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    李耀华 徐兴友 张君峰 陈珊 白静 刘卫彬 王乾右

    李耀华, 徐兴友, 张君峰, 陈珊, 白静, 刘卫彬, 王乾右, 2022. 火山活动期断陷湖盆富有机质混积页岩形成条件:以松辽盆地南部梨树断陷沙河子组富有机质页岩为例. 地球科学, 47(5): 1728-1747. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.015
    引用本文: 李耀华, 徐兴友, 张君峰, 陈珊, 白静, 刘卫彬, 王乾右, 2022. 火山活动期断陷湖盆富有机质混积页岩形成条件:以松辽盆地南部梨树断陷沙河子组富有机质页岩为例. 地球科学, 47(5): 1728-1747. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.015
    Li Yaohua, Xu Xingyou, Zhang Junfeng, Chen Shan, Bai Jing, Liu Weibin, Wang Qianyou, 2022. Hybrid Sedimentary Conditions of Organic-Rich Shales in Faulted Lacustrine Basin during Volcanic Eruption Episode: A Case Study of Shahezi Formation (K1sh Fm.), Lishu Faulted Depression, South Songliao Basin. Earth Science, 47(5): 1728-1747. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.015
    Citation: Li Yaohua, Xu Xingyou, Zhang Junfeng, Chen Shan, Bai Jing, Liu Weibin, Wang Qianyou, 2022. Hybrid Sedimentary Conditions of Organic-Rich Shales in Faulted Lacustrine Basin during Volcanic Eruption Episode: A Case Study of Shahezi Formation (K1sh Fm.), Lishu Faulted Depression, South Songliao Basin. Earth Science, 47(5): 1728-1747. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.015


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.015

    中国地质调查局项目“松辽盆地南部页岩油战略调查” DD20190115


      李耀华(1987-),男,博士研究生,主要从事非常规油气资源评价和地质工程一体化领域. ORCID:0000-0003-4225-6736. E-mail:majing06@126.commajing06@126.com

    • 中图分类号: P624

    Hybrid Sedimentary Conditions of Organic-Rich Shales in Faulted Lacustrine Basin during Volcanic Eruption Episode: A Case Study of Shahezi Formation (K1sh Fm.), Lishu Faulted Depression, South Songliao Basin

    • 摘要: 中国地质调查局实施部署的JLYY-1井在松辽盆地南部沙河子组钻遇51 m的富有机质混积页岩.经过取心观察和室内综合分析发现,这套51 m厚的页岩具有以下特征:第一,混积(来自盆内和盆外的硅质、钙质无机矿物物源以及不同类型的有机物源混合沉积);第二,页岩中夹多套薄层凝灰岩或凝灰质泥/页岩;第三,页岩的纹层和页理极为发育,现场岩心浸水实验观察到大量气泡顺页理面涌出.基于JLYY-1井的元素测井资料,结合地球化学测试、扫描电镜成像、光学显微成像和Roqscan矿物成分成像测试结果,将其归纳为火山活动期断陷湖盆的富有机质混积页岩形成模式,并得出其形成条件如下:(1)多种有机物源的输入提高了页岩中有机质的丰度,也使Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型干酪根均有发育;(2)火山活动后期营养元素迁移造成藻类勃发;(3)干热气候条件下封闭咸水环境的碳酸盐岩化作用促进有机质生烃;(4)水体氧化分层形成了该段页岩的4类纹层:硅质、黏土质、钙质和黄铁矿纹层.


    • 图  1  梨树断陷区域构造位置和JLYY-1井地理位置

      Fig.  1.  Regional structure location of Lishu fault depression and geographical location of well JLYY-1

      图  2  3 130 m沙河子组页岩m/z-217色谱‒质谱等离子流图


      Fig.  2.  The m/z-217 chromatography-mass spectrometry plasma flow diagram of Shahezi Formation shale at 3 130 m

      图  3  3 117.2 m和3 124.8 m沙河子组页岩显微组分


      Fig.  3.  Shale macerals of Shahezi Formation at 3 117.2 m and 3 124.8 m (complete information)

