Hydrochemical Zonality and Geochemical Modeling of Deep-Lying Pore Water in Taiyuan City
摘要: 太原市深层孔隙水具有明显的水化学分带性, 具体表现为由山前到盆地依次分布硫酸-重碳酸型水、重碳酸-硫酸型水、重碳酸型水, 且各类地下水均大体在南北向上呈条带状展布, 这与补给水的水化学状况密切相关.利用地球化学模拟软件PHREEQC建立一系列地下水混合模型对深层孔隙水的水化学形成过程进行模拟, 结果显示: 盆地北部的深层孔隙水受到北部边山岩溶水、盆地北部浅层孔隙水、汾河水的补给, 其中北部边山岩溶水是最主要的补给源; 盆地西部的深层孔隙水由西部边山岩溶水与盆地西部浅层孔隙水混合而成; 盆地南部的深层孔隙水则由盆地北部与西部的深层水混合而成.混合作用是控制区域水化学状况的最重要的因素.Abstract: Hydrochemical zonality was delineated for deep-lying pore water in Taiyuan. SO4-HCO3 water, HCO3-SO4 water and HCO3 water occur sequentially from mountain area to basin area, in north to south zonal distribution, which is highly correlative with the hydrochemistry of supply water. To understand the forming process of deep-lying pore water hydrochemistry at Taiyuan, a series of groundwater mixing models were set up using PHREEQC. The results indicate that the deep pore water of the northern basin is recharged by karst water from the northern mountain area, shallow pore water from the northern basin, and Fenhe River water. Karst water from the northern mountain area is the most important source of recharge. Deep pore water in the western basin is recharged by karst water from the western mountain area and shallow pore water from the western basin. Hydrochemistry of deep pore water in the southern basin is affected by the mixing of deep pore water from the western basin with that from the northern basin. According to above analysis, the mixing process is the most important in forming the hydrochemistry of deep pore water at Taiyuan.
Key words:
- Taiyuan /
- deep-lying pore water /
- hydrochemical zonality /
- geochemical modeling /
- mixing process
表 1 深层孔隙水水化学特征
表 2 岩溶水、浅层孔隙水、汾河水的水化学组成
表 3 混合溶液及深层孔隙水中硬石膏、文石、方解石、白云石、石膏的饱和指数
Table 3. Saturation indexes of anhydrite, aragonite, calcite, dolomite and gypsum in the mixed solution and deep pore water
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