Study on Synthesis, Characterization and Catalysis of Heteropolyanion Pillared Hydrotalcite-Like Compounds
摘要: 采用共沉淀法合成了具有不同组成的类水滑石层状化合物和杂多酸, 并以此制备了一系列杂多阴离子柱撑类水滑石; 用XRD和IR方法对柱撑产物的结构进行了表征, 它们具有K结构; 结果表明这些材料层间高度为0.97nm.并且发现以H2O2为氧化剂的这种层柱催化剂在液-固相中对苯甲醛氧化成苯甲酸具有很高的活性和选择性.Abstract: Hydrotalcite-like compounds, heteropolyanions with different compositions, and their pillared products were synthesized by coprecipitation. The structures were characterized by XRD and IR with Keggin structure. The results indicated that these materials possess exceptionally well-ordered gallery height of 0.97 nm. It is found that this kind of pillared layered catalyst has high activity and selectivity for the oxidation of benzaldehyde to benzoic acid using H2O2 as oxidant in liquid-solid phase system.
Key words:
- heteropolyanion /
- hydrotalcite-like compound /
- preparation /
- benzaldehyde /
- H2O2 oxidation
表 1 Zn2Al-An-的d(003)实验值与预想值比较
Table 1. Comparison of expected with observed d(003)spacings of Zn2Al-An- having various anions
表 2 Zn2Al-PZW11的IR光谱数据
Table 2. IR data of Zn2Al-PZW11 cm-1
表 3 Zn2Al-PZW11对苯甲醛的H2O2氧化催化活性
Table 3. Catalytic activity of Zn2Al-PZW11 for oxidation of benzaldehyde to benzoic acid using H2O2 as oxidant
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