Hydrothermal Process and Duration of Carboniferous Altered Tuff Reservoir in Well Dixi 14 Area of Kelameili Gas Field (Junggar Basin), NW China
摘要: 为明确克拉美丽气田滴西地区石炭系蚀变熔结凝灰岩储层经历的流体作用及成岩孔隙演化过程,利用铸体薄片观察、扫描电镜、电子探针、阴极发光、荧光、微量/稀土元素分析及U-Pb同位素定年等方法技术开展综合研究.结果表明,火山碎屑物质的溶解及成岩转化为自生矿物的形成提供了物质基础;成岩过程中因埋藏、生烃、热液充注等活动而产生的成岩环境改变是控制区内孔隙形成及演化的重要因素:伴随着有机质的成熟,有机酸溶蚀形成大量晶屑铸模孔并在孔隙中沉淀出高岭石及石英;随着酸性流体向碱性转变,在溶蚀孔隙中沉淀出钠长石以及方解石,其充填作用使孔隙急剧减少;燕山中期(135±27 Ma)的构造热事件对储层形成及演化起到关键作用:高温、含硅热液流体的充注使基质中的伊利石转变为钾长石,同时二次溶解形成的Ca2+与流体携带的P5+、Ti4+、F-等离子结合形成含氟磷灰石、榍石充填孔隙,多余的SiO2则在孔隙中沉淀出石英.随着成岩环境再次向碱性、还原环境转变,含砷黄铁矿进一步在孔隙中形成,高岭石则进一步向绿泥石转化.温度升高引起的脱玻化、黏土矿物/沸石矿物转化、重结晶作用以及溶解作用在一定程度上增加了岩石中的次生储集空间,有利于油气的储集.Abstract: To decipher the fluid action and pore evolution in the Carboniferous altered tuff reservoir in Kelameili gas field (Junggar basin, Northwest China), the petrography and geochemistry were studied by core and thin section observation, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe, cathodoluminescence, fluorescence, rare elements and U-Pb isotope dating, etc.. The results show that the pore filling minerals of reservoir in the well Dixi 14 area mainly include kaolinite, albite, quartz, chlorite, pyrite, apatite, and the pore types are mainly residual pores of feldspar (K-feldspar and plagioclase) by dissolution-infilling and intergranular pores of various authigenic minerals. Firstly, the dissolution of pyroclastic materials and the transformation of diagenetic materials were fundamental for the formation of authigenic mineral. A large number of mold pores in crystal pyroclast were formed by acid fluid dissolution and kaolinite and quartz were precipitated from pores. More importantly, diagenetic environment changes caused by burial, hydrocarbon generation, hydrothermal charging and other activities are significant for pore formation and evolution. Albite and calcite were precipitated in dissolved pores by the fluid transformation from acid to alkaline, and resulted in the rapidly decrease of pores. During Middle Yanshanian (135±27 Ma), the thermal events were critical for the formation and evolution of the reservoir. (1) The illite of matrix was transformed into K-feldspar by the recharge of high temperature and rich-silicon hydrothermal fluid. (2) Simultaneously, fluoapatite and titanite were precipitated by combination of P, Ti, F ions with Ca2+ ion that derived by secondary dissolution, and filled the pores. Quartz was precipitated in the pore by the oversaturation of SiO2 fluid. Thereafter, arsenopyrite and chlorite were formed by the transformation of alkaline and redox condition in the process of burial diagenesis. Thus, devitrification caused by temperature elevation, mineral transformation from clay to zeolite, recrystallization and dissolution partly increased the secondary reservoir space, which is beneficial to the enrichment of hydrocarbon.
