Basic Conception, Function and Implementation of Temporal GIS
摘要: 数据在具有空间性的同时亦具有时间性, 时态地理信息系统是具备处理数据时间性功能的地理信息系统.简要介绍了时态GIS中的时间、时间粒度、时间戳、应答时间等基本概念及其分析、更新、显示等功能, 以及时空数据表示、不确定性、多标度等时态GIS的相关问题. 重点讨论了时态GIS的2个基本数据模型: 关系模型和面向对象模型.关系模型具有语义丰富、理论完善、高效灵活等特点, 从而使人们开始尝试在关系模型中加入时间维, 并利用关系代数和查询语言来处理时态数据, 关系模型包括归档保存、时间片、记录级时间戳等实现方法.面向对象模型提供了聚合、关联等机制, 易于支持时态GIS中的各种时空数据, 面向对象模型包括OSAM/T模型和Inith OO模型等.Abstract: Data possess spatiality and temporality, and a temporalGIS is a GIS thathas the functionof processing temporal data. This paper briefly introduces the basic conception and function of temporal GIS, the former including time, time mark, response time, etc., and the latter, analysis, updating, showing, et al. It also discusses the associated problems in temporal-spatial data representation, indefinablity and multi-scale.Meanwhile itexpounds emphatically the two basic data models, i.e. relation model and object oriented model, relation model has characteristic of rich meaning, integrated theory, high efficiency and soon.Adding time-dimension to relationmodel is attempted, and temporal data are treated with relation algebra and query language. Relation model includes three or more implement methods: classifying save, time segment and time mark. Object-oriented model provides many mechanisms, such as aggregation and relevancy. Many kinds of temporal space data are sustained in temporal GIS. OSAM/Tmodel and Inith OO model are included in Object-oriented model.
Key words:
- geographic information system(GIS) /
- temporal GIS /
- space /
- object
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