Geological Hazard Division and Plan in Xianju County, Zhejiang Province, China
摘要: 结合地质灾害调查与区划项目中“以人为本”的思想, 在调查仙居县具体地理情况、地质环境的基础上, 分析了对地质灾害起控制作用的因素, 建立了敏感因子评估模型.由于地质灾害致灾因素的复杂性及不确定性, 引进了模糊数学综合评判法, 对地质灾害进行区划, 依据区划结果对仙居县土地规化提出了切实可行的建议.Abstract: In this paper, the model is established for evolution sensitive factors for controlling geological hazards: lithology, geological structure, slope degree of landform, human engineering activity, based on the specific geographic and geological environmental conditions in Xianju county. The comprehensive criteria of fuzzy mathematics is used for the geological hazards division. Finally, the development plan of geological environment is put forward according to the evaluation results.
表 1 地质灾害各级评价区主要特征
Table 1. Main characteristics of geological hazard divisions
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