Three-Component" Quantitative Resource Prediction and Assessments: Theory and Practice of Digital Mineral Prospecting
摘要: 随着信息技术的发展, 矿产勘查已步入数字化、定量化研究的新阶段.“三联式”成矿预测及资源评价途径正是“数字找矿”的创新探索.“三联式”成矿预测以地质异常分析为基础, 以成矿多样性分析与矿床谱系研究为指导, 将地质异常、成矿多样性及矿床谱系三方面定量化研究紧密结合形成矿产预测及定量评价的有机切入点, 是实现全面数字找矿的必由之路, 也是矿产勘查评价领域应用信息技术的基础和前提.
- “三联式”定量成矿预测 /
- 地质异常 /
- 成矿多样性 /
- 矿床谱系
Abstract: With the rapid progress of IT, the mineral exploration has already entered into a new period of digiti-zation and quantification. The "three-component" mineral prediction and resource assessments are suggested as a new approach to the "digital mineral prospecting". The "three component" mineral prediction, based on geo-anomaly anal-ysis, is guided by the research into both the diversity of mineralization and the spectrum of mineral deposits. Close combination of these three aspects of quantitative study serves both as a new starting point for digital prospecting and as a foundation and prerequisite for IT application in this field. -
表 1 致矿地质异常分类
Table 1. Classification of ore-forming geo-anomaly
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