Research on Outcrop Sequence Stratigraphy of Permian in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Region
摘要: 按新近国际年代地层划分方案(ICS, 2000), 下扬子区二叠纪地层自下向上分为3统、9阶和相对应的华南传统6阶划分.二叠系从阿瑟尔阶至长兴阶(44 Ma)共划分出14个三级层序, 每个三级层序平均时限约为3.14 Ma, 其中“紫松阶”(相当阿瑟尔+2/3萨克马尔阶)1个(船山组中上部)、“隆林阶”(相当1/3萨克马尔阶+阿丁斯克阶)2个(分别对应船山组上部和梁山组或镇江组)、“栖霞阶”(相当库班甘德阶+1/3罗德阶)3个(栖霞组)、“茅口阶”(相当于2/3罗德阶+沃德阶+卡皮丹阶)4个(孤峰组、茅口组、堰桥组、银屏组和武穴组)、吴家坪阶2个(龙潭组或吴家坪组)、长兴阶2个(长兴组或大隆组); 共归并为4个层序组(sequence set).Abstract: According to the latest International Chronostratigraphic Scheme (ICS, 2000), the Permian in the middle-lower Yangtze region of South China traditionally can be divided into three series and nine stages or relevant to six stages. From Assellian to Changxingian of Permian, 44 Ma in age range, the strata are composed of 14 third-order sequences, 3.14 Ma in average age range of each third-sequence. There is one third-order sequence in Zisongian, equivalent to middle and upper Chuanshan Formation or equal to Assellian and two thirds of Sakmarian. There are two third-order sequences, corresponding to Liangshan Formation or Zhenjiang Formation. And upper Chuanshan Formation, which are assigned to Longlingian, coinciding with Artinskian and one third of Sakmarian. In addition, three of them, equal to Qixia Formation, are attributed to Qixian, corresponding to Kubergandian and one third of Roadian. Five of them, comprising Kuhfeng Formation, Maokou Formation, Yanqiao Formation, Yinping Formation and Wuxue Formation, are assigned to Maokouan, equivalent to two thirds of Roadian, Wordian and Capitanian. Two of them, equal to Lungtan Formation or Wujiaping Formation, are included in Wujiapingian. Other two of them, corresponding to Changxing Formation or Talung Formation, are assigned to Changxingian. In brief, these above third-order sequences can be incorporated into 4 sequence sets.
Key words:
- system tract /
- third-order sequence /
- sea-level change /
- Permian /
- middle-lower Yangtze region
图 2 安徽巢湖平顶山二叠系层序地层柱状图
1.泥岩; 2.炭质泥岩; 3.钙质泥岩; 4.硅质泥岩; 5.泥质粉砂岩; 6.粉砂岩; 7.长石石英砂岩; 8.灰岩; 9.含燧石结核灰岩; 10.砾状灰岩; 11.泥质灰岩; 12.介壳灰岩; 13.鲕状灰岩; 14.珊瑚; 15.腹足动物; 16.双壳动物; 17.有孔虫; 18.腕足动物; 19. ; 20.苔藓动物; 21.牙形石; 22.放射虫; 23.钙藻; 24.古植物
Fig. 2. Column of sequence stratigraphy of Permian at Pingdingshan, Chaohu in Anhui Province
图 3 湖北大冶西畈李紫松阶—茅口阶层序地层柱状图
1.泥岩; 2.炭质泥岩; 3.炭质硅质页岩; 4.硅质岩; 5.泥质粉砂岩; 6.砾状灰岩; 7.含燧石结核砾状生物碎屑灰岩; 8.燧石条带砾状生物碎屑灰岩; 9.生物碎屑灰岩; 10.燧石条带骨针灰岩; 11.藻灰岩; 12.生物灰岩; 13.炭质生物碎屑灰岩; 14.硅质角砾灰岩; 15.炭质砾状灰岩; 16.珊瑚; 17.腹足动物; 18.双壳动物; 19.; 20.苔藓动物; 21.放射虫; 22.有孔虫; 23.海绵骨针; 24.海绵动物; 25.棘皮动物; 26.介形虫; 27.钙藻; 28.遗迹化石
Fig. 3. Column of sequence stratigraphy of Zisongian-Maokouan at Xifanli, Daye, Hubei Province
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