Cenozoic Deformation and History of Sea-Land Interactions in Asia
摘要: 在现今各个大陆中, 亚洲经历的新生代形变最强. 白垩纪到老第三纪时的亚洲大陆, 不仅面积较今为小, 而且形态偏瘦"; 自从始新世印度与亚洲碰撞之后, 亚洲的面积与高度急剧增大. 随着青藏高原隆升和边缘海的张裂, 东亚原来西倾的地势发生倒转, 形成了从大陆中央隆升区向周围辐射的亚洲大河流系. 亚洲隆升有可能是北极冰盖形成与发展的重要因素, 因为隆升不仅改变大气环流、加剧风化作用, 而且还使西伯利亚河系改向北流, 通过注入北冰洋的淡水促使海水结冰、导致冰盖形成. 新生代亚洲形变, 也使得亚洲季风系统在早中新世形成, 又在约8 Ma与约3 Ma时强化. 同时, 西太平洋边缘海系列的形成, 也改变了亚洲大陆与太平洋之间的物质与能量的交换. 流经边缘海的太平洋西部边界流, 对于洋面升降和构造运动极为敏感, 在冰期低海面时边界流位于边缘海之外, 使大洋输向大陆的热量和水分大为减少. 今天, 亚洲与太平洋之间的能流与物流最为活跃, 可惜亚洲在全球气候环境演变中的重要性至今未能获得学术界的充分认识.Abstract: Of the existing continents, Asia experienced the most significant deformation during the Cenozoic. From the Cretaceous to early Paleogene, Asia was smaller and "slimmer" compared with the present continent. After the India-Asia collision in the Eocene, Asia significantly enlarged its size and increased its altitude. The west-tilting topography of East Asia was reversed with the uplift of the Tibetan plateau and the opening of marginal seas, resulting in an Asian fluvial system radiating from the uplifted center of the continent. Plateau uplift may have promoted the establishment and growth of the Arctic ice-sheet not only by the alteration of atmospheric circulation and enhancement of weathering, but also by the formation of north-flowing Siberian rivers, which provided the Arctic Ocean with freshwater run-off. The Cenozoic deformation of Asia was also responsible for the initiation of the Asian monsoon system during the early Miocene and its further strengthening at ~8 Ma and ~3 Ma. The formation of a series of seas fringing the East Asian margin has changed the material and energy flux between the Asian continent and Pacific Ocean. The western Pacific boundary currents flowing through the marginal seas are highly sensitive to eustatic and tectonic changes. During low sea-level stands caused by glaciation, the boundary currents flowed outside the marginal seas and reduced the heat and humidity supply from the ocean to the continent. Today, the most active energy and material fluxes in the Earth System occur between Asia and the Pacific, yet the role of Asia in controlling global climatic and environmental history has been underestimated.
Key words:
- Asia /
- Cenozoic /
- continental deformation /
- marginal sea /
- climate evolution /
- sea-land interaction
图 2 亚洲与太平洋巨大反差的全球效应
a.西太平洋暖池是大气三大环流的中心: 侧向与横向季风环流和造成厄尔尼诺现象的沃克环流, 等值线示表层海水温度多年平均值, 28 ℃等温线示西太平洋暖池大致位置(据Webster et al., 1998改绘); b.亚洲东南是陆地风化剥蚀和向大洋供应陆源沉积物全球最强的地区, 黑圆圈大小示主要外流河系的剥蚀速率估算值(据Summerfield and Hulton, 1994改绘); c.全球生物分异度最高的“东印度三角” (据Briggs, 1999绘)
Fig. 2. Global significance of the contrast between Asia and the Pacific ocean
图 4 新第三纪以前的亚洲, 以始新世中期为例(据Chen, 1995; Hall, 1998, 2001; Цеховский и Ахметьев, 2003b绘制)
当时欧洲与亚洲被西西伯利亚浅海和图尔盖海道分开; VB.“东亚火山带”; VY.维尔霍杨斯克褶皱带; ZF.浙闽山地; 上述山脉形成于晚中生代, 在老第三纪时仍然高耸.接受这些山脉剥蚀输出的沉积物、堆积复理石和三角洲地层的中生代盆地如: SG.松潘盆地; HB.湖北盆地; HN.湖南盆地
Fig. 4. A sketch map of pre-Neogene Asia exemplified by the middle Eocene
图 5 南海北部大洋钻探ODP1148井(18°50′N, 116°34′E, 水深3 294 m) 记录的晚渐新世构造事件
a.浮游有孔虫分带; b.堆积速率(g·cm-2·ka-1); c.钕同位素εNd (0);d.Al/Ti比值; e.La/Lu比值; f.岩心回收率; g.与全球地层序列的对比(据Li et al., 2003和Li et al., in press)
Fig. 5. Tectonic events in the Late Oligocene recorded at ODP1148, northern South China Sea
图 7 早始新世的古地理图, 表示大约50 Ma前的海陆分布、植被与表层水温的分布
据Barron (1985)、Haq (1981)、Crowley and North (1991)、Wang (1990) 资料绘; 1.混合针叶林; 2.针叶与阔叶混交林; 3.常绿阔叶林; 4.亚热带雨林; 5.热带雨林; 6.表层水等温线(℃)
Fig. 7. Early Eocene paleogeography: Sea-land distribution and environment at about 50 Ma
图 8 亚洲早始新世时的雨量分布, 根据图 7下垫面条件作出的数值模拟结果(据Chen et al., 2000改绘)
Fig. 8. Simulated precipitation distribution in early Eocene Asia based on the surface conditions shown in
图 10 北太平洋中层水在现代太平洋的分布(据Talley, 1993)
黑色与白色箭头分别指黑潮与亲潮及其延伸; 圆圈示圣巴拉拉盆地
Fig. 10. Distribution of the North Pacific intermediate water in the modern Pacific
图 11 末次盛冰期西北太平洋西部边界流的推测图
粗箭头示古黑潮与古亲潮及其延伸的假定途径; 细箭头示南海表层流(据汪品先和李荣凤, 1995, 数值模拟结果); 细虚线示海冰分布区(据Frenzel et al., 1992); 灰色表示大陆(浅灰) 与出露陆架(深灰)
Fig. 11. Hypothetical patterns of the western boundary currents in the northwest Pacific during the last glacial maximum
表 1 西太平洋四大边缘海的形态特征(据Wang, 1999修改)
Table 1. Morphological features of four Western Pacific marginal seas
表 2 黄土高原风尘历史的发展
Table 2. Development of the dust history in the loess plateau, China
表 3 西北太平洋边缘海的通道
Table 3. Straits of the four NW Pacific marginal seas
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