New Evidence and New Model about Allochthonous Accumulation of Extra-Thick Coalbeds in Continental Fault Basin, China
摘要: 在云南先锋盆地和小龙潭盆地的超厚煤层中, 有丰富的异地成因的沉积学标志.这些成因标志揭示了2种新的异地堆积亚模式, 即“先锋亚模式”和“小龙潭亚模式”.其中, “先锋亚模式”可归纳为“湖相植物碎屑扇三角洲-水下重力流二次堆积”; “小龙潭亚模式”可归纳为“湖相植物碎屑三角洲-水下重力流二次堆积”.综合这2种亚模式及笔者原先所建立的“阜新亚模式”和“抚顺亚模式”, 可以进一步概括出完整的中国中、新生代内陆断陷盆地超厚煤层的“异地-微异地二次湖泊复合堆积模式”, 即“腐植型植物碎屑河流远源搬运→植物碎屑扇三角洲或植物碎屑三角洲沉积+湖泊漂浮异地植物碎屑沉积+湖滨沼泽泥炭微异地堆积+湖泊原地藻类泥炭原地堆积+泥质碎屑或砂质碎屑或生物壳屑沉积→洪水、弱风暴流或水下重力流的混合和搬运作用→植物碎屑与无机碎屑的机械分异和再沉积”.Abstract: Abundant sedimentary marks of allochthonous genesis are present in the extra-thick coalbeds both in Xianfeng basin and in Xiaolongtan basin in Yunnan. These genesis indicators reveal two new submodels about allochthonous accumulation: Xianfeng submodel and Xiaolongtan submodel. Xianfeng submodel can be reduced to the twice accumulation of lacustrine peaty fan delta and underwater gravity flow, and Xiaolongtan submodel can be reduced to the twice accumulation of lacustrine peaty delta and underwater gravity flow. Integrating these two submodels with Fuxin submodel and Fushun submodel previously established by the authors of this paper, a complete allochthonous-hypautochthony twice lacustrine combination accumulation model for the extra-thick coalbeds in Chinese Mesozoic and Cenozoic intracontinental fault basin is thus established, as shown below: the river distant transport of humic-peat detritus → the sedimentation of peaty fan delta or peaty delta + the allochthonous sedimentation of lacustrine drift peat + the hypautochthony accumulation of local lakeshore swamp peat + the autochthonous accumulation of local lacustrine algae peat + the sedimentation fine detritus, medium-macro-grained detritus or biostromal shelly detritus → the mix and transportation because of flood current or weak storm flow or underwater gravity flow → the mechanical differentiation and resedimentation of peat and inorganic detritus.
Key words:
- fault basin /
- extra-thick coalbed /
- allochthonous coal /
- coalbed genesis /
- coal accumulation model /
- Mesozoic and Cenozoic /
- China
图 6 小龙潭盆地地质简图与综合地层柱状图(据云南煤田地质局1977年资料编绘)
1.河头煤系; 2.泥灰岩段; 3.主煤段; 4.东升桥和薄煤段; 5.地质界线; 6.正断层; 7.逆断层; 8.向斜轴; 9.砾岩; 10.含砾粗砂岩; 11.中砂岩; 12.细砂岩; 13.粉砂岩; 14.泥质粉砂岩; 15.泥岩; 16.含砾泥岩; 17.含砾中砂岩; 18.含砂泥岩; 19.泥灰岩; 20.灰岩; 21.炭质泥岩; 22.煤层
Fig. 6. Geological sketch map and composite strata column section of Xiaolongtan basin of Yunnan, Southwest China
图 7 小龙潭盆地主煤层的灰分产率等值线和煤分层代表性垂向层序(等值线数据来自云南煤田地质局, 1977)
粒级比例尺同图 5; 1.煤层; 2.炭质泥岩; 3.煤的滑塌构造; 4.煤的水平纹理; 5.煤的波状纹理; 6.透镜状煤屑; 7.煤化木块或煤砾; 8.煤化树枝; 9.透镜状钙质砂岩; 10.泥岩; 11.泥质细砂岩; 12.粉砂岩; 13.小型交错层理; 14.泥炭三角洲边界; 15.灰分产率(%); 16.河流及流向; 17.村庄与建筑物
Fig. 7. Isoline of ash of main coalbedsin Xiaolongtan basin of Yunnan, Southwest China and the representative vertical bed succession graph of the coal layering
表 1 煤层(组) 中选型孢粉组合特征
Table 1. Features of lectotype sporo-pollen combination in the coalbeds
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