Lower Triassic Conodont Zonations of Chaohu Area, Anhui Province and Their Global Correlation
摘要: 安徽巢湖地区早三叠世处于下扬子碳酸盐岩缓坡较深水区域, 地层序列完整、清晰, 各类化石是区域乃至全球最为丰富、序列最为完整的, 是研究国际早三叠世年代地层最经典地区之一.对安徽巢湖平顶山西坡剖面、平顶山北坡剖面、马家山南剖面系统采样和精细的牙形石生物地层研究结果表明, 下三叠统至少可以划分为8个牙形石带, 建立了在华南具有代表性的下三叠统牙形石生物地层序列, 自下而上为(1) Hindeodustypicalis带; (2) Neogondolellakrystyni-Neogondolellaplanata带; (3) Neospathoduskummeli带; (4) Neospathodusdieneri带; (5) Neospathoduswaageni带; (6) Neospathodus pingdingshanensis带; (7) Neospathodus homeri带; (8) Neospathodus anhuinensis带.并与世界其他地区同期地层进行精确对比, 为建立下三叠统印度阶与奥伦尼克阶界线的全球层型(GSSP) 提供可靠依据.Abstract: The paleogeographical setting of Chaohu during the Early Triassic was in the deep part of the Yangtze platform and the Lower Triassic sequence is complete throughout with rich and various fossils, especially distinct ammonoid and conodont biostratigraphic sequences, and it is one of the most typical sections of Early Triassic chronostratigraphy in the world. Lower Triassic conodont fossils were systematically collected from continuous sections of West Pingdingshan, North Pingdingshan and South Majiashan, Chaohu, Anhui Province on a sample-by-sample basis. Detailed zonations are made in each section. Eight conodont stratigraphic zones have been distinguished. They are, in ascending order, Hindeodus typicalis Zone, Neogondolella krystyni-Neogondolella planata Zone, Neospathodus kummeli Zone, and Neospathodus dieneri Zone, Neospathodus waageni Zone, Neospathodus pingdingshanensis Zone, Neospathodus homeri Zone, and Neospathodus anhuinensis Zone. They may be precisely correlated with contemporaneous ones in North America and other areas. These data are reliable evidence for erecting the global stratotype of the Induan-Olenekian boundary (GSSP).
Key words:
- biostratigraphy /
- conodont zone /
- Lower Triassic /
- global correlation /
- Chaohu in Anhui Province
表 1 早三叠世牙形石分带及其国内外对比
Table 1. Correlation ofthe Lower Triassic conodont zones in the world
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