Composition and Characteristics of Salt-Mud Bed in Dongying Depression
摘要: 含盐层序原始沉积的典型特征是盐类岩石与超压泥岩等构成互层的多韵律结构.盐和泥作为一个整体, 与纯粹的厚层的盐或泥相比, 其塑性变形能力和行为具有特殊性.针对这一特点, 提出了盐-泥层和盐-泥构造的概念.盐-泥层是指盐类岩石与超压泥岩呈互层的沉积层序, 具有一定的塑性或流动性.盐-泥构造是由盐-泥层的流动变形而形成的一类构造样式.盐-泥层的概念在含盐盆地中具有较广泛的适用性.Abstract: Saline sequences exist in the lower fourth number of the Shahejie Formation and the first number of the Kongdian Formation in the Dongying depression. The typical feature of primary sediments of the saline sequence is the rhythmic succession characterized by interbeds of evaporite and overpressured mudstone, which is prevalent in continental fault basins in China. As a whole, a salt-mud bed is different from a cure salt bed or mud bed and its plastic forming structures are also different. So the concepts of "salt-mud bed" and "salt-mud tectonics" are proposed in this paper. "salt-mud bed" refers to sedimentary sequence consisting of the interbeds of evaporite and overpressured mudstone, which has ductile or fluid properties. "salt-mud tectonics" is a kind of tectonics resulting from the distortion of a salt-mud bed flow. The concept of salt-mud bed will assist research into the genetic mechanism and structural style of salt-mud tectonics.
Key words:
- saline sequence /
- salt-mud bed /
- salt-mud tectonics /
- Dongying depression
图 1 东营凹陷沙四段下亚段含盐层序沉积特征对比(单位: m)
Cs.上部旋回; Cx.下部旋回; 1.石盐岩; 2.石膏岩; 3.石膏质石盐岩; 4.含石膏石盐岩; 5.泥质石盐岩; 6.泥质石膏岩; 7.石盐质泥岩; 8.石膏质泥岩; 9.含石盐泥岩; 10.含石膏泥岩; 11.软泥岩; 12.油页岩; 13.泥岩; 14.灰质泥岩; 15.白云质泥岩; 16.白云岩; 17.灰岩; 18.粉砂岩; 19.灰质粉砂岩; 20.白云质粉砂岩; 21.泥质粉砂岩; 22.砾岩; SP.自然电位曲线(mV); R.电阻率(π·m)
Fig. 1. Comparative sketch of sedimentary characteristics of saline sequences in lower forth member of Shahejie Formation in Dongying depression
表 1 东营凹陷钻井含盐层序基本数据统计
Table 1. Basic data of saline sequences from drills in Dongying Depression
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