Recent Progress and Perspective of Experimental Mineral Physics: 1. Phase Transition and Equation of State, Electrical Conductivity and Thermal Conductivity
摘要: 实验矿物物理是高温高压实验地球科学的重要分支学科之一,它主要是通过高温高压实验模拟地球内部的物理化学环境,并原位测定地球深部物质(矿物、岩石和熔/流体等)的相变和状态方程、电导率、热导率等物理参数,探讨地球内部的圈层结构、物质组成、地球动力学过程等地球物理性质相关的一系列重要科学问题. 综述了实验矿物物理的发展历史、近二十年的研究现状与趋势,并展望了该学科未来发展的方向、关键科学问题与面临的主要挑战.Abstract: Experimental mineral physics is one of the important branches of high‐temperature and high‐pressure experimental Earth science. The primary objectives of experimental mineral physics are to in situ determine phase transition and the state equation, conductivity, thermal conductivity and other physical properties for geomaterial (including minerals, rocks and melt/fluid) through high‐temperature and high‐pressure experiments to simulate the physical and chemical environment inside the Earth. By using these available physical properties, it is crucial for understanding many important scientific problems related to the layered structure, chemical composition and geodynamic process of the Earth. In this paper, the research history, recent progress and perspectives of experimental mineral physics in the past twenty years are reviewed, and the future direction, key scientific problems and main challenges of this discipline are also prospected.
图 2 (a)大腔体压机(large volume press,简称LVP)和(b)金刚石压腔(diamond anvil cell,简称DAC)能够达到的温压范围
Fig. 2. Pressure and temperature ranges for (a) large volume press (LVP) and (b) diamond anvil cell (DAC)
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