Progress and Development Trends of Fault Activities Dating Technologies in Basins
摘要: 断层的活动期次对盆地的形成与演化及油气运移成藏起着重要的控制作用,精确厘定断层活动期次及其年龄是盆地构造及油气成藏研究中的一项必不可少的工作,也一直是研究中的一个难点.针对这一问题,论文基于断层带内部结构的分析及前人研究成果,简要评述了常用的自生伊利石K-Ar/Ar-Ar定年法和石英电子自旋共振ESR(electron spin resonance)定年技术,重点综述了方解石激光原位U-Pb定年、石英流体包裹体40Ar/39Ar定年和低温热年代学技术应用于断层活动时间研究的基本原理、实验方法和典型实例,并探讨了存在的问题,分析了发展的趋势,指明了下一步研究的方向.认为这些技术对断层活动期次和油气勘探研究具有重要指导意义,未来将在盆地断裂研究中发挥重要作用,有着广阔的应用前景.
- 断层 /
- 方解石U-Pb定年 /
- 流体包裹体40Ar/39Ar定年 /
- 低温热年代学 /
- 赤铁矿(U-Th)/He定年 /
- 石油地质
Abstract: Fault activities play an important role in the formation and evolution of the basin and the petroleum migration and accumulation. Accurately determining the ages and active period of the fault is an indispensable work in the study of basin tectonics and petroleum accumulation, and has always been a difficult work in the geological study. In view of this problem, based on the analysis of the internal structure of the fault zone and previous research results, the commonly used authigenic illite K-Ar/Ar-Ar dating method and quartz ESR dating technology were briefly reviewed in this study. And this paper mainly focuses on discussing the basic principles, experimental methods and typical examples of laser in situ calcite U-Pb dating, quartz fluid inclusions 40Ar/39Ar dating and low-temperature thermochronology technology which applied to the study of fault activity time. The presently existing problems and development trends were analyzed, and the next research direction was pointed out. It is believed that laser in situ calcite U-Pb dating, quartz fluid inclusions 40Ar/39Ar dating and low-temperature thermochronology techniques have important guiding significance for the study of fault activities and petroleum exploration, and will play an important role in the study of basin faults in the future, with broad application prospects. -
图 2 法罗群岛断层方解石特征、元素分布及U-Pb定年结果
据Roberts and Walker(2016); a, b. 方解石样品特征;c, d. 方解石图像特征;e, f. 测年结果
Fig. 2. Characteristics, element distribution and U-Pb dating results of fault calcites in the Faroe Islands
图 5 半坑古油藏断裂带石英脉真空击碎40Ar/39Ar年龄谱与等时线
据刘昭茜等(2011);a. 40Ar/39Ar反等时线;b. 40Ar/39Ar年龄谱,空心点未参与等时线计算
Fig. 5. Vacuum crushing 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum and isochron of quartz vein in fault zone of the Bankeng Paleo-reservoir
图 6 断层作用的热效应示意图
据Malusà and Fitzgerald(2019)修改
Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of thermal effect on fault activities
图 7 扩散域直径(a=0.5 μm和a=0.05 μm)与赤铁矿90%的4He丢失条件关系图
Fig. 7. The relationship between the diameter of diffusion zone (a=0.5 μm and a=0.05 μm) and 4He loss conditions with 90% of hematite
图 8 美国德纳理断裂中赤铁矿(U-Th)/He定年揭示的断层活动与热液活动
Fig. 8. Fault and hydrothermal activities revealed by hematite (U-Th)/He dating in the Denali fault in the United States
表 1 断层活动不同定年方法特点小结表
Table 1. Characteristics summary of different dating methods for fault activities
定年方法 定年对象 定年意义 优点 适用范围/局限性 地质分析方法 断层断穿的地层、岩体、褶皱等相互关系 相对形成时代 简便易行,可以对其他定年方法确定的年龄进行约束 间接的、定性的研究方法,仅提供大致或相对的断层活动时间 生长指数法、古落差法、断层活动速率法等 基于断层错断的两盘地层和地层沉积时间及厚度 相对活动强度 简便易行,可以对其他定年方法确定的年龄进行约束 间接的、定性的研究方法,为相对的时间;地层沉积时间很难精确确定 伊利石K(Ar)⁃Ar 断层泥中的自生伊利石 断层活动绝对时间 直接定量研究方法,适用广泛,测定的为绝对年龄 难以排除碎屑的干扰,很难获得纯净的伊利石年龄,大多为混合年龄,年龄分布区间大 方解石原位U⁃Pb 断裂带中方解石脉、滑抹晶体、胶结的方解石 断层活动绝对时间 直接定量方法,精度较高、分辨率高 特别适用于碳酸盐岩地区的断层分析;封闭性、封闭温度、标样、多期流体活动或热改造的影响等争议较大 流体包裹体40Ar⁃39Ar 断裂带中石英脉、石英滑抹晶体、胶结的石英 断层活动绝对时间 定量研究方法,精度高、分辨率高 特别适用于碎屑岩或火山岩地区的断层分析;受多期流体作用的影响,油气样品需注意有机杂气的干扰 磷灰石、锆石裂变径迹和(U⁃Th)/He 断裂带中的矿物或者两盘地层 断层活动绝对时间 直接定量方法,可重建断层热历史 受断层活动热效应影响,采样要求比较高,控制影响因素较多 赤铁矿(U⁃Th)/He 断裂带中的赤铁矿矿物 断层变形绝对时间 定量研究方法,具有较好的应用前景 样品处理要求高,矿物内4He扩散行为和封闭温度等争议较大 -
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