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    彭光荣 庞雄奇 徐帜 骆佳瑞 于飒 李洪博 胡涛 汪成 刘阳

    彭光荣, 庞雄奇, 徐帜, 骆佳瑞, 于飒, 李洪博, 胡涛, 汪成, 刘阳, 2022. 珠江口盆地陆丰南地区古近系全油气系统特征与油气藏有序分布. 地球科学, 47(7): 2494-2508. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.253
    引用本文: 彭光荣, 庞雄奇, 徐帜, 骆佳瑞, 于飒, 李洪博, 胡涛, 汪成, 刘阳, 2022. 珠江口盆地陆丰南地区古近系全油气系统特征与油气藏有序分布. 地球科学, 47(7): 2494-2508. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.253
    Peng Guangrong, Pang Xiongqi, Xu Zhi, Luo Jiarui, Yu Sa, Li Hongbo, Hu Tao, Wang Cheng, Liu Yang, 2022. Characteristics of Paleogene Whole Petroleum System and Orderly Distribution of Oil and Gas Reservoirs in South Lufeng Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin. Earth Science, 47(7): 2494-2508. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.253
    Citation: Peng Guangrong, Pang Xiongqi, Xu Zhi, Luo Jiarui, Yu Sa, Li Hongbo, Hu Tao, Wang Cheng, Liu Yang, 2022. Characteristics of Paleogene Whole Petroleum System and Orderly Distribution of Oil and Gas Reservoirs in South Lufeng Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin. Earth Science, 47(7): 2494-2508. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.253


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.253

    中海油深圳分公司重大生产科研项目 SCKY⁃2020⁃SZ⁃21


      彭光荣(1978-),男,高级工程师,硕士,从事油气地质研究. ORCID:0000⁃0003⁃2014⁃4653. E⁃mail:penggr@cnooc.com.cn


      庞雄奇,E⁃mail: pangxq@cup.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P624

    Characteristics of Paleogene Whole Petroleum System and Orderly Distribution of Oil and Gas Reservoirs in South Lufeng Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin

    • 摘要: 珠江口盆地陆丰凹陷古近系发育多种类型的油气资源,尤其形成了具有多样特征的复合类和改造类油气藏,利用经典“含油气系统”理论难以解释油气藏成因机制和分布规律. 基于全油气系统新概念阐述了它们的形成分布. 结果表明,在古近系储层致密演化过程中,文昌组和恩平组两套烃源岩提供了早期排出烃、晚期排出烃、源内滞留烃三种原始烃量,源岩内部和周边砂岩储集层因成岩‒压实差异发育了油气自由动力场、局限动力场和束缚动力场,全油气系统内三类原始烃量和3个动力场的耦合作用造成自下而上呈现出“页岩油气‒致密油气‒常规油气”的有序分布.这种规律性认识对于研究区不同类型油气资源分布预测和勘探具有重要的指导意义.


    • 图  1  全油气系统概念模型


      Fig.  1.  Concept model of the whole petroleum system

      图  2  陆丰凹陷地理位置以及油气藏分布

      a.陆丰凹陷地理位置;b.浅层(4 km以上)已发现油气藏分布图;c.深层(4 km以下)已发现油气藏分布图

      Fig.  2.  The location and oil and gas distribution in the Lufeng Depression

      图  3  全油气系统的研究思路和技术路线

      Fig.  3.  Research idea and technology route of the whole petroleum system

      图  4  陆丰南文昌组、恩平组烃源岩地球化学特征

      a.烃源岩厚度(m)分布图,a1.上恩平,a2.上文昌,a3.下恩平,a4.下文昌; b.古近系烃源岩TOC(%)分布图,b1.上恩平,b2.上文昌,b3.下恩平,b4.下文昌;c.古近系烃源岩Ro(%)分布图,c1.上恩平,c2.上文昌,c3.下恩平,c4.下文昌

      Fig.  4.  Geochemical characteristics of source rocks of Wenchang and Enping formations in the South Lufeng Depression

      图  5  陆丰南文昌组和恩平组烃源岩排烃强度平面分布

      a. 古近系源岩层现今累积生烃强度分布图(单位:104 t/km2);b. 古近系源岩层现今滞留烃强度分布图(单位:104 t/km2);c. 古近系烃源岩早期动力场(8 Ma)排烃强度分布图(单位:104 t/km2);d. 古近系烃源岩现今累计排烃强度分布图(单位:104 t/km2

      Fig.  5.  Plan distribution of hydrocarbon expulsion intensity of source rocks of Wenchang and Enping formations in the South Lufeng Depression

      图  6  陆丰南古近系烃源岩三类原始烃量纵向分布


      Fig.  6.  Vertical distribution of three types of original hydrocarbons in Paleogene source rocks in the South Lufeng Depression

      图  7  陆丰凹陷古近系沉积相分布

      Fig.  7.  Distribution of Paleogene sedimentary facies in Lufeng Depression

      图  8  陆丰凹陷古近系储盖分布(据马奎友(2021)

      Fig.  8.  Paleogene reservoir cap assemblage in Lufeng Depression (from Ma(2021))

      图  9  研究区储层孔‒渗‒喉纵向分布特征与油气成藏动力边界判别

      Fig.  9.  Vertical distribution characteristics of reservoir pore-permeability-throat and discrimination of dynamic boundary of hydrocarbon accumulation in the study area

      图  10  全油气系统内不同动力场成藏特征剖析与判识标准(据汪旭东等(2018)修改)

      Fig.  10.  Reservoir forming characteristics analysis and identification standard of different dynamic fields in the whole petroleum system (modified from Wang et al., 2018)

      图  11  陆丰南古近系全油气系统动力场划分

      Fig.  11.  Dynamic field division of the whole petroleum system of Paleogene in the South Lufeng Depression

      图  12  陆丰南古近系全油气系统油气资源成藏模式


      Fig.  12.  Oil and gas accumulation model of the whole petroleum system of Paleogene in the South Lufeng Depression

      图  13  陆丰南古近系全油气系统油气资源有序分布模式(据汪旭东等(2018)修改)

      Fig.  13.  Orderly distribution model of oil and gas resources in the whole petroleum system of Paleogene in the South Lufeng Depression (modified from Wang et al., 2018)

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