Fault System and Its Control over Gas Accumulation in DF1-1 Diapir, Yinggehai Basin
摘要: 莺歌海盆地的巨厚充填、高地温梯度及大规模的超压流体活动等特殊的地质背景, 造就了DF1- 1底辟构造的独特性, 其内天然气的总体特征与底辟区的断裂系统存在着密切的联系.底辟区内的超压流体活动使其上覆地层产生众多的断裂和裂隙.这些垂向上的断裂和裂隙既构成了异常压力体系能量释放的主要通道, 同时也形成了天然气运移的垂向输导体系.在断裂开启过程中上升的活动流体主要取决于断裂下延的深度及断裂上延所连通的中深-浅层的渗透性砂体, 因此由断裂与砂体的相互配置所构成的输导体系在DF1- 1气田的成藏中起着重要的作用.根据DF1- 1的成藏特点, 强调断裂系统与天然气运聚的相互促进关系, 建立了断裂系统与天然气成藏关系模式.Abstract: Yinggehai basin has peculiar sedimentary, tectonic and evolution model and is abundant in hydrocarbon resources. As the main and typical structure in diapir area, DF1-1 diapir develops a lot of faults and cracks, virtually related with gas accumulation. The process of formation, opening and closing of the faults in the top of the diapirs basically display the progression of the fluid/gas migration. When overpressure reached such a critical value with oil/gas accumulating and pressure increasing, faults open as the pathway of oil/gas migration. It will be more favorable if the fault cut the sandstone bodies or fractures in the overpressure area, which might result in oil/gas accumulating into these sandstone bodies (reservoirs). Therefore, faults are the fluid released pathway and sandstone bodies and fractures as reservoirs of oil/gas in DF1-1 diapir. The spatio temporal match of vertical source rocks, reservoir and seals, combined with fault system provided by diapirism, result in the formation of large DF1-1 gas field. The models about fault system and gas accumulation have also been presented and discussed.
Key words:
- DF1-1 diapir /
- fault system /
- gas accumulation /
- gas migration
表 1 DF1-1底辟构造气水界面对比
Table 1. Contrast of gas-water interfaces in the DFl-1 diapir
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