Development and Application of Low Temperature Electroplated Diamond Petroleum Bits
摘要: 该钻头用于坚硬地层取心.河南油田以往常用园柱聚晶、三角聚晶钻头以及烧结孕镶金刚石钻头, 取心效率低、钻速慢、成本高.近两年采用低温电镀孕镶金刚石钻头取心后, 平均单筒进尺由原来的4.2 0m/筒提高到7.6 2m/筒, 平均取心机械钻速由原来的0.2 1m/h提高到的0.84m/h.该钻头生产工艺完全改变原来高温(1000℃以上) 烧结为低温(室温) 电镀工艺, 极大地避免了金刚石热损伤, 采用高强度大颗粒的金刚石, 提高了取心机械钻速.Abstract: This bit is used for coring in hard rocks.Previously, the bits used for coring in Henan oilfield are column PDC or triangle PDC bits and conventionally heat impregmented diamond bits, which are low in coring efficiency and drilling speed and high in cost.While the average drilling speed has increased from 4.20 m to 7.62 m in one drilling and the average coring rotation has increased from 0.21 m per hour to 0.84 m per hour when the low temperature eltectroplated diamond bits have been used in recent two years. The manufacturing technique of this kind of diamond bits with the temperature changed from over 1 000 ℃ in the conventional one to the constant room temperature has greatly prevented the bits from heat damage and enhanced the coring rotation speed with the use of large grained diamonds with high strength.
Key words:
- low temperature /
- electroplate /
- diamond petroleum bits
表 1 电镀孕镶取心钻头及其他钻头使用统计
Table 1. Statistical comparison of electroplated diamond petroleum bits with other bits
表 2 安棚碱井取心主要技术经济指标表
Table 2. Technical and ecnomic indexes of bits in salt well of Anpeng