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    李斌 赵星星 邬光辉 韩剑发 张银涛 谢舟

    李斌, 赵星星, 邬光辉, 韩剑发, 张银涛, 谢舟, 2023. 塔河南奥陶系多相态油气藏成因及富集模式. 地球科学, 48(2): 657-672. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.445
    引用本文: 李斌, 赵星星, 邬光辉, 韩剑发, 张银涛, 谢舟, 2023. 塔河南奥陶系多相态油气藏成因及富集模式. 地球科学, 48(2): 657-672. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.445
    Li Bin, Zhao Xingxing, Wu Guanghui, Han Jianfa, Zhang Yingtao, Xie Zhou, 2023. Study on the Origin and Accumulation Model of Ordovician Multiphase Oil and Gas Reservoirs in South Tahe Area. Earth Science, 48(2): 657-672. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.445
    Citation: Li Bin, Zhao Xingxing, Wu Guanghui, Han Jianfa, Zhang Yingtao, Xie Zhou, 2023. Study on the Origin and Accumulation Model of Ordovician Multiphase Oil and Gas Reservoirs in South Tahe Area. Earth Science, 48(2): 657-672. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.445


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.445

    四川省科技厅区域创新合作项目“复杂油藏高效开发相关技术研究及推广应用” 21QYCX0048


      李斌(1977-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事石油天然气地质综合研究. ORCID:0000-0002-4967-0131. E-mail:libinxnsy@outlook.com

    • 中图分类号: P624.5

    Study on the Origin and Accumulation Model of Ordovician Multiphase Oil and Gas Reservoirs in South Tahe Area

    • 摘要: 针对塔里木盆地塔河南奥陶系多相态油气藏成因模式认识不清的问题,采用油藏地球化学、构造解析及地球物理等方法,查明奥陶系油藏流体具有“四低一高”特征,且干气与湿气并存,发育凝析气藏、挥发油气藏、轻质油藏3种相态,平面上呈现“东气西油”的分布格局. 奥陶系原油成熟度正常,未经历大规模裂解及TSR作用,但玉科地区遭受了较为强烈的蒸发分馏作用,晚期高熟油裂解气的充注改造是凝析气藏形成的重要原因. 塔河南主体区奥陶系轻质油藏具有“早期成藏、垂向运聚、侧向调整、分段富集”的特点,玉科地区奥陶系凝析气藏具有“多源供烃、早油晚气、垂向充注、侧向运聚”的特点. 综合认为:南部坳陷区域走滑断裂带内部可能仍具有巨大的石油资源.


    • 图  1  塔河南区域构造位置及井位分布图

      Fig.  1.  Structural location and well position distribution diagram in the southern region of Tahe

      图  2  塔河南地区奥陶系原油组分交会图

      Fig.  2.  Composition cross map of Ordovician crude oil in south Tahe area

      图  3  塔河南奥陶系天然气性质交会图

      Fig.  3.  Cross plot of Ordovician natural gas properties in south Tahe area

      图  4  塔河南奥陶系油气组分及相态分布图

      Fig.  4.  Composition and phase distribution map of Ordovician oil and gas in south Tahe area

      图  5  塔河南奥陶系原油饱和烃色谱分析图

      Fig.  5.  Saturated hydrocarbon chromatographic analysis of Ordovician crude oil in the south Tahe area

      图  6  塔河南地区奥陶系原油C22TT/C21TT与C24TT/C23TT(a)、C29ββ/(αα+ββ)与C2920S/(20S+20R)(b)、CPI与OEP(c)、C27重排甾烷/(重排甾烷+规则甾烷)与Ts/(Tm+Ts)(d)交会图

      Fig.  6.  Plot of the intersection between C22TT/C21TT and C24TT/C23TT(a), C29ββ/(αα+ββ) and C2920S/(20S+20R)(b), CPI and OEP(c), C27 rearranged steranes /(rearranged steranes + regular steranes) and Ts/(Tm+Ts)(d) of Ordovician crude oils in the south Tahe area

      图  7  塔河南地区奥陶系原油甲基菲参数拟合等效镜质体反射率分布图


      Fig.  7.  Equivalent vitrine reflectance distribution map fitted with methylphenanthrene parameters of Ordovician crude oil in the south Tahe area

      图  8  塔河南地区奥陶系原油3-MH+2, 4-DMP与2-MH+2, 3-DMP、DBT/P与DBTs/Ars交会图Fi.8 Intersection diagram of 3-MH+2,4-DMP and 2-MH+2,3-DMP,DBT/P and DBTs/Ars of Ordovician crude oil in the southern Tahe area

      塔中4数据来Song et al.(2017)

      图  9  塔河南地区原油nC7/MCH与Tol/nC7、天然气Ro-C1与原油Rc1-MPI1交会图


      Fig.  9.  Intersection diagram of crude oil nC7/MCH and Tol/nC7, natural gas Ro-C1 and crude oil Rc1-MPI1 in the south of Tahe

      图  10  塔河南地区奥陶系天然气甲烷碳同位素与乙丙烷碳同位素差值交会图

      Fig.  10.  The Cross plot of carbon isotope difference between methane and epropane of Ordovician natural gas in Tahenan area

      图  11  塔河南地区奥陶系原油成熟度参数、气油比与埋深交会图


      Fig.  11.  Plot of Ordovician oil maturity parameters, gas-oil ratio and burial depth intersection in the southern Tahe area

      图  12  塔河南地区奥陶系油气运移趋势图

      Fig.  12.  Hydrocarbon migration trend of Ordovician in Tahenan area

      图  13  玉科地区古生界丘滩体地震反射特征图Fi.13 Seismic reflection characteristics of Paleozoic mounds and shoals in Yuke area

      图  14  塔河南-塔北奥陶系油藏成藏演化模式图

      Fig.  14.  Reservoir formation and evolution model map of Ordovician reservoirs in south Tahe and north Tahe

      图  15  玉科地区奥陶系凝析气藏成藏演化模式

      Fig.  15.  Formation and evolution model of Ordovician condensate gas reservoir in Yuke area

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