图 1 准噶尔盆地克拉美丽气田构造位置
Fig. 1. Structure location map of the Kelameili gas field in the Junggar basin
图 3 蚀变凝灰岩储层典型岩心及显微镜下特征
a.上部灰白‒绿色蚀变凝灰岩,下部紫红色安山质含角砾凝灰岩,DX1414井,3 630~3 643 m;b.微孔隙发育,局部见肉红色的未蚀变钾长石晶屑,DX1414井,3 631.8 m;c.长石晶屑普遍发生溶蚀‒充填现象,DX1414井,3 631.8 m;d.长石溶孔中充填石英、高岭石以及榍石,DX1414井,3 631.8 m;e.长石晶屑溶蚀残余孔发育,孔隙中充填自生钠长石、石英及榍石,DX1414井,3 631.8 m;f.长石晶屑溶孔中充填石英、钠长石、高岭石、绿泥石、黄铁矿及榍石,DX1414井,3 631.8 m;g.部分长石晶屑铸模孔被方解石充填,DX1414井,3 631.8 m;h.未蚀变的钾长石、钠长石晶屑,DX1414井,3 640 m;Qz.石英;Kln.高岭石;Or.钾长石;Ab.钠长石;Spn.榍石;Py.黄铁矿;Ap.磷灰石;Cal.方解石;P.孔隙
Fig. 3. Macro- and micro-photographs of the Carboniferous altered tuff reservoir in the study area
图 5 强蚀变岩扫描电镜、阴极发光及荧光特征
a.钠长石、石英、高岭石‒绿泥石充填钾长石次生溶孔,DX1414井,3 631.8 m,SEM;b.基质中钾长石发蓝白色光,磷灰石发黄色光,石英发蓝色光,钠长石不发光,榍石中部发灰蓝色光,边部发蓝灰色光,边缘有溶蚀现象,DX1414井,3 631.8 m,CL;c.钠长石、榍石、高岭石‒绿泥石充填钠长石次生溶孔,DX1414井,3 631.8 m,SEM;d.长石晶屑溶蚀孔中充填钠长石、石英不发荧光,榍石发弱荧光,烃类发亮黄绿色荧光,DX1414井,3 631.8 m,绿光.Qz.石英;Kln.高岭石;Or.钾长石;Ab.钠长石;Spn.榍石;Py.黄铁矿;Ap.磷灰石;Cal.方解石;P.孔隙
Fig. 5. SEM, CL and fluorescence of strong altered tuff in the study area
图 6 榍石电子探针背散射(BSE)图像及其稀土元素、年龄特征
a.榍石BSE照片;b. ΣREE-Th/U图(底图据吕沅峻等,2021);c.榍石稀土元素球粒陨石标准化图(球粒陨石元素标准化数据据Sun and McDonough, 1989);d.全岩稀土元素球粒陨石标准化图(球粒陨石元素标准化数据据Sun and McDonough, 1989);e.榍石LA-ICPMS U-Pb定年结果
Fig. 6. The electron probe backscattering (BSE) images, REE and U-Pb data of titanite
图 7 蚀变凝灰岩储层埋藏成岩及孔隙演化序列模式图
Fig. 7. Burial history, diagenesis and pore evolution of altered tuff reservoir in the study area
表 1 强蚀变‒弱蚀变岩主量元素(单位:%)组成
Table 1. The major element data of strong and weak altered tuffs in the study area (%)
样品编号 深度(m) 岩性 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O Na2O+K2O Cr2O3 TiO2 MnO P2O5 SrO BaO LOI Total DX32 3 631.8 强蚀变岩 77.4 9.4 0.89 0.85 0.16 0.5 6.47 6.97 < 0.01 0.33 0.06 0.1 < 0.01 0.27 1.24 97.7 DX33 3 637.2 中等
蚀变岩71.9 12.5 0.94 0.77 0.13 3.51 4.74 8.25 < 0.01 0.44 0.05 0.16 0.01 0.16 0.78 96.1 DX34 3 640 弱蚀变岩 69.8 13.45 3.86 0.82 0.44 5.55 1.57 7.12 < 0.01 0.47 0.11 0.13 0.01 0.04 1.26 97.5 表 2 蚀变凝灰岩中黄铁矿电子探针数据分析(%)及计算晶体化学式
Table 2. The EPMA data analysis (%) and calculated crystal formula of the pyrite in altered tuff
名称 样品编号 Fe S As Au Ag Ni Cu Se Pb Zn 总和 化学式 黄铁矿 DX32-Py-1 44.16 48.49 6.299 - 0.005 - 0.422 - - 0.000 99.38 Fe(S1.5125As0.0841)1.596 6 DX32-Py-2 44.35 47.52 6.912 0.059 - - - - - 0.045 98.89 Fe(S1.4822As0.0923)1.574 5 DX32-Py-3 45.07 50.68 4.596 - - - - - - 0.000 100.35 Fe(S1.5805As0.0613)1.642 1 DX32-Py-4 44.73 49.42 5.729 - - 0.027 - - - 0.032 99.93 Fe(S1.5415As0.0613)1.618 0 DX32-Py-5 44.32 49.02 5.799 - - 0.011 - - - 0.000 99.14 Fe(S1.5290As0.0774)1.606 4 注:“-”表示低于检测限. 表 3 蚀变凝灰岩中榍石电子探针数据分析(%)及计算晶体化学式
