The Relationship between Fault Displacement and Damage Zone Width of the Paleozoic Strike-Slip Faults in Shunbei Area, Tarim Basin
摘要: 学者们对塔里木盆地顺北地区的下古生界走滑断裂带活动期次、发育时间、分段性和内部结构差异展开过一些研究,但尚未达成共识.厘清断距和断层宽度的分段差异.有助于对该地区走滑断裂展开更详细的研究.以200 m水平间距统计下古生界走滑断裂断距和断层宽度,采用线性拟合的方式落实断距与断层宽度之间的定量关系.结果表明:(1)顺北1号走滑断裂上覆志留系中的雁列正断层以T70界面为主要活动界面且以向上发育为主.顺北5号断裂T74界面的压脊活动在加里东中期Ⅰ幕开始并在加里东中期Ⅲ幕之前停止,对应上覆加里东晚期的地堑构造以T70为主要活动界面且主要向下发育.(2)以T74界面为基准,认为走滑断层断距(x)与断层宽度(y)呈良好的正相关关系.顺北1号断裂:y=42.206x+137.74,r2=0.7404;顺北5号断裂:y=0.072 6x2+15.85x+196.95,r2=0.774 9.相关系数受走滑断裂的分段性和晚期活动叠加影响.拉分活动容易产生更宽的破碎带.Abstract: The Lower Paleozoic No.1 and No.5 strike-slip faults in Shunbei area of Tarim Basin are hot spots for oil and gas exploration at present. It is of great significance to characterize the structure of strike-slip fault zone for exploration and development. The vertical fault spacing and fault width of the Lower Paleozoic were calculated with 200 m vertical interval, and the quantitative relationship between the vertical fault spacing and fault width was established. The results showed that: (1) T74 is the main interface and top-down development in middle Caledonian Ⅲ episode of SB1 strike-slip faults; The en-echelon normal faults are mainly developed in T70 with bottom to top development. T74 is the main interface pressure ridge segment development activities during the middle Caledonian Ⅲ episode in SB5 faults, bottom-up inheritance deformation to T63 interface; In the late Caledonian period, the whole pull-apart activity occurred, and from the T70 interface, the main fault surface was connected with the pressure ridge structure in the form of graben structure and inherited. (2)There is a positive correlation between the vertical fault distance (x) and the fault damage zone width (y) of the strike-slip faults in Shunbei area. Shunbei No.1 fault: y=42.206x+137.74, R2=0.740 4;Shunbei No.5 fault: y=0.072 6x2+15.85x+196.95, R2=0.774 9.
Key words:
- strike-slip fault /
- fault displacement /
- damage zone width /
- segmented differences /
- Shunbei area /
- Tarim Basin /
- tectonics
图 4 SB F5走滑断裂带典型花状构造剖面特征
剖面位置如图 3左所示
Fig. 4. The typical flower structure on seismic profiles of SB F5 strike⁃slip fault
图 5 SB F1断裂带典型花状构造剖面
剖面位置如图 2左所示
Fig. 5. The typical flower structure on seismic profiles of SB F1 fault
图 6 SB F1断裂带走滑断层落差沿走向变化
剖面号位置见图 2
Fig. 6. The vertical displacement of strike⁃slip fault of SB F1 from SW to NE
图 8 SB F5走滑断裂下古生界各界面上升断距
剖面号位置见图 3
Fig. 8. The vertical uplifting displacement of each boundaries of the Lower Paleozoic of SB F5 strike⁃slip fault
图 9 SB F5走滑断裂下古生界各界面下降断距
剖面号位置见图 3
Fig. 9. The vertical declining displacement of each boundaries of the Lower Paleozoic of SB F5 strike⁃slip fault
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