Mid-Pleistocene Revolution Recorded by Pulleniatina obliquiloculata in the Southern South China Sea
摘要: 对南海南部ODP 1143站2.1 Ma以来沉积物中的浮游有孔虫群进行研究, 发现在冲绳海槽及南海北部普遍被认为是黑潮标志种的Pulleniatina obliquiloculata在中更新世革命(MPR)前后对冰期旋回的响应截然相反; 且在MPR之后的变化与南海北部和冲绳海槽相反, 即冰期时含量高而间冰期时低.交叉频谱分析和相位分析的结果也证实了ODP 1143站P.obliquiloculata与全球冰量变化之间的上述关系.该种在MPR前后冰期旋回的转变, 可能是由于MPR之后南海南部在冰期时切断了与印度洋之间的海水交换, 或者是冰期时海水盐度增加等因素引起的上部水体结构的重大改观所致.
- Pulleniatina obliquiloculata /
- 冰期旋回 /
- 中更新世革命(MPR) /
- 南海南部
Abstract: Planktonic foraminifers from ODP Site 1143, southern South China Sea (SCS), were analyzed to reveal their response to glacial cycles in the past 2.1 Ma. Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, a widely-accepted indicator of the Kuroshio, shows completely reverse fluctuations, with high abundance in glacials, in southern SCS to those in the Okinawa trough and northern SCS since the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (MPR). Before the MPR, P.obliquiloculata is abundant in interglacial intervals. Cross-spectral and phase analyses between P.obliquiloculata and δ18O confirmed the observations depicted above. The authors ascribed the transition of P.obliquiloculata's response to glacial cycles in southern SCS to a profound change in the regional upper ocean structure, probably related to glacial separation of the southern SCS from the Indian water and to higher surface salinity during glacial times after the MPR. -
图 1 ODP1143站位示意图
图中曲线为南海表层沉积物中普林虫百分含量等值线(据Pflau-mann and Jian, 1999)
Fig. 1. Location of ODP Site 1143图中曲线为南海表层沉积物中普林虫百分含量等值线(据Pflaumann and Jian, 1999)
图 5 南海南部和北部普林虫百分含量冰期旋回对比(17940站资料来源于Pflaumann and Jian, 1999; 1146站δ18O数据来自Clemens and Prell, 待刊; 17957站资料引自Jian et al., 2000b; 1143站δ18O数据来自汪品先等, 2001和Tian et al., 2002)
Fig. 5. Downcore comparison of P. obliquiloculata% from northern and southern SCS (data of Core 17940 from Pflaumann and Jian, 1999; δ18O of ODP Site 1146 from Clemens and Prell, in press; data of Core 17957 from Jian et al., 2000b; and δ18O of ODP Site 1143 from Wang et al., 2001 andTian et al., 2002)
表 1 P. obliquiloculata%与底栖有孔虫氧同位素(δ18O) 之间交叉频谱分析和相位分析结果
Table 1. Results of cross spectral coherencies and phase relationships between P. obliquiloculata% and benthic δ18O at ODP Site 1143
0~0.85 Ma 0.85~2.1 Ma 偏心率 斜率 岁差(23 ka) 斜率 岁差(23 ka) C PS C PS C PS C PS C PS 0.76 -157.2±21.6 0.74 153.9±22.7 0.74 176.1±22.6 0.85 6.9±13.5 0.67 -7.9±23.0 C.相关系数; PS.相位差(结果内“±”后面的数字为误差); 0~0.85 Ma和0.85~2.1 Ma时间段内二者相关系数超过80%置信度的值分别为0.66和0.55. -
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