Analysis of Ore-Controlling Structure of Changjiang Uranium Ore Field, Northern Guangdong
控矿构造研究是长江铀矿田的薄弱环节,制约了成矿规律的深入探讨和进一步找矿方向. 通过对矿田内控矿构造的详细解析,厘定了控矿构造形式,构建了构造控矿模型,探讨了控矿构造的演化,指出了找矿方向. 铀矿田内的矿体和矿化带受北北西(近南北)向展布的小型断裂构造控制,具有走向延伸长、倾向延深大、产状比较稳定、局部弧形形态、呈带状成群出现等特点,显示含矿构造是形成于近东西向挤压条件的压性、压扭性断裂构造(密集节理带或劈理带). 铀矿田的控矿构造是北北西(近南北)向的较大规模断裂构造(主断裂)系统,这个主断裂与深部成矿流体连通,起到导矿-配(运)矿作用,浅部连接作为含矿构造的北北西(近南北)向的次级断裂和密集劈理带,后者构成了铀矿体的赋存空间,控制了铀矿体产出. 控矿构造经历了含矿构造形成期、基性岩脉侵位期、成矿期、成矿后小位移断错和隆升剥露共5个阶段的演化,最终形成目前的状态. 油洞断裂不是控矿构造,仅局部含矿,棉花坑断裂为成矿后断裂. 依据对控矿构造系统的认识,矿田内进一步的找矿方向是近南北(北北西)向铀矿化蚀变带沿走向延伸部位和倾向深部,同时现有地表或浅部矿带之间的空白区存在隐伏矿带的可能性也非常大.
Abstract:The study of ore-controlling structures is still weak in the Changjiang uranium ore field, which has restricted the understanding of metallogenic regularity and future prospecting direction. Through detailed analysis of ore-controlling structure in ore field, the authors determined the ore-controlling structure form, constructed a structural ore-controlling model, discussed the evolution of ore-controlling structure, and pointed out the prospecting direction in this study.It is found that uranium ore bodies and mineralization belts in the ore field are controlled by NNW-trending (near SN-trending) fault structure and are characterized by a long strike extension, a large dip depth, a stable occurrence with some arcuate shape and belted groups, which indicates that the ore-bearing structures are compressive or/and compresso-shear fault (closely spaced joint or/and cleavage belt) forming under an EW-trending compressive stress field. However, the ore controlling structure in the ore field is a larger scale NNW-trending (near SN-trending) fault structure system (or main fault), in which deep part links the ore-forming solution in depth and acts as passage-way for the ore fluid and shallow part links the ore-bearing NNW-trending (near SN-trending) fault structures. They not only act as the host space but also control the occurrence of ore-bodies. The ore-controlling structure went through five stages as forming stage of ore-bearing structure, emplacement stage of basic dike, metallogenic stage, forming stage of brittle fracture after mineralization and uplifted-exhumation stage, finally appearing the present state. The Youdong fault is not a high degree ore-controlling structure, it only acts as ore-bearing structure. The Mianhuakeng fault maybe occurred after mineralization. On the basis of the ore-controlling structure, the further prospecting for uranium deposits should be along the NNW-trending (near SN-trending) fault belt, concentrated in the strike extending area and deep dipping area. In the meantime, there is a good chance for concealed ore zone in the blank area between existing ore zone at surface and shallow part.
