Groundwater Exploitation: An Important CO_2 Source
摘要: 运用水文地球化学模拟软件计算了大庆市齐家水源地地下水的CO2分压及地下水被抽出至地表与大气CO2达成平衡后CO2自水中的逸出量, 结果表明, 地下水p(CO2)= 1.28× 104 Pa, 显著高出大气p(CO2); 当地下水到达地表环境后将有11.15 mmol/kg的CO2释放进入大气.进一步的讨论得知, 各种岩性含水层的地下水都可以含有较高的p(CO2).因而, 地下水的开采成为了一个不容忽视的CO2人为排放源.这应该引起有关学者的重视.Abstract: Partial CO2pressure(p(CO2))of groundwater from Qijia water supply base and mass transfers after the groundwater being pumped out to equilibrate with atmospheric CO2are calculated by hydrogeochemical modeling. The results show that the groundwater p(CO2)is pronounced higher than atmospheric p(CO2), and that 11.15 mmol/kg CO2will be emitted to the atmosphere when the groundwater reaches the surface. Further discussion has revealed that different lithologic aquifers usually contain higher groundwater p(CO2).Consequently, groundwater exploitation hasbecome a man-made CO2source and should arouse our attention.
Key words:
- hydrogeochemical modeling /
- groundwater exploitation /
- CO2 emission
表 1 齐家水源地泰康组含水层水化学特征
Table 1. Hydrochemical characteristics of Qijia groundwater
表 2 地下水抽出至地表与大气充分平衡后的化学成分
Table 2. Hydrochemical composition of the pumped water equilibrated with air 10-3mol/kg
表 3 地下水抽出至地表与大气平衡后产生的物质迁移量
Table 3. Mass transfers when groundwater being pumped out to equilibrate with air 10-3mol/kg
表 4 不同岩性地区地下水成分及地下水到达地表后CO2的逸出量
Table 4. Examples of groundwater compositions from different lithologic aquifers and amounts of CO2 degassing after the groundwater being pumped to surface
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