Role of Large-Scale Strike-Slip Faults in the Formation of Petroleum-Bearing Compressional Basin-Mountain Range Systems
摘要: 了解含油气盆地的形成及其演化的影响因素对于含油气盆地的勘探和开发是至关重要的.以美国西部的圣安德烈斯断裂带及伴生的南加州油气盆地作为参考, 对中国青藏高原北部与阿尔金走滑断裂系相关的盆-山构造进行了剖析.探讨阿尔金走滑断裂系在其演化过程中, 怎样控制区域应力场、变形构造及盆地的形成, 进而制约油气的迁移和圈闭.分析结果表明与圣安德烈斯断裂带在美国南加州的盆-山构造体系所起的作用相比较, 阿尔金走滑断裂系在青藏高原北部的盆-山构造体系的形成和演化中起相似的作用.青藏高原相对于塔里木盆地的斜向运动导致在阿尔金走滑断裂的东南形成走滑-挤压构造域.形成一系列的走滑和推覆构造, 在地形上表现为包括柴达木盆地在内的有序的盆-山相间的构造体系.与南加州富含油气的盆地相似, 阿尔金走滑断裂及相配套的走滑-逆冲推覆构造促使在这些盆地中形成富集油气的构造.Abstract: Understanding the factors that affect the formation and evolution of petroleum-bearing sedimentary basins plays a critical role in the prospecting and exploitation of oil fields. The formation and evolution of the highly-order coastal and on-land petroleum-bearing Cenozoic basins and their bounding mountain ranges in southern California, USA were initiated and controlled by the San Andreas fault system, a large-scale plate boundary transform fault that separates the Pacific plate from the North American plate. The northeast oblique movement of the Pacific plate relative to the North American plate in conjunction with the big bend of the San Andreas fault in southern California produces intense contractional strain across the Transverse Ranges and leads to the formation of a series of fault and fold structures that shape the salient landscape of southern California. For comparison, we have conducted detailed structural analyses on the basin-mountain range systems in the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau to discuss the role of the Altyn Tagh fault in (1) development of regional contractional stress field; (2) formation of structures and sedimentary basins; (3) generation of structures that facilitate the migration and capture of oil and gas.Resultsshow that the Altyn Tagh fault has played a similar role in the formation of the spectacular basin-mountain systems to that of the San Andreas fault. The oblique convergence of the Qinghai-Tibet terrane relative to the Tarim basin resulted in the formation of transpressional tectonic regime to the southeastern of the Altyn Tagh fault. Such oblique convergence resulted in a series of strike-slip and thrust faults. As a consequence, the areas from the Kunlun Mountains to the Qilian Mountains form spectacular landforms characterized by alternations of basins and mountain ranges. For both cases of the southern California and the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau, thrust faulting not only provides a viable mechanism for the migration of oil or gas, but also resulted in fault-propagation folds which serve as the favorable capture structure for oil and gas. One of the key factors that generate such a highly organized petroleum-bearing basin-mountain system is oblique convergence induced slip partitioning which results in the dextral horizontal slip along a major strike slip fault and vertical slip along numerous blind or exposed thrust faults.
