Lower Triassic Conodont Biostratigraphical Sequence at West Pingdingshan Section, Chaohu, Anhui Province, China
摘要: 简要介绍安徽巢湖平顶山下三叠统牙形石生物地层研究的最新成果.对平顶山西坡剖面112.8 m厚的下三叠统地层所采集的286件牙形石样品, 经处理后获得2 870余枚牙形石样本, 经鉴定共有11属51种.这些属分别是Hindeodus, Isarcicella(?), Neogondolella, Neospathodus, Platyvillosus, Cratognathodus, Parachirognathus, Pachycladina, Ellisonia, Aduncodina和Cornudina.牙形石生物地层从老到新可划分为9个牙形石带: (1)Hindeodus typicalis- Neogondolella planata带; (2)Neogondolella krystyni带; (3)Neospathodus kummeli带; (4)Neospathodus dieneri带; (5)Neospathodus n. sp. C- Neospathodus n.sp. D带; (6) Neospathodus waageni带; (7)Neospathodus n.sp. M带; (8)Neospathodus eotriangularis带; (9) Neospathodus abruptus- Neospathodus homeri带.牙形石的组合面貌基本可与国内外其他地区牙形石带相对比.但其中牙形石(2), (3), (5), (7), (8)带为巢湖地区首次建立.在下三叠统菊石带控制下所建立的连续的牙形石分带对全球的三叠系阶的对比具有十分重要的意义. 关键词: 牙形石; 牙形石生物地层; 下三叠统; 安徽巢湖.Abstract: The authors provide a brief introduction on the Lower Triassic conodont zonation at West Pingdingshan Section, Chaohu, Anhui Province, China. Rich conodont fossils have been extracted from 172 productive samples in 286 analyzed samples, from the Lower Triassic Yinkeng, Helongshan, and the lower part of Nanlinghu Formation exposed at the section of 112.8 m thick. The extracted 2 187 conodont elements include 51 stratigraphically significant species referable to 11 genera: Hindeodus, Isarcicella(?), Neogondolella, Neospathodus, Platyvillosus, Cratognathodus, Parachirognathus, Pachycladina, Ellisonia, Aduncodina and Cornudina. Nine conodont zones are recognized in ascending order as follows: (1)Hindeodus typicalis-Neogondolella planataZone; (2)Neogondolella krystyni Zone; (3)Neospathodus kummeli Zone; (4)Neospathodus dieneri Zone; (5)Neospathodusn. sp. C-Neospathodusn. sp. D Zone; (6)Neospathodus waageni Zone; (7)Neospathodusn. sp. M Zone; (8)Neospathodus eotriangularis Zone; (9)Neospathodus abruptus-Neospathodus homeri Zone. Zones (2), (3), (5), (7) and (8) are first established and also Neospathodus waageniis reported for the first time from the Yinkeng Formation. Associated with conodonts also occur macrofossils such as ammonoids and bivalves, which confirm the conodont biochronostratigraphy to a certain degree.
Key words:
- conodont /
- conodont biostratigraphy /
- Lower Triassic /
- Chaohu, Anhui Province
表 1 几条全球下三叠统剖面菊石和牙形石带或牙形石动物群对比
Table 1. Correlation of Lower Triassic biochronostratigraphy showing intercalibration of ammoniod and conodont zones and faunas over the world
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