Analysis and Designing of GIS-Based Graph and Image Database System of Petroleum Exploration
摘要: 首先讨论目前我国石油勘探工程图形图像的标准化研究, 提出相应的图形图像分类、分层标准和编码规范; 然后基于信息流分析提出多层的C/S系统体系结构; 利用GIS技术对系统体系结构进行功能分配以实现系统的制图功能、浏览查询功能、图件输入输出等管理和操作功能、异构图形库的转换功能、图形分析应用功能和图形发布功能.最后讨论了系统研发中的两个难点, 一是石油勘探工程中图形图像的标准化研究程度; 二是对各油田前期投入开发的各种异构图形库系统的兼容和转换处理.Abstract: On the basis of analysis of graph and image's standardization in petroleum exploration, feasibility has been discussed to develop the normalized graph and image Database system of petroleum exploration (GIDBS) using GIS technology, and base designing of development of GIDBS is provided. First, an introduction is made of the normalization of graph and image(G&I)of petroleum exploration, and regulations are proposed for classifying, layering, and coding. Second, according to the analysis of data flow, multi-layer system architecture with C/S mode is put forward. Third, the main function of GIDBS, including map-making, browsing and inquiring, input/output, transforming and interoperability, analysis, distribution and so on, will be practiced using GIS technologies such as map-making, guide-space, and space analysis. Last, two key problems are inquired to concern the realization of GIDBS: one is the degree of normalization of G&I, which is seriously related to usability of GIDBS; another is interoperability between different graph databases with different running platforms.
Key words:
- GIS /
- graph and image /
- graph layering /
- system architecture /
- system function
图 1 系统数据流程
KT1.各油田、高校科研院所已开发的各种图形数据库; KT2.各油田勘探数据生产单位(以原始数据为主); DX.各高校科研院所及其他勘探数据生产单位(以二手数据为主); YC.数据预处理(包括图形、图像资料); ZH.异构数据库的转换; GI.图形图像; GIA.图形图像属性数据(编码数据); KTDATA.石油勘探非图形图像数据; KJDATA.地理特征数据(图形图像空间数据); GIDB.图形图像数据库; GIADB.图形图像属性编码数据库; EDB.勘探数据库; SDB.空间数据库; GL.图形管理; CZ. 图形操作; FY.图形分析应用; FB.图形发布; ZGBM.石油集团公司主管部门; YT.各油田
Fig. 1. Data flow chart of system
表 1 石油勘探图件分类表
Table 1. Classification of petroleum exploration graph and image
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