Chlorine-36 Age Study for Deep Groundwater of Quaternary Sediments, Hebei Plain
摘要: 为研究河北平原第四系深层地下水的年龄, 应用加速器质谱计对河北平原深层地下水样品的N(36Cl) /N(Cl) 进行了测定, 计算了其年龄, 并与地下水动力学年龄进行了对比研究.结果表明, 河北冲洪积平原山前地带保定市第四系第三和第四含水组的地下水年龄皆很小, 为近期补给的地下水.中部地带保定地区东部和沧州地区西部的第三含水组地下水年龄皆小于5万a, 第四含水组地下水的年龄可能大于10万a.边缘地带沧州市和青县第三含水组地下水年龄为8~ 9万a左右, 东光县为2 6万a左右; 沧州市第四含水组地下水年龄为33万a左右, 东光县为77万a左右.Abstract: For the study of the groundwater age in the deep formation of Quaternary sediments of Hebei plain, the N(36Cl)/N(Cl) ratio of groundwater samples were determined by tandem accelerator mass spectrometry. The chlorine 36 ages were compared with hydrodynamic ages. The groundwater of the third and fourth aquifers of Quaternary sediments in the Baoding district of Hebei plain was found young, that of the third aquifer in the east of Baoding district and the west of Cangzhou district being less than 50 thousand years and that of the fourth aquifer, perhaps more than 100 thousand years. While the groundwater age of the third aquifer in Cangzhou city and Qingxian county was 80-90 thousand years and that in Dongguang county was 260 thousand years, that of the fourth aquifer in Cangzhou city was 330 thousand years and that in Dongguang county was 770 thousand years.
Key words:
- chlorine 36 age /
- accelerator mass spectrometry /
- Hebei plain
表 1 36Cl制样记录
Table 1. Data of sample preparation
表 2 地下水样品的N (36Cl) /N (Cl) 比值及年龄计算结果
Table 2. N (36Cl) /N (Cl) ratio and age of several aquifers in groundwater
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