Preliminary Study of Paleoflood of Last Glacial Maximum in Upper Reaches of the Yellow River
摘要: 洪水的发生规律是洪灾预报的前提, 已有的人类洪水记录时间尺度, 不足以认识和把握洪水的出现规律.因此, 利用地质记录延长洪水序列, 探讨地球特征气候期的洪水特点, 就显得非常重要和必要.黄河上游兰州—银川段的洪水地质记录表明, 在末次冰盛期的2 0~ 18ka, 该区共发生了10 6次大洪水漫滩事件, 其中有18次为多次洪峰叠加的复合型大洪水, 洪水的发生频率达5 3次/ka.发生于末次冰盛期的大洪水可能属冰凌洪水, 与末次冰盛期强烈的气候波动和不稳定有关.这些大洪水的频发与中国西部的末次冰盛期出现的高湖面相对应, 既不符合一般的季风气候理论, 也不同于我国东部广大地区末次冰盛期以冷干为主的气候特点, 表明中国西部气候的独特性和复杂性.Abstract: It is well known that paleoflood predictions must base on its occurrence. But our available records do not provide long enough temporal scale for identification and grasp the emergence law of flood events. So it is very important and necessary to discuss the characters of floods during the characteristic climatic period using geological records. The flood record of Lanzhou Yinchuan reach in upper Yellow River reveals 106 flood events, with a frequency of 53 per ka, during 20 to 18 ka including 18 complex floods superposed by multiple flood peaks. These paleoflood probably belonging to ice slush floods are associated with abrupt and extreme climatic oscillation and instability of this stage. The high frequency of these paleoflood is consistent with high lake surface of western China in course of last glacial maximum. It is neither in accordance with the monsoon theory nor different from the climatic feature of eastern areas typical of cold and dry climate. This indicates the climate complexity and particularity of western China.
Key words:
- last glacial maximum /
- paleoflood /
- paleoclimate
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