质火成岩代表性样品主量和微量元素含量及Sr-Nd同位素组成

      Table  1.   Major, trace element contents and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the typical mafic igneous rocks in western Shandong Province

      表  2  鲁西中、新生代镁铁质火成岩不相容元素比值及与各主要地球化学储库的对比

      Table  2.   Incompatible element ratios of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic mafic igneous rocks in western Shandong Province and comparison with those of the other geochemical reservoirs

      表  3  华北地块东部中生代镁铁质岩石εNd (t) 值

      Table  3.   εNd (t) values of the Mesozoic mafic igneous rocks in east part of the North China block

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