Dynamic Equilibrium of Source-Contacting Oil and Gas by Using Pressure Difference of Formation Fluids
摘要: 根缘油气藏(深盆油气藏) 是紧临源岩存在的烃类聚集, 是在高勘探程度下所发现的油气藏类型.由于它在成藏机理及存在方式上的特殊性, 常规意义上所采用的动力平衡方程不再适合于对其成藏平衡作用过程的分析.结合根缘油气藏地质特征及其演化特点, 采用对连续油气柱上升力的分解分析方法, 讨论了流体压差的平衡问题, 建立了位于源岩上部的根缘油气藏的动力平衡方程.
- 根缘油气藏(深盆油气藏) /
- 流体压差分析 /
- 油气成藏动力平衡
Abstract: The source-contacting oil and gas are discovered under high extent of geological exploration. Conventional balance equation used for the accumulation process of oil and gas cannot be suitable for the source-contacting oil and gas because of their special mechanism and occurence patterns. According to the geological characteristics and evolution process, the analysis method on the ascending forces of continuous hydrocarbon columns within complex formation water environments has been put forward. In this paper, the balance equations of source-contacting oil and gas are established respectively in typical, complex, and special situations on the basis of equilibrium related to pressure difference of fluids. -
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