图 1 长江铀矿田大地构造与区域构造图
a. 大地构造图(据Hu et al.,2008). b. 长江铀矿田外围区域构造图(据黄国龙等,2012修编):1. 第四系;2. 寒武系浅变质碎屑岩;3. 燕山早期晚阶段花岗岩;4. 燕山早期早阶段花岗岩;5. 印支晚期花岗岩;6. 印支早期花岗岩;7. 海西期花岗闪长岩;8. 主干断裂/次级断裂;9. 铀矿带;10. 地质界线;11. 铀矿床
Fig. 1. Tectonic and regional geological map of Changjiang uranium ore field
图 2 粤北长江铀矿田地质图
据核工业北京地质研究院,2021. 1. 第四系;2. 燕山晚期细粒二云母花岗岩;3. 燕山晚期花岗斑岩;4. 燕山晚期闪斜煌斑岩;5. 燕山早期第三阶段细粒黑云母花岗岩;6. 燕山早期第一阶段不等粒黑云母花岗岩;7. 燕山早期第一阶段中粒黑云母花岗岩;8. 印支期第三阶段中粒小斑状二云母花岗岩;9. 印支期第二阶段中粒斑状黑云母二长花岗岩;10. 碱交代岩;11. 主要断层;12. 次级断层;13. 碱性岩脉;14. 地质界线;15. 岩性界线;16. 铀矿带编号;17. 大型铀矿床;18. 中/小型铀矿床
Fig. 2. Geological map of Changjiang uranium ore field, northern Guangdong
图 4 长江铀矿田10号铀矿带矿化剖面
1. 花岗岩;2. 石英脉;3. 节理裂隙;4. 硅化强度界线;5. 铀矿化强度界线;6. 中等硅化;7. 强硅化;8. 弱铀矿化(30 nC/kg·h≤伽玛值≤50 nC/kg·h);9. 中强铀矿化(50 nC/kg·h≤伽玛值≤100 nC/kg·h);10. 强铀矿化(伽玛值≥100 nC/kg·h);11. 伽玛异常值(nC/kg·h);12. 裂隙及石英脉产状
Fig. 4. Picture showing the No. 10 uranium mineralization zone of Changjiang uranium ore field, northern Guangdong
图 5 长江铀矿田9号铀矿带矿化剖面图
1. 花岗岩;2. 石英脉;3. 节理裂隙;4. 硅化;5. 铀矿化强度界线;6. 弱铀矿化(30 nC/kg·h≤伽玛值≤50 nC/kg·h);7. 中铀矿化(50 nC/kg·h≤伽玛值≤100 nC/kg·h);8. 中强铀矿化(100 nC/kg·h≤伽玛值≤200 nC/kg·h);9. 强铀矿化(伽玛值≥200 nC/kg·h);10. 伽玛异常值(nC/kg·h);11. 裂隙产状
Fig. 5. Pictures showing the No. 9 uranium mineralization zone of Changjiang uranium ore field, northern Guangdong
图 6 棉花坑铀矿床9号矿带9C穿脉剖面
据黄国龙等(2015)修改. 1. 中粒黑云母花岗岩;2. 弱蚀变(绢云母化、绿泥石化)花岗岩;3. 中等蚀变花岗岩;4. 强蚀变花岗岩型铀矿石;5. 蚀变岩铀矿石;6. 紫黑色萤石脉;7. 白色石英脉;8. 硅化/赤铁矿化;9. 绢云母化/绿泥石化;10. 高岭土化/萤石化
Fig. 6. Sketch showing the lateralization of No.9 uranium mineralization belt at 9C section in Mianhuakeng uranium deposit
图 7 长江铀矿田长排铀矿床9号矿带南段ZK8-2钻孔岩心铀矿化剖面
1. 中粒黑云母花岗岩;2. 弱蚀变(绿泥石化、绢云母化)花岗岩;3. 中等蚀变(硅化、赤铁矿化)花岗岩;4. 强硅化赤铁矿化花岗岩型铀矿石;5. 猪肝色微晶含赤铁矿硅化岩型铀矿石;6. 晚期白色石英脉;7. 硅化/赤铁矿化;8. 绢云母化/绿泥石化;9. 暗紫色萤石化
Fig. 7. Sketch showing the core mineralization of ZK8-2 drill hole in southern No.9 uranium belt of Changpai uranium deposit, Changjiang uranium ore field
图 9 粤北长江铀矿田控矿构造演化模式
1. 含矿断裂;2. 铀矿带;3. 中基性岩脉;4. 断层(不含矿);5. 压性断裂/扭性断裂;6. 张性断裂/张扭性断裂;7. 导矿、运(配)矿断裂;8. 主应力及其方向(σ1:最大主应力,σ2:中间主应力,σ3:最小主应力);9. 表层岩石(1~3 km,已经被剥蚀);10. 浅部岩石(2~6 km,矿体赋存岩石,与成矿深度相当);11. 中浅部岩石(4~8 km);12. 中部岩石(6~10 km)
Fig. 9. Evolution model of the ore-controlling structures of the Changjiang uranium ore field, northern Guangdong
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