On Discussion of Concentration of Radioelements in the Earth's Crust
摘要: 地热学和陨石学的研究都指出, 地球上放射性热源浓度随深度指数衰减.但为何会存在这样的分布特征仍是地球科学的疑谜.通过地球排气现象的研究指出, 正是类地行星及小行星演化中的排气作用, 将放射性元素带到了类地行星及小行星的表面; 而且演化时间越长的类地行星, 深部的放射性元素也越少.目前流行的地球动力学理论是以地球内部的热为根本动力的学说, 地球深部放射性热源数量的稀少对“热机动力机制”提出了质疑.由于地球动力学依靠的能源只有地球内部的热和地球自转动能2种, “地球自转动力机制”应更多地被重视和研究Abstract: Geothermic and astrolithological studies indicated the exponential attenuation of the Earth's radioelement consistency along the depth. The explanation to this fact remains an enigma in geoscience. Through the investigation of the Earth's gas discharge, we discovered that this process have brought radioelements to the upper layer and the surface of the Earth. The same process also happened in other earthlike planets and planetoids and the older the lesser the radioelements at the planet interior. All prevailing geodynamics theories are based on the mechanism of Earth’s interior thermal dynamics. But the lack of interior radioelements of the Earth heckles this thermal mechanism.
Key words:
- radioelement /
- geodynamics /
- the Earth’s gas discharge process
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