Channel Morphological Evolution in Confluence Area of Hotan River in Tarim Basin
摘要: 河流汇流区因展宽深切作用,沉积的砂体规模较大,具有良好的油气储层潜力.我国中新生代的含油气盆地以内陆湖盆为主,其河流体系为主要储层类型.旱区面积占全球陆地面积的41%,河流体系广泛发育,蕴含丰富的资源.然而,当前河流汇流的研究主要集中在潮湿区,旱区河流汇流的平面形态演变及主控因素的研究鲜有报道.选取塔里木盆地和田河汇流区为研究对象,首先利用数字高程数据和高分辨率Google Earth影像来识别满岸河道边界;结合水文资料和时间序列遥感影像,分析了汇流区的河流平面形态演变.结果表明,和田河汇流属于固定型且近“Y”型汇流,支流呈现不同的河型,喀拉喀什河为曲流河,玉龙喀什河为曲流化辫状河,支流均存在着截弯取直现象;汇流后河流类型转化为辫状河,且满岸河道扩宽了505 m,扩宽幅度高达57.8%.在此基础上,选取全球10个典型的半干旱‒干旱区域以及13个潮湿区域的河流汇流实例,对比分析旱区与潮湿区的河流汇流上游支流和汇流河道满岸河宽变化差异.研究表明,少(或无)植被的旱区汇流后的汇流河道扩宽增幅均大于50%,远超过植被发育的潮湿区的汇流河道扩宽增幅(17%).此外,河道坡降显示上述旱区河道(缺少河岸植被)的坡降(2‰)比潮湿区的坡降(0.6‰)大一个数量级.因此,缺少沿河岸植被和地形坡降大是旱区河流汇流展宽幅度较大的主要原因.本研究不仅丰富了现有的河流汇流演变模式,而且为深入开展旱区河流汇流的沉积过程和构建精确的沉积模型提供了参考.Abstract: River confluence has a great potential of hydrocarbon reservoirs owing to wide and thick channel-fill deposits by widening and deepening effects. The Mesozoic and Cenozoic hydrocarbon-bearing basins in China are internally drainage basins dominated and fluvial deposits are widely regarded as important hydrocarbon. The (semi-) arid regions cover 41% of the global continental areas, and river systems are widely distributed with substantial ecological resources. However, current research on river confluence is mainly focused on humid regions, and research on the channel morphology of river confluence in drylands and their controls has been rarely reported. In this study, we select the confluence (Kalakashen River and Yulongkashen River) of the Hotan River in Tarim Basin as study area. Firstly, the combination of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and high-resolution Google Earth images were used to identify the bankfull boundaries of all river channels. Subsequently the evolution of river planform in the confluence area was analyzed using hydrological data and time-series remote sensing images. Results show that the confluence of Hotan River is a fixed and "Y" type confluence, and their junctions have different river types: Kalakashen River is meandering while Yulongkashen River is meandering-braided transitional. Cutoffs occurred along these junctions. The confluence is transformed into braided river, and its bankfull width increases by 58% (505 m wider) compared with that of junctions. Furthermore, we select 23 river confluences in typical semi-arid-arid regions (n= 10) and humid regions (n=13) around the world to investigate the changes in bankfull width from junctions to confluences. Results reveal that the increase (> 50%) in bankfull widths of river confluence in drylands with (non-) sparse vegetation greatly exceeded that (17%) of river confluence in humid areas with riparian vegetation. Slopes (2‰) of these selected dryland rivers (lack of riparian vegetation) are on average one category higher than those (0.6‰) in humid regions. Therefore, lack of riparian vegetation and high slope of river profiles are the main controls for significant widening in river confluences of dryland regions. Our results not only complement the models of river confluence, but also provide a basis for the further research of sedimentary processes and their sedimentary model in dryland river confluence.
