Index System for Potassium Prospecting in Marine Potash Deposits: A Case Study of Cambrian Deep Brine from Tianxingqiao Structure of Northeast Sichuan in China
长期工作成果显示我国现阶段常用的找钾指标Br×103/Cl值偏低. 创新性地应用“以古验古”的溶滤实验与地质统计法厘清了海相蒸发盐盆地找钾指标体系,充分考虑了不同地质年代海水成分的变化,也可克服“将今论古”应用于现代海水在等温等压条件下实验数据的不足. 通过对世界上典型钾盐矿床的石盐、含钾石盐及钾盐(含光卤石)进行溶滤实验,并结合前人海水及海相卤水的蒸发实验成果,总结了海相钾盐矿床溶滤卤水找钾指标体系:Br×103/Cl、K×103/Cl、K/Br重量比及nNa/nCl、nMg/nCl摩尔浓度比等. 以天星桥构造寒武系深部地下卤水为例,分析其Br×103/Cl、K×103/Cl、K/Br重量比及nNa/nCl、nMg/nCl等找钾指标与δD、δ18O特征,认为天星桥构造寒武系深部地下卤水的水化学特征与溶滤卤水一致,与沉积卤水有较大差异,其δD、δ18O投点均靠近大气降水线. 因此,综合分析认为该区卤水属于溶滤卤水,且有溶解含钾石盐甚至是溶解钾盐的可能性. 该成果对评价研究区地下卤水钾资源具有重要意义,也为在该区寻找寒武纪固体钾盐矿提供了新依据.
Abstract:Through summary of long-term work, it is found that the value of Br×103/Cl, which is commonly used, is low. In this paper, it innovatively clarifies the index system for potassium prospecting of marine evaporative basin by using the "ancient test" leaching experiment and geological statistics method. This method fully considers the changes of seawater composition in different geological years and can also overcome the insufficiency of data for applying modern seawater under isothermal and pressure conditions. Through the leaching experiment of rock salt, potassium-bearing salt and potassium salt (including carnallite) of the typical potash deposits in the world, and combining the previous evaporation experiment results of sea water and marine brine, the index system for potassium prospecting in mineral deposit: Br×103/Cl, K×103/Cl, K/Br, nNa/nCl, nMg/nCl, is summarized. This study aims to trace the origin of the brine which is Cambrian deep brine from Tianxingqiao structure of Northeast Sichuan Basin by analyzing its hydrochemical characteristics (weight ratios of Br×103/Cl, K×103/Cl and K/Br, and molar ratios of nNa/nCl and nMg/nCl). The results show that the hydrochemical characteristics and δD and δ18O values of the brine from Tianxingqiao are similar to those of the brine from dissolution and that of the salt precipitates, but have distinct difference from that of the primary brine. Therefore, it is believed the formation brine from Tianxingqiao is sourced from meteoric water and the brine salinity come from saliferous strata, which might come from the dissolution of halite beds or even the sylvinite beds. This finding is in contrast to the previous studies which held that the brine is primary brine. This study provides new and important information for searching potash deposits in this area.
图 3 海水浓缩时固相石盐溴氯系数与液相卤水溴氯系数(据Valyashko,1956)
Fig. 3. Br×103/Cl of the halite and brine for the seawater in different concentration stages (from Valyashko, 1956)
表 1 世界主要海相钾盐矿床石盐、含钾石盐与钾石盐(含光卤石)溶滤分析结果
Table 1. Chemical compositions of halite, sylvinite and sylvite in marine potassium deposit of the world
地点 样品号 岩性 矿化度(g/L) K+(g/L) Na+(g/L) Ca2+(g/L) Mg2+(g/L) Cl‒(g/L) SO42‒(g/L) Br‒(mg/L) Li+(mg/L) B2O3(mg/L) Br×103/Cl K×103/Cl K×103/盐 K/Br nNa/nCl nMg/nCl 中国 my6#‒12 石盐 48.5 0.14 18.6 0.07 < 0.01 29.7 0.16 22.9 < 0.1 6.92 0.77 4.71 2.89 6.11 0.97 ‒ my6#‒13 含钾石盐 59.8 0.61 22.9 0.01 < 0.01 36.2 < 0.03 37.3 < 0.1 5.47 0.59 16.85 10.21 28.50 0.98 ‒ my6#‒5 钾石盐
