Analogy Method with Stable Side Shape to Predict Reservoir Side Rebuilding of Rock Shore
摘要: 水库库岸再造是水利水电工程中经常遇到的工程地质问题之一.依据库岸地质结构和岩性组合, 划分出工程地质条件相近的库岸段, 与工程地质条件相类似的稳态坡形进行类比, 确定出再造后的稳态坡形的坡角大小, 从而进行库岸再造预测.利用稳态坡形类比法对三峡库区迁建新址的基岩库岸进行了再造预测, 定量预测出三峡水利枢纽工程建成蓄水后, 巫山县城新址基岩库岸最终再造带宽度在40166m之间, 预测结果可以用来指导新城的规划与建设.Abstract: Reservoir side rebuilding is a major problem that often arises in hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering, but there are no effective methods to forecast quantitatively the reservoir side rebuilding of rock shore. This paper introduces the analogy method with stable slide shape that can be used to predict the final width of the shore rebuilding. The method has been applied in forecasting the reservoir side rebuilding of a new town in the reservoir area of Three Gorges Project, and has produced perfect results. Hence it can be used for the planning and building of the new town.
Key words:
- reservoir side rebuilding /
- stable side shape /
- analogy method /
- quantitative prediction
表 1 T2b2基岩区坡度统计
Table 1. Statistics of rock slope gradient in T2b2
表 2 库岸最终坡角建议值
Table 2. Proposed values of final slope angle of reservoir bank
表 3 基岩库岸再造预测结果
Table 3. Predictive results of reservoir rock bank rebuilding
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