Key words:
- Hotan River /
- channel confluence /
- river type evolution /
- bankfull width /
- sedimentology
图 1 汇流形态特征示意(据Dixon et al., 2018改)
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of river confluence (modified from Dixon et al.2018)
图 2 和田河流域及研究区位置示意图(据余其鹰等, 2021)
Fig. 2. Location of Hotan River in Tarim basin and study area (modified from Yu et al., 2021)
图 3 和田河流域的水文特征
据李志忠等(2004)修改. a.年内月平均径流量变化趋势;b.年径流量变化趋势;c.年内风沙活动变化规律
Fig. 3. Hydrological characteristics of the catchment area of Hotan River
图 8 研究区满岸河宽、河流曲率及汊道数指数的示意图
Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of river bankfull width and sinuosity and the index of branch number in the study area
图 9 汇流区的河道满岸河宽沿程变化趋势
横坐标起始点(0)位置为汇流点(见图 7),负值为距汇流点向上游的距离,正值为距汇流点向下游的距离.a.和田河;b.喀拉喀什河;c.玉龙喀什河
Fig. 9. Variations of river width along three rivers in the confluence area
图 12 和田河汇流区的高程变化趋势
YL.玉龙喀什河;KL.喀拉喀什河;HT.和田河;横坐标0点位置为汇流点(见图 7)
Fig. 12. The along-river elevation changes and their slopes in the confluence area of the Hotan River
图 14 基于时间尺度的汇流类型分类(据Dixon et al., 2018)
Fig. 14. Types of river confluence based on time scale (modified from Dixon et al., 2018)
表 1 和田河流域第四纪沉积物的粒度特征
Table 1. Particle-size characteristics of Quaternary sediments in the Hotan River catchment
样品 粒径(mm) 上游河床 中游河床 丘间地 流沙 亚沙土 中游河床 阶地粉沙 下游河床 风成细沙 极粗沙 2~1 2.63 - - - - - - - - 粗沙 1~0.5 8.90 - 0.33 0.83 - 0.23 - - - 中沙 0.5~0.25 33.90 2.17 25.04 7.26 - 27.67 - 0.43 0.23 细沙 0.25~0.125 27.03 54.73 54.73 14.36 0.16 57.77 - 13.63 20.63 极细沙 0.125~0.063 18.47 38.57 18.03 62.36 34.17 13.63 4.70 57.77 69.97 粉沙 0.063~0.002 9.07 4.33 1.87 15.17 65.67 0.70 95.75 28.16 9.17 粘土 < 0.002 - - - - - - 0.05 - - 均值 Mz/Φ 2.33 3.00 2.56 3.50 4.20 2.45 5.72 3.71 3.45 注:据靳鹤龄和董光荣(2001). 表 2 本研究使用的星载DEM数据集
Table 2. The spaceborne DEM datasets in the study
类型 数据编号 空间分辨率(m) 数据采
集时间垂直误差 SRTM N37_38E080_dem ~30 2000年 16 m(任务要求; Rodríguez et al., 2006); < 10 m(Farr et al., 2008); 3.6 m(Berry et al., 2007) GDEM v3 ASTGTM_N37_38E080_dem ~30 2000年 全球平均垂直RMSE和SD < 12 m(Tachikawa et al., 2011) MERIT N37_38E080_dem ~30 2000年 来自航天飞机雷达地形任务(SRTM)的原始遥测数据
58% < 2 m(Yamazaki et al., 2017)TDX-12m TDM1_DEM_04_N37_38E80 ~12 2011-02-17 < 2 m(缓坡 < 20%)
4 m(陡坡 > 20%陡坡 > 20%; Rizzoli et al., 2017)表 3 本研究使用的高、中等分辨率卫星图像数据
Table 3. High⁃ and medium⁃resolution satellite imagery in the study
类型 数据采集时间 空间分辨率
(m)Google Earth 2011/04/22 0.6 Landsat 5 1990/08/02, 1994/08/13, 2011/04/22 30 Landsat 7 1999/07/18, 2000/08/05, 2005/07/18, 2006/07/21, 2007/10/28, 2011/08/04 30 Landsat 8 2014/08/20, 2015/08/23, 2016/07/24, 2017/08/28, 2018/07/14, 2019/07/17 30 表 4 和田河汇流区的河宽统计参数
Table 4. Statistics of channel width in the Hotian River confluence area
河名 平均值
(m)最小值(m) 最大值
(m)平均偏差值 和田河 1 378.58 625.98 2 243.36 347.96 喀拉喀什河 708.59 283.11 1 641.09 226.88 玉龙喀什河 873.87 338.84 1 776.02 257.17 表 5 和田河汇流区的弯道曲率统计
