Hydraulic Performance of Horizontal Well and Applicability of Its Analytical Solutions
摘要: 利用自制的水平井砂槽模型, 进行了一系列不同流量条件下的水平井抽水试验, 结果表明: (1)在不同出流条件下, 水平井井管中可以同时出现层流-粗糙紊流多种不同流态; (2) 水平井出流条件下, 井管中的水头损失既不能忽略, 也不服从线性变化规律.它与井管中的水流流态有关.用“等水头井壁”或“等强度线汇”来刻画水平井井壁边界条件是不全面的.根据“等强度线汇”理论得到的解析解与试验结果对比发现, 本试验条件下解析解的近似适用条件是: 水平井管中的水流全部为层流(Re < 2 320)或者层流和层流-光滑紊流过渡区(Re < 4 000)同时并存的情况.当水平井管中出现光滑紊流区(Re> 4 000), 即同时有层流、层流-光滑紊流过渡态和光滑紊流或更多种流态时, 解析解已不再适用, 此时必须用新的层流-管流耦合模型来求解.Abstract: Based on the hydraulic performance of horizontal well, the authors produced a grant sand tank model, by which they took horizontal well pumping testson the different flux, measured the value of the head and flux obtained from time to time, and studied its hydraulic performance. The hydraulic test of the sand tank model showed that(1)several kinds of flow regimes are presented in the horizontal well pipe during the horizontal well pumping, such as transient region of laminar flow, hydraulic smooth region, transient region of turbulent flow and hydraulic roughness region.(2)The head loss of horizontal well pipe, which is neither neglected nor linear, is closely related to the flow regime, so thatitis not perfect to describe a horizontal well-bore with the linear or square sink. The reflectance theory is used to establish the analytical model. On the linear sink basis, when only flow of laminar(Re < 2 320)or flow of laminar and transient regions of laminar flow(Re < 4 000)are presented in the horizontal well pipe, the analytical solution is approaching the test data. However, when flow of laminar, flow of laminar and transient regions of laminar flow, hydraulic smooth region, and transient region of turbulent flow or hydraulic roughness region(Re < 4 000)occur, the analytical solution is not applicable. Then a new combined mathematical model of flow should be used in an aquifer-horizontal well system to obtain a solution.
Key words:
- horizontal well /
- sand tank model /
- flow regime /
- flow resistance /
- analytical solution
表 1 传感器(观测点)的位置
Table 1. Position of observation points
表 2 不同试验条件下解析解与实测值的误差
Table 2. Errors between analytical solutions and observed values on different conditions
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