Modeling Geological Fluids to High Temperatures and Pressures
摘要: 几乎所有的地球化学过程都有地质流体参加, 定量地了解地质流体的物理化学性质是定量研究地球化学过程的基础.100多年以来, 广大化学和实验地球化学工作者做了大量的实验测定工作, 可是所有这些工作之和, 仅仅覆盖地球范围内一个不大的温压空间, 远远不能满足地球化学研究的需要.近年来, 我们试图通过分子水平上的研究, 结合热力学和统计力学方面的知识, 在重现前人实验结果的基础上, 研究实验工作者没有或不能研究的温压和成分空间, 得到了一系列能够精确预测地质流体在广阔的温压范围内的物理化学性质的状态方程.这些状态方程不仅能够重现实验数据, 而且具有良好的外延能力, 可以应用于地球化学领域诸多方面的研究.重点讨论了几个状态方程(包括纯流体状态方程含水溶液状态方程和含盐-水-气的状态方程) 在预测流体的溶解度、相平衡、化学位和PVT性质方面的应用.简要介绍了近年来笔者应用分子动力学和蒙特卡罗模拟在地质流体研究方面所取得的成果Abstract: Methodsfor predicting the thermodynamic properties of natural fluids over a large range of concentration, temperature and pressure are presented. With careful choice of phenomenology and parameterization, predictions can be made with accuracies similar to the experimental data.Resultspresented for the NaCl-CO2-CH4-H2O system suggest that these modeling methods can be used to extrapolate experimental measurements to high pressure and temperature regions difficult to access by experimental methods. For species such as CH4 and CO2, which are nonpolar and weakly interacting, a corresponding states representation yields results that are highly accurate and depend on only two temperature and pressure independent parameters. Predictions with such models of fluid/fluid coexistence at high temperature and pressures are within experimental accuracy. The role of molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations in developing thermodynamic representations of natural system are discussed. For closed shell and nonpolar systems, simulation results agree very well with experimental data. Polar systems (H2O) at sufficiently high temperatures are also well described. On the other hand, the simulations for polar systems at low temperatures yield results only in qualitative agreement with data. Efforts to improve simulation methods for these systems are in progress.
图 2 状态方程(Eq. (1)) 对纯CH4压缩因子的预测结果与实验数据的比较
图中Z=PV/RT, 实线和虚线表示状态方程的预测结果, 空心矩形、空心圆、实心圆、实心矩形代表的实验数据分别取自Deffet and Ficks (1965), Din (1961), Francesconi and Kristische (1978), Tsiklis and Linshits (1967)
Fig. 2. Comparison of the measured compressibility factor for CH4 with predictions of Eq. (1)
图 3 CO2-H2O体系的气-液相平衡
图中实线代表我们的状态方程的预测结果, 实心和空心的圆、矩形和三角形分别代表不同温度下的实验数据, 这些实验数据取自Todheide and Franck (1963)
Fig. 3. Phase coexistence for the system CO2-H2O. The solid line is the prediction of the EOS. Experimental data from Todheide and Franck (1963)
图 4 CH4-H2O体系的气-液相平衡
图中实线代表我们状态方程的预测结果, 实心圆代表的实验数据取自Welsch (1973), 实心三角代表的实验数据取自Sultanov and Skripka (1971)
Fig. 4. Phase coexistence for the system CH4-H2O. The solid line is the prediction of the EOS. Experimental data from Welsch (1973) (solid circles), Sultanov and Skripka (1971) (solid triangles)
图 5 CO2-H2O混合体系中CO2和H2O的逸度与相同温压条件下纯CO2和纯H2O逸度的比值随体系组成的变化关系
图中的曲线表示状态方程的预测结果, 在虚线部分对应的组成范围内体系处于两相区, 连接对角的两条直线代表理想混合状态对应的逸度的比值
Fig. 5. Ratio of mixture fugacities to end-member fugacities of CO2 and H2O in their mixtures at 300 ℃ and 700 ℃. The dashed lines show the two-phase region. The diagonal solid lines represent ideal mixing
图 6 H2O-N2体系在超临界区的相分离现象
对比态方程的预测结果与实验数据的比较, 实验数据取自VanHinsberg et al. (1993)、Costantino (1991)
Fig. 6. Supercritical fluid/fluid phase coexistence in the binary system H2O-N2
图 7 CO2-H2O体系的热焓
图中实线为对比态方程的预测结果, 矩形代表Dawe and Snowdon (1974)的实验数据
Fig. 7. Prediction of the Enthalpy model for the CO2-H2O system (solid lines). Data from Dawe and Snowdon (1974)
图 9 CO2-CH4体系的气液相平衡
图中实线代表蒙特卡罗吉布斯系综模拟方法的模拟结果, 圆和三角形代表Al-Sahhaf et al. (1983)的实验数据
Fig. 9. Phase equilibria for the binary CO2-CH4 system calculated by the MC Gibbs Ensemble simulation (solid lines). Experimental data from Al-Sahhaf et al. (1983).
