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    索孝东 张锐锋 石东阳 杨俊 杨战军 张宇飞 李燕丽 王泽丹

    索孝东, 张锐锋, 石东阳, 杨俊, 杨战军, 张宇飞, 李燕丽, 王泽丹, 2023. 综合物探技术在河套盆地深层油气勘探中的先导性应用:以临河坳陷为例. 地球科学, 48(2): 749-763. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.465
    引用本文: 索孝东, 张锐锋, 石东阳, 杨俊, 杨战军, 张宇飞, 李燕丽, 王泽丹, 2023. 综合物探技术在河套盆地深层油气勘探中的先导性应用:以临河坳陷为例. 地球科学, 48(2): 749-763. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.465
    Suo Xiaodong, Zhang Ruifeng, Shi Dongyang, Yang Jun, Yang Zhanjun, Zhang Yufei, Li Yanli, Wang Zedan, 2023. Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Technology in Deep Oil and Gas Exploration in Hetao Basin: Taking Linhe Depression as an Example. Earth Science, 48(2): 749-763. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.465
    Citation: Suo Xiaodong, Zhang Ruifeng, Shi Dongyang, Yang Jun, Yang Zhanjun, Zhang Yufei, Li Yanli, Wang Zedan, 2023. Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Technology in Deep Oil and Gas Exploration in Hetao Basin: Taking Linhe Depression as an Example. Earth Science, 48(2): 749-763. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.465


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.465

    中国石油集团公司课题:物探采集处理解释关键技术研究——复杂区深层及火成岩重磁电震一体化关键技术研究 2021DJ3706


      索孝东(1965-),男,高级工程师,博士,主要从事重磁电及化探资料处理与综合地质解释. ORCID:0000-0001-8625-5351. E-mail:suoxd@sina.com

    • 中图分类号: P618.4

    Application of Comprehensive Geophysical Prospecting Technology in Deep Oil and Gas Exploration in Hetao Basin: Taking Linhe Depression as an Example

    • 摘要: 河套盆地勘探程度低,有利勘探层系埋藏深,40余年未获突破,为实现河套盆地油气勘探快速突破,整体开展了高精度重磁和时频电磁勘探工作. 针对盆地主力生烃区不清、构造难以厘定的问题,应用基于有限井震资料松约束多界面反演、基底背景密度法正演剥层为核心的深层目标重力异常提取技术,对临河坳陷的地质结构重新进行了认识,快速圈定了主力生烃凹陷分布,指出坳陷北部巴彦淖尔凹陷的淖西深洼槽为最有利的生烃区,新发现黄河断陷槽及淖西深洼槽周缘分布的中央兴隆断垒式潜山披覆构造带、吉西凸起东翼鼻状潜山披覆构造带等近源油气有利勘探目标,引导了地震针对性快速高效部署和钻探. 针对成藏目标不清、突破井位难以落实的问题,提出并应用了基于井震模拟目标层靶向采集、电磁井震联合约束反演等提高深层勘探分辨率及油气储层预测精度的时频电磁勘探配套技术,快速锁定了JHZK2井、吉华2x及临华1x等有利目标靶区,为河套盆地油气勘探高效突破发挥了关键先导性作用,为类似复杂区特别是盆地深层油气勘探提供了成功范例与技术方法.


    • 图  1  河套盆地构造单元分布图

      Fig.  1.  Structural unit division map of Hetao Basin

      图  2  临河坳陷北部三维重力多界面反演技术流程图

      Fig.  2.  Flow chart of 3D gravity multi⁃interface inversion technique in northern Linhe Depression

      图  3  临河坳陷北部重力多界面反演拟合残差等值线分布图

      Fig.  3.  The Distribution map of residual contours fitted by gravity multi⁃interface inversion in the northern Linhe Depression

      图  4  不同剥层方法重力异常与深层目标层相关关系模型论证


      Fig.  4.  Model demonstration diagram of the relationship between gravity anomaly and deep target layer of different peeling methods

      图  5  临河坳陷北部白垩系剥层剩余重力异常(a)与厚度分布图(b)

      Fig.  5.  The stripping residual gravity anomaly (a) and thickness distribution (b) of the Cretaceous in the northern Linhe Depression

      图  6  时频电磁深部目标层靶向加密采集效果

      Fig.  6.  Effect of time⁃frequency electromagnetic targeted encryption acquisition of deep target layer

      图  7  时频电磁OCCAM自由反演(a)与井震联合约束反演(b)效果对比


      Fig.  7.  Comparison of the effects of time⁃frequency electromagnetic OCCAM free inversion (top) and well⁃seismic joint constrained inversion (bottom)

      图  8  临河坳陷地质结构图

      Fig.  8.  Structural unit division map of Linhe Depression

      图  9  河坳陷北部局部重力异常及潜山构造带分布

      Fig.  9.  Local gravity anomalies and buried hill structural belt distribution in the northern Linhe Depression

      图  10  西凸起及周缘重力-时频电磁油气综合预测图


      Fig.  10.  The ravity⁃time frequency electromagnetic comprehensive prediction map of oil and gas in Jixi high and its periphery

      图  11  隆构造带临华1X-兴华1井时频电磁综合油气预测图


      Fig.  11.  Time⁃frequency electromagnetic comprehensive oil and gas prediction map of well Linhua 1X⁃Xinghua 1 in Xinglong structural belt

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