Academic Thoughts and Achievements of Professor CHEN Chong-xi
摘要: 在地下水资源评价理论方面, 陈崇希教授分析了"平均布井法"不符合质量守衡原理的实质, 纠正了以"地下水补给量计算可持续开采量"的错误, 提出了基于"质量守衡"的地下水资源评价原则, 强调分析"补给的增加量与排泄的减少量"在评价地下水可持续开采量时的重要意义.在地下水动力学领域, 陈崇希教授纠正了稳定井流"影响半径"模型的错误, 恢复了Dupuit"圆岛模型"的原貌, 拓展了Theis公式和Hantush公式的应用条件, 改进了地下水非稳定井流理论, 完善了其中的某些基本概念.在水文地质模拟仿真技术方面, 陈崇希教授提出确定滨海承压含水层海底边界的理论和方法; 提出地下水混合井流的模型和模拟方法, 解决了混合抽水试验确定分层水文地质参数的难题; 提出岩溶管道-裂隙-孔隙三重介质的地下水线性-非线性流动的模型; 建立了考虑井管水流雷诺数对滤管入流量分布的水平井-含水层系统的地下水流模型; 完成了"渗流-管流耦合模型"的砂槽物理模拟, 并用数值方法仿真了地下水流的规律; 最近向观测孔水位形成的传统观念———常规观测孔中的水头降深反映该孔滤水管中各点的平均降深———提出质疑.陈崇希教授建立的"渗流-管流耦合模型"使传统的基于线汇/线源的井孔-含水系统模型提高到新的水平.陈崇希教授积极倡导"防止模拟失真, 提高仿真性", 强调精细地分析水文地质条件、合理地概化模型和采用正确的仿真技术的重要性.Abstract: Professor CHEN Chong-xi is an eminent quantitative hydrogeologist in China. Over his distinguished academic career of 50 years, Professor CHEN has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of hydrogeology in China. This article is a brief review of his academic thoughts and achievements. Professor CHEN's research has covered many aspects of groundwater hydrology, including fundamental concepts and approaches of groundwater resource evaluation, theories of transient groundwater flow dynamics and methodology of groundwater numerical modeling. Like many scientists and scholars in China, Professor CHEN's academic ideas have been greatly influenced by literature first from former USSA and then USA. In 1970s, while most groundwater hydrologists in China overwhelmingly welcomed the new theory and concepts developed by overseas scientists and were very keen to apply them to solve local hydrogeological problems, Professor CHEN was probably one of the few who really scrutinize the theory and method very critically before using them. He challenged quite a few concepts and ideas that were widely accepted in the groundwater community but had no basis in fact. In the process of learning and challenging the traditional theories and methods, he also developed his own unique approach and style of solving groundwater problems in China.For example, the "effective radius" calculated from the Dupuit equation assuming that groundwater is in steady state was widely used to design the number and pattern of wells in a well field. He pointed out that unsteady state flow prevails in real aquifer systems and the concept of "effective radius" on the basis of steady state groundwater flow theory is incorrect for most flow systems in reality. He clarified the misunderstanding of the Dupuit equation and believed that the Dupuit equation applies only for a circular aquifer bounded by a fixed head boundary such as a circular island in the middle of the sea. His speculation was confirmed by the original publication of Dupuit which was available in China only after 1981, Professor CHEN made contributions in unsteady state flow theory as well. By studying the basic equations and the superposition theory, he relaxed the assumption of horizontal initial water level for using the Theis and Hantush equations.It was well accepted that the maximum recharge under natural hydrogeological conditions can be used to determine the sustainable groundwater resource. Professor CHEN challenged such an approach and demonstrated that sustainable groundwater development should be based on the increase in recharge or/and the decrease in discharge after the aquifer system reaches a new equilibrium under pumping condition. Unfortunately, the myth that the recharge prior to pumping is important in determining the magnitude of sustainable groundwater development still goes on in the groundwater community in the world.Professor CHEN developed some creative and effective methods of numerical modeling for some special hydrogeological problems. For numerical simulation in coastal aquifers, he presented the "equivalent boundary" theory to determine the offshore boundary of a confined aquifer with roof extending under the sea on the basis of analyzing by tidal data. He proposed the equivalent hydraulic conductivity approach to simulate the pumping test data from a pumping well in a multilayer aquifer system. By taking account the different flow regimes (laminar and turbulent flows, and the transition range), his approach can simulate the dynamic interaction between the aquifers via non-Darcian vertical flow through the wellbore. He also used the approach to study groundwater flow in a horizontal well and verified his model and approach by conducting laboratory tests in a sand tank model. He further extended this approach to handling the complex groundwater flow in karst aquifers by presenting a triple porosity model for karst aquifers consisting of pipes, fissures and a porous matrix. Recently, Professor CHEN has challenged the traditional thinking about the physical meaning of water level measured from an observation well. It has been well accepted that the water level in an observation well reflects the average hydraulic head in the aquifer profile that is occupied by the screened portion of the well. Professor CHEN has been conducting research to prove that the water level in the observation well penetrating several aquifers represents only the head of the upper aquifer, or more precisely, the uppermost point of the upper aquifer.On the basis of his modeling experience over the last half century, he strongly believes that the most important element in numerical modeling is that the model designers should make every effort to ensure that a numerical model is an accurate representation of the actual processes occurring in the real aquifer system. The best way to achieve this goal is to analyze the hydrogeological conditions with great care, conceptualize the model in a rational manner and simulate the process using an appropriate numerical technique.
Key words:
- CHEN Chong-xi /
- academic thought /
- groundwater /
- resource estimation /
- model /
- numerical simulation /
- well flow problem.
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