图 10 CO2-CH4-N2三元系的气-液相平衡——蒙特卡罗吉布斯系综模拟结果与Al-Sahhaf (1990)的实验数据的比较
Fig. 10. Phase equilibria of the ternary system CO2-CH4-N2 calculated via a MC Gibbs Ensemble simulation vs. experimental data
图 11 文中第三部分介绍的状态方程预测的NaCl-H2O-CO2体系的PVTX性质与实验数据的比较
图中实线代表状态方程的预测结果, 实心圆代表Gehrig (1980)的实验数据, 虚线代表相边界, 虚线下方为两相不混溶区, 虚线上方为单相区
Fig. 11. Comparison of experimental PVTX properties in the ternary NaCl-H2O-CO2 with the prediction of the EOS of section 3. Data from Gehrig (1980). The dashed line is the phase boundary. The liquid and vapor two-phase field is below this boundary. The single fluid phase field is above this boundary
图 12 NaCl-H2O-CO2体系的气液相平衡(温度等于500 ℃, 压力为2 000×105 Pa)——状态方程的预测结果与Frantz et al. (1992)的合成流体包裹体实验数据的比较
Fig. 12. Calculated phase equilibria vs. data measured by the synthetic fluid inclusion method in the ternary NaCl-H2O-CO2 for T=500 ℃, P=2 000×105 Pa. Data from Frantz et al. (1992)
图 13 NaCl-H2O-CO2体系的气液相平衡(温度等于500 ℃, 压力为1 000×105 Pa)——状态方程的预测结果与Frantz et al. (1992)的合成流体包裹体实验数据的比较
Fig. 13. Calculated phase equilibria vs. data measured by the synthetic fluid inclusion method in the ternary NaCl-H2O-CO2 for T=500 ℃, P=1 000×105 Pa. Data from Frantz et al. (1992)
图 14 文中第三部分介绍的状态方程预测的NaCl-H2O-CH4体系的摩尔体积与实验数据的比较
图中实线代表状态方程的预测结果, 实心圆表示Krader and Frank (1987)测定的实验数据
Fig. 14. Comparison of the experimental volumes/mole in the ternary system NaCl-H2O-CH4 with the prediction of the EOS of section 3. Data from Krader and Frank (1987)
图 15 状态方程预测的NaCl-H2O-CH4体系的气-液不混溶相边界和共结线与Lamb et al. (1996)测定的合成流体包裹体实验数据的比较
Fig. 15. Comparison of experimental immiscibility boundary and tie-lines (synthetic fluid inclusion method) with the prediction of the EOS for the ternary NaCl-H2O-CH4 system at 500 ℃ and 1 000×105 Pa. Data from Lamb et al. (1996)
表 1 对比态方程对氮气和纯水体系PVT性质的预测结果
Table 1. Experimental PVT data vs. the corresponding state and other EOS
表 2 H2O-CO2体系的PVTX性质——对比态方程的预测结果与实验数据的比较
Table 2. Comparison of experimental PVTX data in the system H2O-CO2 with the corresponding state EOS
表 3 状态方程对高温高压条件下NaCl-CO2-H2O体系的密度的预测结果
Table 3. Prediction of density at high temperatures and pressures in the system NaCl-CO2-H2O
表 4 笔者建立的NaCl-H2O-CH4-CO2体系状态方程与实验数据以及Bowers-Helgeson方程(1983)的比较
Table 4. EOS of this study is compared with experimental data and with the EOS of Bowers-Helgeson (1983)
表 5 采用RWK2势能函数对水的PVT性质的模拟结果
Table 5. Simulated PVT properties for water using RWK2 model
表 6 盐-水体系的PVTX性质——模拟结果与实验数据的对比
Table 6. PVTX properties of salt-H2O system simulated results vs. experimental data
表 7 流体体系热力学性质的实验数据涵盖的温-压范围
Table 7. Thermodynamic measurements on fluid systems
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