Table 3. The EPMA data analysis (%) and calculated crystal formula of the titanite in alterated tuff
样品 DX32-Ttn-1 DX32-Ttn-2 DX32-Ttn-3 SiO2 30.711 30.57 30.774 TiO2 32.212 29.465 28.693 Al2O3 6.351 7.954 8.388 FeO* 0.157 0.03 0.153 MnO - 0.017 0.017 MgO 0.033 0.024 0.023 CaO 26.858 27.487 27.602 Na2O 0.037 0.048 0.073 K2O 0.035 0.013 0.014 F 4.53 4.73 4.27 总和 100.92 100.34 100.01 晶体化学式(基于O=5计算) Si 1.023 1.025 2 1.030 2 Ti 0.806 8 0.743 0.722 3 Al 0.249 3 0.314 4 0.330 9 Fe 0.004 4 0.000 8 0.004 3 Mn - 0.000 5 0.000 5 Mg 0.001 6 0.001 2 0.001 1 Ca 0.958 5 0.987 6 0.99 Na 0.002 4 0.003 1 0.004 7 K 0.001 4 0.000 5 0.000 6 F 0.477 2 0.501 6 0.452 注:FeO*为全铁含量,“-”表示低于检测限. 表 4 榍石矿物及全岩Th、U元素及稀土元素(单位:μg/g)分析结果表
Table 4. The analysis results of Th, U and trace and rare earth elements (μg/g)
样品号 岩性 深度(m) La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Y ΣREE LREE HREE LREE/HREE LaN/YbN δEu δCe Th U Th/U DX32-01 榍石 3 631.8 226.8 1 308.2 258.7 1 388.0 364.3 76.3 275.8 37.5 181.4 29.7 70.8 9.7 61.0 6.4 655.9 4 294.6 3 622.3 672.3 5.4 2.67 0.74 1.32 52.23 20.73 2.52 DX32-02 榍石 3 631.8 235.9 1 257.5 220.9 1 088.2 249.3 53.1 184.8 25.3 119.4 19.7 45.7 6.4 41.4 4.4 427.5 3 552.0 3 105.0 447.1 6.9 4.08 0.76 1.35 39.52 12.27 3.22 DX32-03 榍石 3 631.8 162.9 906.4 176.9 924.0 256.9 49.7 206.9 30.8 156.6 28.1 70.0 9.6 60.4 7.4 619.1 3 046.6 2 476.8 569.9 4.3 1.93 0.66 1.31 24.10 11.38 2.12 DX32-04 榍石 3 631.8 183.1 1 116.3 211.8 1 075.4 253.0 54.1 192.3 24.8 119.5 20.5 47.5 6.4 41.5 4.3 456.6 3 350.4 2 893.7 456.7 6.3 3.16 0.75 1.39 21.85 12.11 1.80 DX32-05 榍石 3 631.8 305.3 1 587.9 256.1 1 174.7 219.8 52.8 153.2 18.4 92.1 15.8 36.9 5.0 32.5 3.6 345.1 3 954.1 3 596.6 357.5 10.1 6.75 0.88 1.39 11.75 14.73 0.80 DX32-06 榍石 3 631.8 198.8 1 237.7 269.7 1 521.3 512.5 207.0 535.8 88.4 564.8 120.4 311.3 41.7 258.3 30.8 3 300.3 5 898.4 3 947.0 1 951.4 2.0 0.55 1.21 1.31 5.42 5.93 0.91 DX32-07 榍石 3 631.8 254.5 1 359.5 238.0 1 162.9 255.8 55.6 186.1 24.3 116.5 19.4 42.8 6.0 39.6 3.9 395.5 3 764.8 3 326.2 438.6 7.6 4.60 0.78 1.35 37.29 19.73 1.89 DX32-08 榍石 3 631.8 110.9 691.0 156.1 922.8 331.3 130.2 372.9 68.9 460.0 101.2 264.4 36.4 225.3 27.0 2 