An Origin Study on Lava Reservoir in Oubei-Dawan Area
摘要: 从分布、成分组成、形成机制等几个方面探讨了辽河油田东部凹陷中段最主要的火山岩储层———粗面岩的成因机制, 并对其成为该区良好储层的原因进行了探讨, 通过对比说明了另一类火山岩———玄武岩不含油的原因, 并建立了成因模式, 最后得出结论: 粗面岩呈喷发状态产出, 由于其硅质含量高, 流动性小, 容易在构造高部位形成巨厚的火山岩锥或火山岩钟, 从而造成其大部分在水上, 结晶较好且储层物性极佳, 同时因其裂缝发育, 这些因素结合起来使其成为良好的储层.从供油方式来看, 其成藏方式属于侧生式, 而从生储盖组合方式来看, 其属于自生、自储、自盖式成藏组合.同时给出了其成藏模式.Abstract: There are two kinds of lavas in the east depression of Liaohe oilfield. One is trachyte, the main lava reservoir in the area, and the other is basalt. By researching the extension, composition and cause of formation, the paper verifies the reason why the trachyte becomes good reservoir. By contrast, it also gives the reason for which the basalt doesn't contain oil and gas. It concludes that because of its high silicon contents, the trachyte is difficult to flow, and is easy to pile up at the top of structure. Therefore, its main body is beyond the surface. Good crystal brings about its perfect reserve characters. At the same time, the trachyte has lots of cracks. All the facts make the trachyte an excellent reservoir. In the end, the paper presents a pattern of forming reservoir for lava. It points out that its style of oil supply is a side-product and its style of forming reservoir is self-produced, self-reserved and self-sealed.
表 1 工作区不同时期火山岩类型
Table 1. Different types of lavas in the studied area
表 2 粗面岩与玄武岩特征对比
Table 2. Contrast of trachyte and basalt
表 3 火山岩不同喷发方式对比
Table 3. Contrast of different eruptive ways of lavas
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