图 1 圣安德烈斯断裂带与南加州近海和陆上的含油气盆地及地貌简化示意图
SNB.Sierra Nevada花岗岩岩基; PRB.半岛山脉花岗岩岩基; SAF.圣安德烈斯断裂; GF.Garlock断裂; PKCF.古Kern Canyon断裂; BPF.Big Pine断裂; SM.Santa Maria盆地; LA.洛杉矶盆地; SB-VT.Santa Barbara-Ventura盆地; MT.Montery湾盆地; A-B.为相应于图 2中的横穿洛杉矶盆地和San Gabriel山脉的剖面线.实线为走滑断裂, 虚线为逆冲推覆断层, 带箭头的虚线为太平洋板块相对于北美板块的现今运动方向.图中的大谷地为中生代的弧前盆地, 也是美国主要的油区之一
Fig. 1. Simplified map showing the San Andreas fault and its adjacent costal and in-land petroleum-bearing Cenozoic basins in southern California, USA
图 2 地震反射剖面、石油勘探及地震定位所揭示的洛杉矶盆地中一系列的盲逆冲推覆构造
a.地震反射剖面及石油钻探揭示的盲逆冲推覆构造及断层生长褶皱(据Shaw and Shreaer, 2000); b.图2a中所揭示的逆冲断层向深部延伸和1987年Whittier Narrows地震发生所在的断面相吻合(据Dolan et al., 2003); c.LARSE综合研究项目所确定的从南加州海岸线到Mojave沙漠的简化构造剖面(据Fuis et al., 2001修改).NIF.Newport-Inglewood走滑断层; EPT.Elysian Park逆冲断层; WF.Whittier逆冲断层; PHF.Puente Hills逆冲断层; SMF.Sierra Madre逆冲断层; SP.San Pedra山脉; SM.Santa Monica山脉; a和b为地震反射所揭示的可能为液态物质的亮点.Qt.第四纪沉积; Tfu, Tfl, Tp和Tv为第三纪含油气沉积地层; Plio.上新世; S.L.为海平面
Fig. 2. Blind and exposed thrust fault and fold structures revealed by seismic reflection profiling, oil-drilling and relocation of earthquake focus in the Los Angeles basin
图 4 青藏高原北部的新生代构造平面及构造剖面
a.青藏高原北部的新生代构造平面图: 1.盆地; 2.山脉; 3.大型左型走滑断裂; 4.逆冲断裂; 5.左行走滑断裂; 6.右型走滑断裂; 7.地质界线; 8.剖面位置.b.青藏高原北部构造剖面图: 1.山体; 2.盆地; 3.逆冲断裂; 4.左行走滑断裂.①.祁连盆-山构造域; ②.柴达木盆-山构造域; ③.巴颜喀拉-松甘盆-山构造域.盆地: B1.酒泉盆地; B2.苏海盆地; B3.柴北缘盆地; B4.青海湖盆地; B5.西宁盆地; B6.柴达木盆地; B7.共和盆地; B8.贵德盆地; B9.阿牙库木克盆地; B10.阿奇克库都克盆地; QDMB.柴达木盆地; SHB.苏海盆地; JQB.酒泉盆地.山脉: QLS.祁连山; ALTS.阿尔金山; QMTGS.祁漫塔格山; EKLS.东昆仑山; ALS.阿拉善地体; TRM.塔里木地体; BY.巴颜喀拉地体; QT.羌塘地体; MHS.马海山.走滑断裂: ALTF.阿尔金左行走滑断裂; HYF.海源左行走滑断裂; EKLF.东昆仑左行走滑断裂
Fig. 4. Simplified geologic map showing the Cenozoic structures and cross-sections showing the characteristic structures in the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau
图 5 祁连山新生代构造平面及构造剖面
a.祁连山新生代构造平面图: 1.盆地; 2.山脉; 3.大型左型走滑断裂; 4.逆冲断裂; 5.左行走滑断裂; 6.正断裂; 7.剖面位置; 8.逆冲断裂; 9.地质界线.b.祁连山新生代构造剖面图: 1.山体; 2.盆地; 3.逆冲断裂; 4.左行走滑断裂.KTS.宽堂山; QLS.祁连山; TXS.大雪山; YMS.野马山; DHNS.党河南山; ALTS.阿尔金山; ALTF.阿尔金断裂; TRM.塔里木地体; QDM.柴达木地体; JQB.酒泉盆地; CMB.昌马盆地; SBCB.石堡城盆地; SBB.肃北盆地; YMB.野马盆地; YCWB.盐池湾盆地
Fig. 5. Simplified geologic map showing the Cenozoic structures and cross-sections showing the characteristic structures in the Qilian Mountains
图 6 柴达木北缘欧北凹陷红山地区逆冲推覆构造(姜洪川等, 1989)
1.不整合; 2.逆冲断裂; 3.早古生代褶皱; 4.有利的含油气构造部位.AnC.前石炭纪; C.石炭纪; DC.泥盆纪-石炭纪; Mz.中生代; Pz.古生代; E-N.老第三纪—新第三纪
Fig. 6. Cross-section showing the thrust fault and associated structures in the Hongshan area of Oubei depression, North Qaidam
图 7 青藏高原北部盆-山构造域中盆地封闭及快速堆积(Tapponnier, 2000)
Fig. 7. Schematic diagram showing closure of the basins and rapid deposition within the basin-mountain system in the northern Qinghai-Tibet plateau
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