Design of MAPGIS Pipeline Management Development Platform
摘要: 石化企业中运输各类原料和产品的管道种类繁多、空间关系复杂、安全管理要求高, 因而需要应用GIS技术对石化管线实施信息化管理.于是研制了一个专门用于大型石化企业的管线管理系统.该系统在MAPGIS上开发, 运用层次化的数据模型, 包括图库管理、管网输入编辑、管网维护、WEB发布、辅助设计等多个子系统, 采用了三维空间数据分析、虚拟现实、基于ASP和组件的管线信息WEB发布、断面图自动实时生成等新技术.该系统已在上海石化安装运行, 并被证明稳定可靠.同时还介绍了系统的数据模型和总体结构、关键技术及应用前景.Abstract: Pipelines which transmit materials and products in petrochemical enterprises are classified into many categories and have complicated spatial relationships. They require highly safe management, so it is necessary to apply GIS technology to manage petrochemical pipeline information with computers. Hence, a pipeline management information system was specially designed for large scale petrochemical enterprises. Based on MAPGIS, this system adopts multi-layer data model and includes several sub systems such as map library management, pipeline inputting and editing, pipeline maintenance, WEB issuing, design aiding, etc. It also adopts some new technologies, such as analysis based on 3D spatial data, virtual reality, pipeline information WEB issuing via ASP and COM, automatically creating real-time profile, etc. Used in Shanghai petrochemical company, this system proves to be steady and reliable. This paper introduces data model of the system, its architecture, its implementation technique and application perspective.
Key words:
- geographic information system (GIS) /
- petrochemistry /
- pipeline management
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