Preliminary Discussion on Gold Ore-Forming System in Greenstone Belt-Type of North China Craton
摘要: 华北克拉通中绿岩带型金矿床是我国最重要的矿床类型之一, 也是我国黄金产量和储量的主要来源.从构造动力体制来看, 华北克拉通在漫长的演化历史中曾经历过中晚元古代的离散型陆缘、早古生代到晚古生代的汇聚型陆缘和显生宙中生代克拉通活化多个构造阶段.金矿床主要形成于克拉通活化阶段, 其总的构造背景可概括为由挤压、碰撞作用晚期或期后向伸展构造的转变时期.金成矿具有明显的区域地球化学背景.虽然华北克拉通绿岩带型金矿床形成时代不尽相同, 但具有相似的地质地球化学特征, 并与显生宙花岗岩类侵入体具有密切的时空及成因联系.年代学资料表明, 金矿床(化) 与有关的花岗岩大体同时形成或稍晚于花岗岩, 指示金矿化是构造-花岗岩浆演化晚期的产物.因此, 这些金矿床基本上可归为一个成矿系统, 即绿岩带中与花岗质岩浆作用有关的热液成矿系统.Abstract: The greenstone belt type gold deposit in the North China craton (NCC), one of the most important deposit types in China, is the major source of gold productions and reserves. In terms of geodynamics, the NCC has experienced several tectonic stages ranging from the Middle and Upper Proterozoic divergent epicontinents, the Lower to Upper Paleozoic convergent epicontinents, to the Phanerozoic Mesozoic craton activation. This type of gold deposit, formed mainly in the craton activation stage, occurred in the transitional period from a compressive regime of late or post collision to an extension one. Gold mineralization occurred in a favorable regional geochemical setting (fairly high abundance of gold). Although these deposits were formed in different Phanerozoic periods, with the majority of these deposits in the Late Yanshanian, they share similar geological and geochemical features, and are spatially, temporally and genetically related to Phanerozoic granitic intrusions. Geochronological data suggest that gold mineralization is coeval with, or slightly postdates, the emplacement of the associated granites, probably indicating that gold mineralization is likely a product of the late stage of tectono magmatism. Therefore, the major gold deposits in the NCC can be considered as a single metallogenic system, i.e., hydrothermal metallogenic system related to granitic magmatism in greenstone belts.
Key words:
- North China craton /
- greenstone belt /
- gold deposit /
- metallogenic system
表 1 华北克拉通主要金矿区花岗岩类和金矿化年龄统计
Table 1. Age of granitoids and gold mineralization of some major gold orefields, North China craton
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