Analysis of Modified Theis Model on Well Flow: Considering Bending of the Confining Stratum
摘要: 传统承压含水层井流理论都假定承压含水层顶面总应力不变, 其隐含的意义是忽略含水层顶板的刚度, 从而忽略了顶板弯曲对含水层释水的影响.指出考虑顶板弯曲时, 抽水井周围承压含水层顶部的总应力将减小, 从而产生比传统理论估计更大的地下水降深, 并结合弹性板理论对Theis井流模型作出了改进, 新模型的解析解证明Theis模型计算的地下水水头降深偏低.Abstract: Theis model is the basic classic theory of pumping groundwater flow in confined aquifers, which neglects the bending effects of confining stratum on the aquifer water releasing. A new model is introduced in this paper with the theory of elastic plates to modify Theis model. The analysis of the new model is proved that drawdown evaluated by Theis model is low, which also was shown in the pumping test.
Key words:
- groundwater /
- Theis model /
- bending.
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