Investigation to On-Site Detection System for Gaseous Hydrocarbon with High Sensitivity Be Used to Explore Gas and Oil in Sea
摘要: 为了提高灵敏度、选择性及扩大气体检测组分, 化学气体传感器被研究并应用于海洋油气勘查.这种传感器灵敏度高、体积小、重量轻、功耗低、易操作, 并能在海洋恶劣的条件下工作.不同的传感器能够被集成在一个芯片上, 同时测定多种化学物质.传感器可以与计算机相连, 直接提供数据处理.因此, 特别适宜于海洋油气勘查.这是世界上第一套成功研制出的基于化学传感器原理的便携式高灵敏度气态烃现场测定系统, 用于现场测定样品中的超微量甲烷、乙烷、丙烷及氢气的含量, 检测限低达10-10 g, 选择性、重现性、稳定性和寿命都达到世界先进水平.不仅可用于海洋油气勘查, 而且可用于其他需要进行超微量气体现场检测的领域.Abstract: In order to improve the sensitivity and selectivity and to increase the detectable gas compositions, the chemical gas sensor is investigated and applied to explore natural gas and oil in sea. The sensor has the advantage over the traditional equipments, including high sensitivity, small magnitude, low weight, low power, easy manipulation, and also being able to work under the worst condition in sea. Different kinds of sensors are able to be installed on a chip, simultaneously testing diverse chemicals. The sensor can also be connected to the computer, directly process the data. Thus, it is specially suitable for exploring gas and oil in sea. Based on the chemical sensors, this sensor is the first detection system successfully investigated for the gaseous hydrocarbon and hydrogen in the world, which is able to be easily carried with high sensitivity. The sensor can directly measure the quantities of the over-trace methane, ethane, propane and hydrogen in the sample. The detection limit is 10-10 g. Its selectivity, repeatability, stability and life-time have reached to the advanced level in the world. Not only can the sensor be used to explore gas and oil in sea, but also can be used to test other over-trace gases in any field.
Key words:
- over-trace /
- gaseous hydrocarbon /
- chemical sensor /
- gas and oil in sea /
- gas hydrate /
- quickly geochemical exploration
表 1 国内外气态烃现场测定系统技术指标比较
Table 1. Comparison of technical parameters from on-site detection system of gaseous hydrocarbon between inside and outside China
表 2 各种氧化物半导体的感气特性(厚膜)
Table 2. Sensing characteristics of various oxide semiconductor (thick membrane)
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