De-layer Observation Technique and Application in Complex Landslides
摘要: 滑坡勘测与防治工程实践证明, 地下水是滑坡体稳定性分析的敏感因子.因此, 获取滑坡体地下水位是滑坡勘测的重要目的之一.由于滑坡体组成物质的多样性与透水性差异, 滑坡体存在不同类型的地下水, 即多层地下水位.钻孔终孔水位所代表的是滑坡体综合水位, 不能区分滑坡体中存在的多层地下水位.应用地下水分层观测技术可以解决上述问题.系统地介绍了滑坡体地下水分层观测技术, 并以三峡工程库区和平广场、黄腊石滑坡为例, 分析了地下水分层观测成果对滑坡防治工程的意义.Abstract: Landslide surveys and preventative analysis have shown that underground water is a sensitivity factor of landslide stability analysis. Therefore, it is important to obtain the underground water level at the site of a landslide. There are different types of underground water levels which this paper refers to as the de-layer underground water level in landslides, due to multiple substance composition and diverse permeability. The water level of a terminal borehole is synthesis level for borehole, and cannot distinguish multi-underground water levels by itself. The de-layer technique of underground water observation could solve the above problems. This paper introduces the systematic de-layer technique of underground water observation and analyzes the results and significance for landslide prevention using the examples of the Heping square landslide and the Huanglashi landslide in the reservoir region of the Three Gorges Project.
Key words:
- complex landslide /
- underground water /
- de-layer observation technique
表 1 和平广场滑坡体透水性注水试验成果
Table 1. Injection test results of permeability of Heping square landslide
表 2 黄腊石滑坡体透水性注水试验成果
Table 2. Injection test results of permeability of Huanglashi landslide
表 3 黄腊石滑坡体地下水分层观测成果
Table 3. De-layer observation result of underground water of Huanglashi landslide
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