      图  4  JLYY1井沙河子组页岩有机质电镜照片


      Fig.  4.  Electron microscope photos of shale organic matter in Shahezi Formation of well JLYY-1

      图  5  沙河子组混积页岩纹层裂缝有机质填充显微图像

      Fig.  5.  Microscopic images of organic matter filling in laminar fractures of mixed shale of Shahezi Formation

      图  6  成岩作用改造的条带状硅藻类物质显微图像

      Fig.  6.  Microscopic images of banded diatom material transformed by diagenesis

      图  7  JLYY-1井地化录井图:热解S1值、Tmax值、解吸气量(TGC)、生烃组分差异指数(HSCI)计算结果

      Fig.  7.  Geochemical logging of well JLYY-1: calculation results of pyrolysis S1 value, Tmax value, analytical gas volume and hydrocarbon generation index (HSCI)

      图  8  松辽盆地JLYY1井沙河子组泥页岩段柱状图


      Fig.  8.  Columnar diagram of Shahezi Formation shale section of well JLYY1 in Songliao basin

      图  9  火山灰沉积成岩后期的营养元素迁移模式

      Fig.  9.  Nutrient element migration model in the later diagenetic stage of volcanic ash deposition

      图  10  JLYY1井沙河子组凝灰岩夹层锆石颗粒


      Fig.  10.  Hand specimen and optical micrograph of 3 143 m tuff in Shahezi Formation of well JLYY-1

      图  11  凝灰岩夹层锆石颗粒及其临近页岩层的280U和232Th元素含量

      Fig.  11.  280U and 232Th element contents of zircon particles in tuff interlayer and its adjacent shale of well JLYY-1

      图  12  JLYY-1井混积页岩XRD全岩矿物组成

      全岩矿物组成测试数据是从JLYY-1井3 076~3 164 m均匀采样,采样间隔2~4 m

      Fig.  12.  XRD whole rock mineral compositions of mixed shale in well JLYY-1

      图  13  JLYY-1井混积页岩碳酸岩矿物的赋存形态

      Fig.  13.  Occurrence form of carbonatite minerals in mixed shale of well JLYY-1

      图  14  碳酸根诱导有机质去碳化+羟基化反应原理(Zhang et al., 2015

      Fig.  14.  Principle of decarbonization + hydroxylation of organic matter induced by carbonate

      图  15  沙河子组混积页岩碳酸盐岩矿物‒粘土矿物‒有机质的Ca和C元素交换

      Fig.  15.  Ca and C element exchange of carbonate mineral⁃clay mineral⁃organic matter in mixed shale of Shahezi Formation

      图  16  JLYY1井沙河子组泥页岩层古环境元素分析柱状图


      Fig.  16.  Histogram of paleoenvironmental element analysis of Shahezi Formation shale in well JLYY-1

      图  17  JLYY1井沙河子组泥页岩现场浸水实验和荧光显示照片

      Fig.  17.  Water immersion test and fluorescent display photos of shale in Shahezi Formation of well JLYY-1

      图  18  JLYY1井沙河子组混积页岩纹层Roqscan扫描图像


      Fig.  18.  Roqscan scanning images of mixed shale lamina of Shahezi Formation in well JLYY-1

      图  19  火山活动期富有机质混积页岩沉积模式

      Fig.  19.  Sedimentary model of organic⁃rich mixed shale during volcanic activity

      表  1  JLYY⁃1井生产天然气的碳同位素测试结果

      Table  1.   Carbon isotope test results of natural gas produced by well JLYY-1

      样品编号 δ13CPDB(‰)
      甲烷 乙烷 丙烷 异丁烷 正丁烷 异戊烷 正戊烷 二氧化碳
      1 ‒37.1 ‒28.2 ‒25.4 ‒25.9 ‒24.2 ‒25.2 ‒24.1 ‒28.8
      2 ‒37.0 ‒28.2 ‒25.4 ‒25.8 ‒23.9 ‒25.5 ‒24.0 ‒28.9
      3 ‒37.0 ‒28.3 ‒25.4 ‒25.7 ‒24.0 ‒25.9 ‒24.1 ‒29.0
      下载: 导出CSV
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