Influence of Structure on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor
摘要: ABR反应器的结构决定了反应器的流态, 从而控制着可能达到的处理效率.为进行反应器结构优化设计, 首次研究了ABR的下、上向流室宽度比、折流板底端距底板距离和折流板折角等结构参数与ABR水力特性之间的关系.厌氧折流板反应器ABR的典型结构由一系列相同结构单元串联组成.反应器的水力特性可通过研究单个单元的水力特性推知.采用停留时间分布RTD (residence time distribution)方法研究了反应器各结构参数的变化对一个5.2 5L的ABR单元清水水力特性的影响.结果表明: ABR的死区较小, 远低于其他厌氧生物反应器; 流态接近理想推流式; 下、上向流室宽度比不宜过小, 最佳值为1∶3;折流板底端距底板距离与死区在本试验所取范围内(1~ 5cm)成正比关系; 折流板折角以50°左右为佳.Abstract: To provide guidance for the structure design of anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR), a study has been carried out on the influence of structure parameters such as the ratio of width of downflow chamber to upflow chamber, the distance of baffle to bottom, and the value of the angle of baffle on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the ABR. Anaerobic baffled (reactor's) typical structure is composed of a series of identical units. The reactor's hydrodynamic characteristics can be deduced from the characteristics of a single ABR unit. This paper presents residence time distribution studies on the influence of structure on a 5.25 L clean ABR unit. The results show that the fraction of dead space is lower compared to other type anaerobic reactors, and the type of flow in the ABR tends towards plug-flow. The data indicate that the optimal value of the ratio of width of downflow chamber to upflow chamber is 1∶3; the distance of baffle to bottom and dead space is in direct proportion to the range of this study (1-5 cm); and the optimal value of the angle of baffle is about 50°.
Key words:
- anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) /
- structure /
- hydrodynamic chracteristics /
- dead space
表 1 ABR单元宽度分布(以长为单位1)
Table 1. Distribution of width of ABR units
表 2 ABR单元高度分布(以长为单位1)
Table 2. Distribution of height of ABR units
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