Introduction of Windows Software GZAF for Electron Probe Microanalysis
摘要: GZAF电子探针分析和控制系统软件Windows版采用VB和VC自主开发, 可运行于Win98等操作系统下.具有较全面的电子探针分析和控制功能, 主要有: 硬件系统设置、校正和驱动、定量分析及数据处理、多种定性分析模式、大样品线扫描分析、大样品面/线自动/手动布点定量分析及相应的图像生成和显示、X射线特征谱分析、薄膜厚度分析等.分析报告方式有电子表格、数据库、文本文件、平面或立体图形和图像文件.所有报告都可以直接在Of fice、WPS、Access、Photoshop等通用软件中引用和加工.该软件移植性强, 只要提供32位标准的电子探针硬件接口, GZAF即可应用于任何厂家的电子探针上.GZAF可以半脱机或完全脱机使用, 灵活方便地为所有探针用户服务.
- 电子探针(EPMA) /
- GZAF软件 /
- Windows
Abstract: GZAF software for Windows98 developed by ourselves using VB and VC supports many of the functions for electron probe analysis, such as hardware setup, drive and correction, quantitative analysis and data process, qualitative analysis, line scanning analysis of large sample, area/line (sem-) quantitative (image) analysis, character X-ray spectrum analysis, thickness measure of film, etc. The analysis reports in text files, 2D/3D graphs or images files. All the reports can use or process by means of general application software such as Office, WPS, Access, Photoshop, etc. Supporting any EPMA with 3 channel spectrometry with a need of only 32 digits interface software, GZAF software also works in half/full off-line mode and serves all EPMA users.-
Key words:
- electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) /
- GZAF software /
- Windows
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