Table 5. Statistics of bend curvature near the Hotan River confluence area
河名 弯道号 L(m) D(m) S 平均值 L总占比 位置 和田河 - 20 000 17 806 1.123 - - - 喀拉喀什河 - 27 000 20 955 1.288 - - - B1 3 019 1 609 1.876 1.518 51.4% KR剖面5 B2 2 395 1 239 1.933 KR剖面5与6之间 B3 3 613 2 285 1.581 KR剖面6 B4 2 517 1 815 1.387 KR剖面7 B5 1 817 1 526 1.191 KR剖面10 B6 2 680 2 353 1.139 KR剖面10之后 玉龙喀什河 - 27 400 16 893 1.622 - - - B1 5 169 3 097 1.669 1.825 67.4% YR剖面6 B2 3 815 2 014 1.894 YR剖面7 B3 5 162 2 581 2.000 YR剖面9 B4 4 333 2 493 1.738 YR剖面10 表 6 和田河汇流区的河流形态参数
Table 6. River morphology parameters in the confluence area of the Hotan River
河名 曲率 汊道数指数 和田河 1.120 3.2 喀拉喀什河 1.518 1.2 玉龙喀什河 1.825 3.0 表 7 旱区与潮湿区的汇流满岸河道宽度变化
Table 7. Variations of river bank width of river confluence in arid and humid regions
区域类型 河名 植被发育程度 支流1 支流2 汇流后河道 扩宽量(%) 位置 坡降(‰) 河宽(m) 坡降(‰) 河宽(m) 坡降(‰) 河宽(m) 国家 纬度(°) 经度(°) 旱区 和田河汇流 不发育,灰杨和胡杨 0.54 873.87 0.77 708.59 0.53 1 378.58 57.76 中国 38.081 80.558 Dijia-Little Zab 不发育,柽柳和牧豆树 0.60 214.00 1.59 125.00 1.00 335.00 56.54 伊拉克 35.240 43.426 AI Qasim汇流 无植被 1.20 1 374.00 1.20 1 313.00 1.60 2 099.00 52.77 沙特阿拉伯 25.639 42.509 Jalauddin-Ghoryan 无植被 4.40 344.00 3.80 261.00 4.00 575.00 67.15 阿富汗 31.974 64.605 Oued El Kebir汇流 无植被 9.40 99.60 4.80 73.30 5.60 154.00 54.62 阿尔利比亚 34.739 8.287 Misurata汇流 无植被 2.40 276.00 3.00 138.00 3.00 440.00 59.42 利比亚 31.020 14.785 Port Sudan汇流 无植被 1.40 660.00 1.40 315.00 1.40 1 022.00 54.85 苏丹 20.298 33.719 Niger汇流 不发育,莎叶草 0.00 347.00 0.20 231.00 0.00 525.00 51.30 马里 16.523 -3.126 White Nile-Blue Nile 不发育 0.00 388.00 0.20 224.00 0.20 596.00 53.61 苏丹 15.641 32.505 Okavango汇流 不发育,纸莎草和芦苇丛 3.20 117.00 1.40 97.80 1.60 181.00 54.70 纳米比亚 -18.028 20.792 潮湿区 Amite-Comite 发育 0.20 50.00 0.20 48.00 0.20 67.00 34.00 美国 30.465 -90.989 通江汇流 发育 3.60 192.00 3.60 146.00 3.60 254.00 32.29 中国 31.675 107.248 Orinoco-Meta 发育,地毯草 0.20 1 801.00 1.00 774.00 0.20 2 034.00 12.94 哥伦比亚 6.193 -67.456 Lena-Aldan 发育,泰加林 0.20 6 649.00 0.50 4 136.00 0.30 9 440.00 41.98 俄罗斯 63.443 129.484 Jamuna-Ganges 发育 0.80 4 335.00 0.80 3 228.00 0.00 4 136.00 -4.59 孟加拉国 23.790 89.784 Paraguay-Bermejo 发育,巴西木 0.00 839.00 2.20 120.00 0.00 933.00 11.20 阿根廷 -26.868 -58.376 Mississippi-Arkansas 发育,棉木树 1.00 1 031.00 3.20 624.00 0.60 1 206.00 16.97 美国 33.770 -91.109 Sardar-Ganghara 发育 2.00 238.00 1.00 226.00 0.60 253.00 6.30 印度 27.657 81.289 Meghna-Padma 发育 0.20 3 377.00 0.00 2 872.00 0.00 2 330.00 -31.00 孟加拉国 23.231 90.631 长江-洞庭湖 发育 0.20 1 204.00 0.20 890.00 0.00 1 413.00 17.36 中国 29.449 113.136 Solimões-Negro 发育 0.00 2 357.00 0.00 1 897.00 1.00 2 600.00 10.31 巴西 -3.128 -59.899 Congo-Kasai 发育,乔木 0.30 1 859.00 0.20 705.00 0.00 2 531.00 36.15 刚果 -3.186 16.188 Murray-Darling 发育 1.00 208.00 1.00 82.90 1.00 289.00 38.94 澳大利亚 -34.112 141.909 -
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