Key Evaluation Aspects for Economic Development of Continental Shale Oil
摘要: 我国陆相页岩油已经取得一系列重大勘探开发突破,但大规模开发的抗风险能力和可持续发展能力存在较大挑战.实现陆相页岩油规模效益开发,理念变革是关键,为此提出“全生命周期可接受经济指标条件下最大化采收率、最小化环境影响为根本目标”的效益开发理念.为了支撑上述开发理念,提出需系统性评价陆相页岩油的流动能力、改造能力和提高采收率能力并梳理出关键评价内容,对前人较少关注的页岩油原油性质空间非均质性、微观润湿性、大分子滞留、细观—宏观多尺度力学性质、主动应力干扰机理等关键评价问题进行剖析阐述.指出:页岩油流动能力是甜点评价和提高采收率的基础,地质时间尺度页岩油流—固耦合演化过程形成的累积效应具有控制性作用;页岩复杂组构多尺度力学性质及诱导应力场动态演化行为是改造能力的关键,可通过主动应力干扰提高“人工渗流体”的有效性;陆相页岩油在工作介质介入条件下的可流动能力是微观驱油效率的核心,在立体开发条件下构建和强化特殊的提高采收率机制;流体非均质性、微观润湿性、细观力学性质及人工渗流体基质有效渗透率是需要高度关注的基础性评价参数并强化其定量表征和理论建模.建议加强针对性实验装备研制和实验方法创新,强化陆相页岩油现场科学实验室规划与建设,发展数字化智能化仿真技术与评价方法,构建基于“数字孪生”多尺度映射与建模技术.Abstract: A series of exploration and development breakthroughs for continental shale oil have been achieved in recent years in China. However, there are great challenges to the risk resistance capability and sustainable ability of large-scale development. The reformation of cognition and mentality is critical to achieve large-scale economic development. A constructive view is proposed that the goal is to achieve reasonable economic returns with maximized recovery and minimized environmental impacts in the lifecycle of an asset project. Adhering to this idea, it is emphasized that the fluid transfer capability, reservoir stimulation potential and oil recovery enhancement potential of continental shale oil with associated key contents must be systematically evaluated. Some important factors are reviewed and discussed in depth such as fluid heterogeneities, micro wettability, macro molecular retention, meso-to-macro geomechanical characteristics, mechanism of proactive utilization of stress interference, and so on, which had been paid insufficient attentions previously. It is concluded that fluid transfer capability is the basis of sweet-spot evaluation and enhanced oil recovery. The cumulative effect formed by the coupling evolution process of shale oil in geologic time plays a key role at present. The multi-scale mechanical properties of shale with complex fabrics and the dynamic evolution behavior of induced stress field are key factors for reservoir stimulation potential. The effectiveness of an artificial reservoir can be significantly improved through proactive utilization of stress interference. The oil mobility in nano pores is the core of micro displacement efficiency. Unique recovery mechanisms with the artificial reservoir can be promoted and utilized through stereoscopic development. The fundamental evaluation properties can at least include fluid heterogeneity, micro wettability, mesoscopic geomechanics and the effective matrix permeability of stimulated reservoir volume. It is vital to have proper characterization and theoretical models for them. It is suggested that development of innovative lab equipment and approaches, establishment of on-site scientific laboratory for continental shale oil, research of digital and intelligent emulation technology and associated evaluation methods, and construction of multi-scale mapping and modeling technology based on "digital twins".
图 4 页岩垂向组构对水力裂缝扩展的影响
据Diaz et al.(2017,2018)修改
Fig. 4. The influence of vertical shale fabrics on hydraulically created fracture propagation
表 1 陆相页岩油效益开发实验室关键评价内容
Table 1. Key evaluation aspects for continental shale oil economic development in lab
页岩油流动能力 页岩油改造能力 页岩油提高采收率能力 1.页岩油性质空间非均质性及成因机制 1.岩石微观组构特征及细观力学性质表征 1.不同组构页岩相自发渗吸和原位渗吸能力 2.页岩油微观润湿性及动态赋存状态 2.岩石宏观组构特征及高分辨率地质力学参数表征 2.微‒纳孔隙体系非均质原油相态变化规律 3.页岩油吸附‒束缚‒滞留和动态自封闭机制 3.裂缝扩展及空间展布规律和控制机理 3.油藏流体‒工作介质‒岩石相互作用机理及提高采收率机制 4.不同组构页岩相含油饱和度及不同驱动能量下可动油饱和度 4.空间应力场干扰利用与控制机理 4.基质‒裂缝‒井筒多尺度多场耦合渗流‒流动机制 5.页岩油微运移及多相微流动机理 5.有效改造体积及动态泄油体积评价 5.长周期提高采收率机理与机制 表 2 陆相页岩油类型划分
Table 2. Type division of continental shale oil
页岩层系内非常规油 广义页岩油 狭义页岩油 致密油 岩石组构类型 纯页岩型 纹层型 混积型 夹层型 互层型 厚层型 源储配置 源储一体 源储分异 源储分异 聚集方式 原位滞留 原位滞留+微运移 微运移+原位滞留 超短距运移 超短距运移 短距运移 -
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