720.1 3 898.4 2 342.4 1 556.0 1.5 0.35 1.13 1.29 7.06 6.63 1.06 DX32-09 榍石 3 631.8 152.0 836.5 155.3 817.5 223.1 58.7 203.2 29.8 169.1 34.0 87.0 11.9 72.5 9.2 804.6 2 859.7 2 243.1 616.5 3.6 1.50 0.84 1.33 4.54 10.21 0.44 DX32-10 榍石 3 631.8 148.3 815.5 151.5 787.5 234.6 55.8 209.4 34.3 198.5 38.6 100.1 14.3 90.7 10.4 847.4 2 889.5 2 193.2 696.3 3.1 1.17 0.77 1.33 3.92 8.70 0.45 DX32-11 榍石 3 631.8 134.3 746.8 150.9 809.1 233.2 49.0 198.4 29.0 154.5 28.5 70.3 9.8 63.2 7.8 644.3 2 684.8 2 123.3 561.5 3.8 1.52 0.70 1.29 22.37 8.14 2.75 DX32-13 榍石 3 631.8 378.1 2 360.4 438.2 2 224.4 624.3 150.0 502.2 82.8 476.4 87.1 205.2 28.4 171.3 16.3 1 782.9 7 745.1 6 175.3 1 569.8 3.9 1.58 0.82 1.42 9.20 44.09 0.21 DX32-14 榍石 3 631.8 342.4 2 019.0 358.7 1 800.1 455.9 113.5 366.2 52.2 276.7 49.8 118.6 16.0 99.3 10.3 1 089.0 6 078.7 5 089.5 989.2 5.1 2.47 0.85 1.41 33.94 36.54 0.93 DX32-15 榍石 3 631.8 352.6 2 231.0 410.6 2 098.5 522.8 161.7 443.3 66.9 377.1 72.2 172.5 23.9 145.2 16.0 1 676.4 7 094.0 5 777.1 1 317.0 4.4 1.74 1.03 1.44 30.13 37.82 0.80 DX32-16 榍石 3 631.8 266.4 1 836.1 365.7 1 874.9 485.8 112.9 388.4 53.8 275.7 49.8 115.2 15.7 97.7 10.6 1 141.6 5 948.7 4 941.8 1 007.0 4.9 1.96 0.79 1.44 38.17 32.42 1.18 DX32-17 榍石 3 631.8 203.6 1 101.5 197.0 987.6 226.7 49.0 162.6 21.7 102.3 17.4 40.2 5.7 35.7 3.9 377.8 3 154.7 2 765.4 389.3 7.1 4.09 0.78 1.35 26.13 10.58 2.47 DX32-18 榍石 3 631.8 181.1 1 146.0 244.5 1 332.0 395.7 164.2 395.4 65.5 410.8 87.7 226.3 30.6 188.3 22.4 2 414.1 4 890.5 3 463.5 1 427.1 2.4 0.69 1.27 1.34 11.95 10.48 1.14 DX32-19 榍石 3 631.8 346.8 1 788.7 267.8 1 175.2 202.7 52.8 146.8 17.4 83.0 14.4 34.3 4.7 30.9 3.6 324.0 4 168.9 3 833.9 335.0 11.4 8.06 0.94 1.44 12.77 15.59 0.82 DX32-20 榍石 3 631.8 324.7 1 807.4 295.2 1 375.2 269.3 61.8 192.7 23.3 111.0 18.9 42.7 5.8 36.8 3.8 398.0 4 568.7 4 133.7 435.0 9.5 6.33 0.83 1.43 21.78 20.79 1.05 DX32 蚀变岩 3 631.8 13.10 25.70 3.12 13.80 3.13 1.27 3.08 0.49 2.93 0.63 1.96 0.32 1.95 0.32 17.70 71.80 60.12 11.68 5.15 4.82 1.25 0.99 4.31 1.33 3.24 DX33 中等蚀变岩 3 637.2 12.90 35.00 4.45 19.30 4.17 1.22 4.25 0.69 4.04 0.86 2.62 0.43 2.55 0.42 25.70 92.90 77.04 15.86 4.86 3.63 0.89 1.13 4.87 1.67 2.92 DX34 弱蚀变岩 3 640 12.60 34.80 4.24 18.70 4.17 1.03 4.66 0.73 4.52 0.98 3.06 0.50 3.09 0.51 30.20 93.59 75.54 18.05 4.19 2.92 0.71 1.17 5.16 1.76 2.93 -
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