Retrospects and Prospects on Li Isotope Geochemistry during Petrogenesis and Mineralization of Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks
摘要: 锂(Li)同位素体系是示踪镁铁-超镁铁质岩成岩成矿过程(如结晶分异、地壳混染和熔/流体-矿物相互作用等)的全新工具.通过实例研究综述了原位Li同位素在镁铁-超镁铁质岩中应用的主要进展,主要包括:(1)美国Yellow Hill阿拉斯加型杂岩体Li同位素研究揭示弧岩浆早期堆晶过程可发生明显的Li同位素分馏;(2)土耳其和西藏蛇绿岩的Li同位素研究证明其在示踪蛇绿岩地幔序列岩石成因及豆荚状铬铁矿演化过程中的潜力;(3)Stillwater层状岩体超镁铁岩带Li同位素研究揭示流体对于大型层状岩体各矿物形成及铬铁岩中矿物元素交换的作用;(4)橄榄石Li含量与同位素分析在揭示岩浆铜镍矿床成矿过程的应用.Abstract: In-situ Li isotope geochemistry has been better utilized to trace many complex processes including fractional crystallization, crust contamination and melt/fluid-mineral reaction during the petrogenesis and mineralization of mafic-ultramafic rocks. This study summarizes the major progresses in Li isotope geochemistry during petrogenesis and mineralization of mafic-ultramafic intrusions based on case studies. Firstly, the Li isotope study of Yellow Hill Alaskan-type intrusion reveal Li isotope fractionation during magma differentiation. Secondly, the studies on ophiolites from Turkey and Tibet indicate that Li isotope systematics have potential to constrain genesis of ophiolitic mantle section and evolution of chromitites. Thirdly, the Li isotope study of the ultramafic zone of the Stillwater complex demonstrates that hydrous fluids constrained mineral composition and acted as a critical medium of chemical exchange between minerals in the chromitites. Finally, Li isotope fractionation behavior in the formation of magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits has been investigated.
图 1 浙江建德二辉橄榄岩中橄榄石的Li含量(a)和Li同位素(b)与Fo值之间的相关图解
灰色圆点代表交代作用较弱的地幔橄榄岩捕虏体(Seitz et al., 2003);批式熔融线引自Seitz et al.(2003)
Fig. 1. Variations in Li concentrations (a) and δ7Li values (b) of olivine with Fo contents in the Jiande lherzolites compared with slightly-metasomatized lherzolites
图 2 地球典型储库的Li同位素组成以及不同构造背景下地幔组成矿物(地幔橄榄岩捕虏体,蛇绿岩地幔序列中橄榄岩和铬铁岩,深海橄榄岩)的Li同位素组成
图据李献华等(2015);Tomascak et al.(2016);苏本勋(2017)修改
Fig. 2. Lithium isotopic composition of various terrestrial reservoirs and mantle minerals in the mantle xenoliths, ophiolitic mantle and abyssal peridotites
图 4 Yellow Hill岩体中纯橄岩和异剥橄榄岩的橄榄石Li含量和Li同位素组成
灰色圆形代表新疆中天山地块峡东岩体中的纯橄岩(Su et al., 2017).弧岩浆数据引自Chan et al.(2002)、Tomascak et al.(2002)、Magna et al.(2006)和Košler et al.(2009);MORB数据引自Chan et al.(1992, 2002);Elliott et al.(2006);Tomascak et al.(2016)
Fig. 4. Li vs. δ7Li in olivine from the dunites and wehrlites of the Yellow Hill complex
图 5 土耳其Pozantı-Karsantı、Kızıldaǧ和Bursa蛇绿岩中方辉橄榄岩、纯橄岩和铬铁岩及其壳-幔过渡带堆晶中橄榄石的Li同位素组成图解
图据Su et al.(2018).数据来源:Pozantı-Karsantı蛇绿岩(Su et al., 2018),Kızıldaǧ蛇绿岩(Chen et al., 2019),Bursa蛇绿岩(Chen et al., 2020),罗布莎蛇绿岩(Su et al., 2016;Zhang et al., 2019),Trinity蛇绿岩(Lundstrom et al., 2005),Gakkel Ridge橄榄岩(Gao et al., 2011).MORB、OIB、岛弧熔岩、榴辉岩和麻粒岩、蚀变大洋中脊玄武岩以及大洋沉积物等的Li同位素范围引自Tomascak et al.(2016).Li扩散或熔体渗滤的趋势线引自Lundstrom et al.(2005)
Fig. 5. Diagram of Li vs. δ7Li for olivine in the Pozantı-Karsantı, Kızıldaǧ and Bursa ophiolitic harzburgites, dunites, chromitites and cumulates
图 6 Stillwater层状岩体超基性岩层中橄榄石(a)、斜方辉石(b)、单斜辉石(c)和全岩(d)的Li同位素组成(据Su et al., 2020);Bushveld层状岩体引自Ireland and Penniston-Dorland(2015)
Fig. 6. Correlation diagrams of Li and δ7Li for olivine (a), orthopyroxene (b), clinopyroxene (c) and whole rock (d) from the ultramafic zone of the Stillwater complex (after Su et al., 2020), with comparison of data from the Bushveld complex (Ireland and Penniston-Dorland, 2015)
图 7 白石泉和天宇橄榄石Li含量和δ7Li相关性图
图据Tang et al.(2021).阿拉斯加型岩体据Su et al.(2017b);蛇绿岩和深海橄榄岩引自Lundstrom et al.(2005)、Gao et al.(2011)、Su et al.(2018)和Chen et al.(2019);地幔值引自Pogge von Strandmann et al.(2011)
Fig. 7. Correlation diagram of Li vs. δ7Li of olivine in the Baishiquan and Tianyu
图 8 橄榄石Li含量和Fo相关性图(a)和橄榄石Li含量与P含量相关性图(b)
据Mao et al.(2021,under review).阿拉斯加型岩体据Su et al.(2017);蛇绿岩引自Lundstrom et al.(2005)、Su et al.(2018)和Chen et al.(2019);地幔橄榄岩引自Chan et al.(2002)、Magna et al.(2006)、Tang et al.(2007)、Pogge von Strandmann et al.(2011)和Su et al.(2014)
Fig. 8. Correlation diagrams of Li vs. Fo (a) and P (b) in olivine for the magmatic Ni-Cu deposits
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