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    蒋恕 张天宇 郭彤楼 何希鹏 高玉巧 薛冈 张培先 陈国辉

    蒋恕, 张天宇, 郭彤楼, 何希鹏, 高玉巧, 薛冈, 张培先, 陈国辉, 2023. 川东南下志留统与Appalachian泥盆系典型常压页岩气藏富集特征对比. 地球科学, 48(1): 77-91. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.356
    引用本文: 蒋恕, 张天宇, 郭彤楼, 何希鹏, 高玉巧, 薛冈, 张培先, 陈国辉, 2023. 川东南下志留统与Appalachian泥盆系典型常压页岩气藏富集特征对比. 地球科学, 48(1): 77-91. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.356
    Jiang Shu, Zhang Tianyu, Guo Tonglou, He Xipeng, Gao Yuqiao, Xue Gang, Zhang Peixian, Chen Guohui, 2023. Comparison of Enrichment Characteristics of Typical Normally-Pressured Shale Gas Reservoirs in Lower Silurian Shale in Southeastern Sichuan Basin and Devonian Shales in Appalachian Basin. Earth Science, 48(1): 77-91. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.356
    Citation: Jiang Shu, Zhang Tianyu, Guo Tonglou, He Xipeng, Gao Yuqiao, Xue Gang, Zhang Peixian, Chen Guohui, 2023. Comparison of Enrichment Characteristics of Typical Normally-Pressured Shale Gas Reservoirs in Lower Silurian Shale in Southeastern Sichuan Basin and Devonian Shales in Appalachian Basin. Earth Science, 48(1): 77-91. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.356


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.356

    国家自然科学基金重点项目 42130803

    中石化华东分公司项目 34600000-19-ZC0607-0004


      蒋恕(1976-),男,教授,博士,主要从事常规油气藏勘探开发和非常规油气地质工程一体化研究.ORCID:0000-0002-6272-7649. E-mail:jiangsu@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P624

    Comparison of Enrichment Characteristics of Typical Normally-Pressured Shale Gas Reservoirs in Lower Silurian Shale in Southeastern Sichuan Basin and Devonian Shales in Appalachian Basin

    • 摘要: 经各国持续攻关,超压页岩气在大多国家实现了商业化开发,但常压页岩气仅美国实现了商业化开发.为了摆脱我国高天然气对外依存度的现状,应尽快实现常压页岩气的商业化开发,亟需对其富集特征展开研究,期望对勘探开发方案的制定提供指导.从川东南下志留统与Appalachian泥盆系典型常压页岩气储层的构造沉积差异演化开始,分析了储层地球化学与页岩气赋存特征差异,明确中美常压页岩气藏富集的差异性.相较于Appalachian泥盆系Marcellus页岩、Ohio页岩的较简单构造改造、富含Ⅱ-Ⅲ型干酪根、高含气孔隙度以及气藏远出露区,川东南下志留统五峰‒龙马溪组页岩层虽富含高过熟Ⅰ型干酪根,但经历多期复杂构造运动,底板较破碎、地层倾角较大,页岩气易顺层运移至破碎底板处和露头区逸散,其含气性略低于Marcellus页岩.Ohio页岩虽含气性较低、富集程度不高,但由于其埋藏浅、温压低,更易降压解吸形成工业气流.


    • 图  1  Appalachian(a)和川东南(b)的构造演化对比


      Fig.  1.  Comparison of tectonic evolution between Appalachian Basin (a) and southeastern Sichuan Basin (b)

      图  2  Appalachian泥盆系和川东南下志留统沉积层序对比

      Fig.  2.  Comparison of sedimentary sequence between Devonian strata in Appalachian Basin and Low Silurian strata in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      图  3  Appalachian和川东南沉积模式差异

      Fig.  3.  Differences in depositional models between Appalachian Basin and southeastern Sichuan Basin

      图  4  Appalachian泥盆系页岩和川东南下志留统页岩TOC分布直方图(数据引自Ruppert et al.,2015

      Fig.  4.  Histograms of TOC distribution in Devonian shale in Appalachian Basin and Low Silurian shale in southeastern Sichuan Basin (data from Ruppert et al., 2015)

      图  5  Appalachian泥盆系页岩氢‒氧指数交汇图(数据引自Ruppert et al.,2015

      Fig.  5.  Diagram of the hydrogen-oxygen index of Devonian shale in Appalachian Basin (data from Ruppert et al., 2015)

