Discussion on Petroleum Migration in Bamianhe Oilfield of Dongying Depression, Eastern China
摘要: 八面河油田原油中吡咯类化合物及与其具有类似骨架的杂原子芳烃—二苯并噻吩、二苯并呋喃等具有较为明显的运移分馏效应, 指示八面河断裂构造带中北部断裂、构造较为发育地带为主要油气注入点, 绝大部分油气自主要注入点沿地层上倾方向作侧向运移; 广北斜坡带运移分馏效应不太明显, 反映各油气单元间连通性较差及油源、油气运聚成藏过程较为复杂; 滩海一带原油具有较强的运移分馏效应, 指示原油具有非原地性.含氮化合物运移分馏效应反映, 断层、不整合面为八面河油田油气运移的主要通道, 牛庄、广利洼陷为八面河油田可能的油源区, 反映绝大多数油气主要来自正常生油门窗内的成熟烃源岩.Abstract: Petroleum migration study of Bamianhe oilfield of Dongying depression, eastern China is observed on the basis of detailed work of investigating genetic mechanism and source rock of the petroleum. It is proved that pyrrolic nitrogen compound, a kind of non-hydrocarbon fraction, could be used as parameters in evaluating the quantity of migrated oil. Besides the pyrrolic nitrogen compounds, absolute quantitative analysis of aromatics such as dibenzofuran, dibenzothiophene and fluorene are also used for the evaluation. The results indicate that the pyrrolic nitrogen compounds and some heavy molecular compounds such as dibenzothiophene in the oils reveal significant fractionation effects. First, the main charging point of the Bamianhe fracture belt is at the location of the Xiaoqinghe River, where Mian 1 to Jiao 4 wells are located and also the oils migrated from the main charging point to the south and north respectively. Second, in the south part of the fracture belt, there are obvious migration fractionation effect laterally and vertically, suggesting most of the oil being accumulated at the south part. While the northern part of the fracture belt just shows slight oil migration fractionation effect from the main charging point to north. Third, at the end of the northern part of the fracture belt, the migration direction is seen to be from north to south, suggesting another source-cooker nearby. Fourth, according to the fractionation effect of the nitrogen compounds and aromatics, fractures and unconformity surfaces are inferred as the main migration paths, and the oils of the Bamianhe oilfield are assumed to come mainly from Niuzhuang and Guangli sags. It is also suggested that the oils are probably generated from the deep parts of the Niuzhuang and Guangli sags, not as what is suggested previously from the shallow sedimentary intervals in the south slope of Niuzhuang sag. Therefore, most of the oils are in fact normal oils generated by source rock in the oil-generating window.
Key words:
- pyrrolic nitrogen compounds /
- migration of oil /
- accumulation model /
- Bamianhe oilfield
表 1 八面河原油垂向运移分馏效应参数
Table 1. Vertical migration effect parameters of crude oils in Bamianhe oilfield
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