Biodegradation of Residual Petrochemicals and Microbial Activities in Polluted Soil
摘要: 利用色谱-质谱联机(GC/MS)、柱层析分析方法、浊度法和微生物脱氢酶法, 确定土壤残油污染物的构成、油污土壤优势降解菌、残油降解过程中微生物活性及其动态变化.研究结果表明, 长期残留在淄河滩土层中的石油烃类主要由沥青质、胶质构成, 占总烃类的6 0 %~80 %.经过90d生物降解试验, 残油降解率仅为2 0 %.污染土层中的主要优势菌为球菌和杆菌, 菌群鉴定为黄假单胞菌(Xanthonmonas)、芽孢杆菌(Bacillus) 等.据微生物脱氢酶动态变化的初步研究结果, 微生物脱氢酶活性变化可作为衡量微生物活性变化的重要指标.Abstract: The components of the residual petrochemicals, variation of the microbe dehydrogenase activities and screening hydrocarbon degrading bacteria in the polluted soil of Zihe valley were measured by GC/MS, column chromatography, turbidity and microbe dehydrogenase methods. The experimental results indicate that petroleum carbons in the soil are composed of colloid and pitchy compounds accounting for 60%~80% of total petroleum carbons, which may limit the biodegradation of petrochemicals. It was proved that after 90 days the biodegradation rate of the petrochemicals was only 20%. The major types of the degrading bacteria in the polluted soil are cocci, or short and long bacilli based on the degradation experiments of naphthalene and liquid paraffin. Xanthomonas, Bacillus and a species thought to be Hyphomicrobium are identified to have high activity in the experiments. The pilot studies present that the microbe dehydrogenase can be used as index of the microbe activities for the biodegradation of petrochemicals.
Key words:
- residual petrochemicals /
- biodegradation /
- microbial dehydrogenase.
表 1 油污土壤石油烃Soxhlet抽提、柱层析分析结果
Table 1. Components of residual petroleum in polluted soil by Soxhlet extraction and column-chromatography
表 2 除油菌数量的动态变化
Table 2. Variations of degrading bacterium cells
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