      图  6  川东南五峰‒龙马溪组干酪根碳同位素剖面图

      Fig.  6.  Kerogen carbon isotope profile of Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      图  7  Appalachian泥盆系页岩和川东南下志留统页岩有机质成熟度(Ro)剖面图

      Marcellus和Ohio页岩数据引自Ruppert et al.2015

      Fig.  7.  Organic maturity (Ro) profiles of Devonian shale in Appalachian Basin and Low Silurian shale in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      图  8  Appalachian泥盆系页岩和川东南下志留统页岩储层温压

      Fig.  8.  Temperature and pressure of Devonian shale in Appalachian Basin and Lower Silurian shale in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      图  9  Appalachian泥盆系页岩和川东南下志留统页岩含气孔隙度

      Marcellus和Ohio页岩数据引自Yost et al.1982)、Nuttall et al.2005)和Song et al.2019

      Fig.  9.  Gas-bearing porosity of Devonian shale in Appalachian Basin and Lower Silurian shale in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      图  10  中美典型常压和超压页岩含气量和有机质关系

      美国部分页岩数据引自Hill and Nelson(2000

      Fig.  10.  Relationship between gas content and organic matter of typical normally-pressure and overpressured shales in China and the United States

      图  11  Appalachian泥盆系页岩和川东南下志留统页岩吸附能力对比

      Fig.  11.  Comparison of adsorption capacity between Devonian shale in Appalachian Basin and Lower Silurian shale in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      图  12  Appalachian泥盆系页岩和川东南下志留统页岩含气性对比

      Fig.  12.  Comparison of gas-bearing properties between Appalachian Devonian shale and Lower Silurian shale in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      图  13  Appalachian泥盆系页岩和川东南下志留统页岩5 MPa加压解吸模拟

      Fig.  13.  5 MPa pressure analytical simulation of Devonian shale in Appalachian Basin and Lower Silurian shale in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      图  14  川东南距露头距离与压力系数之间的关系

      Fig.  14.  The relationship between the distance from the outcrop and the pressure coefficient in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      图  15  地层倾角‒抬升幅度‒顺层渗流能力之间的关系(据姜振学等,2020

      Fig.  15.  Relationship between formation dip angle, uplift amplitude and bedding seepage capacity (from Jiang et al., 2020)

      图  16  页岩气逸散类型

      Fig.  16.  Model of shale gas leakage

      表  1  中美典型常压页岩气藏主要参数特征

      Table  1.   Main parameter characteristics of typical normal pressure shale gas reservoirs in China and the United States

      页岩气藏 盆地 时代 沉积
      岩相 TOC
      成熟度(%) 孔隙度
      五峰‒龙马溪 扬子地台 早志留 前陆
      硅质 2~8 1.7~3.2 2~5 0.7~1.2
      Barnett Fort Worth 密西
      硅质 4~6 1.0~2.1 4~6 1.0~1.1
      Marcellus Appalachian 中泥盆 前陆
      硅质‒黏土质 2~8 1.3~3.0 2~7 0.7~1.2
      Fayettovi1lo Arkoma 密西
      硅质 2~10 1.5~4.0 4~5 0.8~1.0
      Antrim Michigan 晚泥盆 克拉通 硅质 1 0.4~0.6 9 0.7~0.8
      Ohio Appalachian盆地Big Sandy产区 晚泥盆 前陆
      硅质 2~6 0.6~1.5 2~6 0.5~0.7
      注:据Hill and Nelson(2000)、蒋恕等(2017)和郭彤楼等(2020).
      下载: 导出CSV

      表  2  川东南五峰组底部破碎情况

      Table  2.   Fractured bottom interval of the Wufeng Formation in southeastern Sichuan Basin

      井名 JY10-10 JY194-3 LY1 PY1 SY1
      下载: 导出CSV

      表  3  Marcellus页岩和川东南LY1井为例的龙马溪页岩构造抬升与页岩气损失量

      Table  3.   Structural uplift and shale gas loss between Marcellus shale and Longmaxi shale exampled by LY1 Well

      Marcellus LY1
      抬升幅度(m) 1 524 3 700
      抬升时间(Ma) 230 95
      抬升速率(m/Ma) 6.63 38.95
      损失量(m3/t) 10.5 42.3
      下载: 导出CSV
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