(含光卤石)44.3 6.50 10.2 0.05 1.41 27.4 0.04 21.4 < 0.1 4.32 3.60 237.20 146.70 65.92 0.57 0.076 加拿大 jnd‒2 含钾石盐 48.4 0.87 16.4 0.55 0.02 27.4 0.84 9.9 < 0.1 9.88 0.36 31.75 17.99 88.24 0.92 0.001 jnd‒1 含钾石盐 58.6 1.68 22.0 0.13 0.01 34.8 0.30 16.2 < 0.1 7.67 0.47 48.28 28.67 103.70 0.98 0.000 jnd‒3 钾石盐 57.7 9.20 13.5 0.18 0.02 31.0 0.40 31.2 < 0.1 9.59 1.01 296.77 159.50 294.87 0.67 0.001 老挝 lw‒67 石盐 62.4 0.05 23.2 0.08 0.02 35.9 0.18 25.1 < 0.1 11.0 0.70 1.39 0.80 1.99 1.00 0.001 lw‒71 钾盐
(含光卤石)46.8 3.68 11.8 0.05 1.86 28.0 0.05 128.0 < 0.1 8.87 4.57 131.43 78.64 28.75 0.65 0.098 lw‒79 钾盐
(含光卤石)49.7 7.91 9.7 0.03 2.03 28.8 < 0.03 162.0 < 0.1 14.7 5.63 274.65 159.12 48.83 0.52 0.104 德国 K7 石盐 65.5 0.08 23.0 0.02 0.01 36.1 0.03 21.8 < 0.1 5.22 0.60 2.08 1.15 3.44 0.98 0.000 K4 含钾石盐 63.2 1.05 21.4 0.23 0.29 34.2 1.63 28.6 < 0.1 4.93 0.84 30.70 16.62 36.71 0.97 0.013 K9 钾石盐 46.3 15.30 5.3 1.02 0.01 24.5 2.34 178.0 0.11 3.98 7.27 624.4 330.40 85.96 0.33 0.001 表 2 天星桥构造寒武系深部地下卤水化学组成
Table 2. Chemical compositions of Cambrian brine of Well Tian1 and Well Tian2
井名 序号 采样时间 矿化度(g/L) 采样层位或深度(m) pH 离子含量(mg/L) 重量比 摩尔浓度比 数据来源 K+ Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl- SO42- Br- B2O3 Br×103/Cl K×103/Cl K×103/盐 K/Br nNa/nCl nMg/nCl 天1井 1 1990‒11 281.22 ∈2 6.91 3 100 94 120 9 813 1 692 171 765 583 573.12 215.83 3.34 18.05 11.02 5.41 0.85 0.015 1972‒1993年生产分析数据 2 1993‒05 285.67 ∈2 / 3 550 97 700 8 310 1 360 171 200 2 320 465.00 486.56 2.72 20.74 12.43 7.63 0.88 0.012 3 1987‒05 134.22 ∈3 7.83 684 48 612 2 076 521 76 630 5 455 75.62 100.99 0.99 8.93 5.10 9.05 0.98 0.010 4 1972‒10 220.36 / / 2 599 72 112 5 865 1 082 136 659 1 310 334.67 / 2.45 19.01 11.79 7.76 0.81 0.012 5 1987‒08 134.50 / 7.39 669 48 659 2 086 531 76 726 5 415 75.58 92.38 0.99 8.72 4.97 8.85 0.98 0.010 6 1988‒05 142.31 / 7.32 707 51 626 2 183 493 81 481 5 462 81.91 92.82 1.01 8.67 4.96 8.62 0.98 0.009 7 1988‒12 119.26 ∈3 8.30 636 43 371 2 044 481 72 109 419 65.66 95.73 0.91 8.83 5.34 9.69 0.93 0.010 天2井 8 1972‒10 293.02 / / 4 151 96 002 9 434 1541 179 830 877 532.81 / 2.96 23.08 14.17 7.79 0.82 0.013 9 1993‒05 218.80 / / 2 000 78 830 3 860 640 129 700 3 150 211.00 327.05 1.63 15.42 9.14 9.48 0.94 0.007 10 1990‒10 234.29 ∈3 7.42 1 850 83 748 4 658 863 140 261 2 374 250.63 139.65 1.79 13.19 7.90 7.38 0.92 0.009 11 1989‒07 261.92 / 5.80 2 375 92 826 5 678 1 175 157 970 1 290 315.00 327.05 1.99 15.03 9.07 7.54 0.91 0.011 12 1988‒12 317.20 / 5.70 4 578 105 210 10 655 1 847 189 215 3 948 885.94 226.26 4.68 24.19 14.43 5.17 0.86 0.014 13 2012‒08 119.66 160 / 1 134 41 848 2 246 345 71 699 2 173 120.00 93.14 1.67 15.82 9.48 9.45 0.90 0.007 本文 14 2012‒08 177.05 200 / 1 678 61 487 3 141 570 106 629 3 268 120.00 159.12 1.13 15.73 9.47 13.98 0.89 0.008 15 2012‒08 184.88 260 / 1 734 66 931 3 574 608 108 468 3 309 88.00 170.76 0.81 15.99 9.38 19.71 0.95 0.008 16 2012‒08 167.11 360 / 1 549 58 846 3 615 557 99 276 3 029 80.00 159.12 0.81 15.61 9.27 19.37 0.91 0.008 注:“/”表示未分析该项;卤水矿化度随埋藏深度的加深逐渐增大. 本文采集样品为井中的混合水,只能代表采样时水在井中的位置. 表 3 川东北寒武系深部地下卤水盐泉氢氧同位素组成
Table 3. Isotopic analysis of subsurface brine and salt spring in Northeast Sichuan Basin
序号 采样时间 样品名称 出露方式 含卤层位 δD (H2O)
[‰ vs. SMOW]δ18O (H2O)
[‰ vs. SMOW]1 2012‒08 天2井 地下卤水 寒武系 ‒81.8 ‒11.7 2 2012‒08 天2井 地下卤水 寒武系 ‒92.9 ‒14.3 3 2012‒08 天2井 地下卤水 寒武系 ‒93.5 ‒12.0 4 2012‒08 天2井 地下卤水 寒武系 ‒97.3 ‒14.8 5 2012‒03 ZK4‒1 盐泉 寒武系 ‒84.9 ‒13.2 6 2012‒08 ZK4‒2 盐泉 寒武系 ‒87.4 ‒13.9 -
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